(Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
Avete comprato il Libro di Samanta Di Persio???????? Lo state leggendo?? Se sì, avete sicuramente visto as the writer invites you to "look" inside the lives of these children, their families .... we would surely all of us, wanted his hands were dirty most of the ink of the text .... we had so many other things to add ... to say ..... But Ibn al-Haytham said "The role of readers is to make visible what the writer suggests allusions to and shadows."
You should enter our role in making visible what .... Samantha ... "suggests" And how can we do ?????? One idea I Coming .....
I thought we could make a disclosure of this book ... a bit different!! I do not think that this writer will be invited by Fazio ....( even if I hope) ... I do not think that will be invited to present it in some other drive (it's my impression .... . ... thorny is the issue at this time and then .....) then could we do something! Yes, we from the bottom!! Diffondiamolo !!!!! How ?????? Here is what I came to mind ..... leave a copy of this book in the city in which we find ourselves in a place where they can be taken and then released for free .... could be a way to circulate throughout Italy! Think ..... All I ask what you can do for me, so here we start to do something about it!
Voltaire said: " WILL CHANGE THE BOOK 'THE WORLD " begin .... begin to turn this book so that everyone can read .....
The project, once you are done read, write the first page the phrase:
"have not been forgotten!
Take, Read Me, then in rilasciami somewhere in Town!
Help me to give voice to these guys that do not have it anymore! "
THE BOOK THAT WAY I'll turn 'ALL OVER ITALY AND GET' a lot of people!
THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO to join this project!
I would also like to extend warm thanks to the journalist Giuliano Bugani who opened the book by Samanta Di Persio with an article dedicated to my beloved Niki called "Eternal Blood" very hard but so true!
Who is Matthias Schepp??
What a sick society that we live in solitude and indifference? Who was this man really? What a life he led for 46 years?? Who helped him in his sickness??
Curling step of letters sent to his wife ....
"Without joint custody can not do it! Are completely crazy, sick, exhausted and destroyed! Help! I can not go, do not take it anymore. " is a passage of one of the letters sent to Matthias Schepp wife Irina Transparencies: he wrote on Jan. 31, three days before killing himself ......
And then ....
'NOW OUT OF TIME' - "Instead of a reasonable dialogue - Schepp writes in the letter - I received in response to these lawyers shit. Everyone wanted to help me, only you no! My wife! You have not had time to talk even once, you come to Neuchatel era uno sforzo troppo grande per te, ed è stato per questo che sono andato fuori di testa! Ora non voglio più nessun aiuto, è troppo tardi. Ti ho sempre amata!!!!!!». La missiva sarebbe stata spedita lo stesso 31 gennaio. Potrebbe trattarsi della cartolina che quel giorno Schepp aveva inviato alla moglie da Marsiglia, prima di partire per la Corsica. «Tutto ciò che volevo era una famiglia! - si legge ancora -. Perdere te è stata già abbastanza dura, ma poi anche le bambine era troppo. Presumibilmente sono malato, ma non so di che cosa. Ciao per sempre! Non ne posso più! Mi dispiace enormemente, ma non c'è più nulla da fare».
analyze what can be done to the human being, why can not happen again .... in a society that is ready to point the finger .... help understand "maybe" to recognize the symptoms ... . to avoid ....
But why do not we have more 'time?? Why can not we reach out to those close to us suffer?? One person told me yesterday talking about "the brain to understand we all, who said he does not understand ?????"
But this is where the problem to understand ... veramente lo si deve fare con il cuore e non con il cervello!!!!!
La mia, badate bene, non vuole assolutamente essere una giustificazione a quello che potrebbe essere accaduto.... atto incomprensibile e allucinante se fosse vera l'ipotesi piu' brutta e il mio cuore è vicino ad Irina.. con tutta l'Anima!!!
Il mio vuole essere solo ed esclusivamente un modo per capire e far capire che l'assoluta assenza di una società umana e civile snataura l'uomo a tal punto che si oltrepassa il limite sottile fra ragionevolezza e follia!! E' la società che deve ritrovare l'UMANITA' SMARRITA!!!
retrace the sad story .... very painful from any angle you look at it .....
The French investigators are therefore convinced that Matthias Schepp had pre-ordered the kidnapping is that the flight: on your computer in Lausanne are the remains of the research on the shipping routes to Propriano, where among other things the man had spent the holidays in a sailing boat for two summers.
The father, according to surveys, having made the crossing from Marseille to Co
rsica with the children on January 31, è tornato da solo sul Continente, raggiungendo Tolone, nel sud della Francia, il primo gennaio. Un fatto corroborato da una testimonianza spuntata nel corso delle indagini, secondo cui l'uomo avrebbe comprato un solo biglietto, sulla strada del ritorno, mentre all'andata i biglietti erano tre.
La mamma delle piccole ha ricevuto per posta il denaro prelevato dal marito mentre si trovava a Marsiglia, una delle tappe del suo folle viaggio verso il sud Italia. Lo ha fatto sapere il fratello di Irina Lucidi, Valerio, che ha parlato di gesto molto inquientante. Il marito Matthias Shepp aveva ritirato da cinque differenti bancomat una somma complessiva di 7.500 euro, ma sul suo cadavere sono stati ritrovati appena 100 euro.
Cartoline Meanwhile his wife
comes the news that there are two postcards that Matthew wrote to his wife before he died. One of which was known, was always written from Marseilles on January 31 and the other was sent to the woman on February 2nd, the day before his suicide. The second postcard, sent from Marseilles, has the same content of the first: the man they say desperate and incapable of living without his wife, from whom he was separated. And in this second postcard man makes no mention of two daughters who were seen for the last time on January 30 near the home of their father in the suburb of Saint-Sulpice in Lausanne.
The police are looking for a recorder that he always carried Matthias Schepp and may contain a message left by the man that would clarify the fate of her daughters, even with inspections in existing letter boxes in the city of Foggia, even in those into disuse. The investigators, working to solve the case of the twins in Switzerland, Italy and France, suspects that a man has sent the unit to the wife, since he was found either at his home in Switzerland, nor in his car, Audi A6 3 February in front of the abandoned station of Cerignola. From traces left in your computer is also assumed that Schepp had long been premeditated his escape.
Al momento sta quindi agli inquirenti stabilire se Matthias Schepp sia «davvero arrivato in Francia insieme alle figlie e, in questo caso, se ha lasciato il traghetto con loro e che cosa ne ha fatto». Secondo il procuratore, l'invio di una busta alla ex moglie con il denaro «non indica necessariamente che l'uomo le abbia uccise, anche se a questo punto, dopo dieci giorni, la possibilità va presa in considerazione. È l'ipotesi più verosimile, ma non c'è nessuna certezza». Tra le varie possibilità vagliate c'è anche quella che il padre abbia continuato fino in Sardegna, senza scendere in Corsica, a Propriano. L'ipotesi più "Sad is that the father has launched the girls into the sea."
TRACK poisoning.
Among the hypotheses put forward by the Parquet de Marseille, in addition to a death by drowning (the father could have thrown the two girls from the ferry to Propriano Scandola in night navigation), the man may have killed the girls, perhaps because of poison, and closed the corpses in the trunk of the car then landed in Corsica. This further disturbing aspect was confirmed by investigators, emerged from the analysis of computer owned by Matthias Schepp. Has learned, in addition to sites on the shipping companies between Marseille Propriano, Corsica, the man would visited some web pages where you can find tips and materials for the poisoning. All this can only be a disturbing coincidence that the investigators, however, take into consideration. This is why the staff of the judicial police in Marseille and Ajaccio made some excavations in fields near the port of Propriano where research is conducted with the aid of dogs.
saw them walking in the small town of Propriano, 70 km from Ajaccio, where according to the reconstruction of the investigators has arrived, Matthias Schepp. Orneck According to Olga, a woman running resident in Propriano, the twins were with her father and a mysterious blond woman walking in Propriano Tuesday, February 1 to 9.30. "I am very sure that they were" Orneck said, "the two were eating a small croissant while the man and the blonde woman arguing." The Orneck, which gave the police a description of the two girls and very careful man, said the twins were serene, just like his father, and provided a description of the dresses of girls that would correspond to that used by mother of twins. The police took a report and the testimony sought the description of the blond woman whose presence was mentioned in another witness.
On the sites of suicide
Two days before she disappeared with the twin daughters Alessia and Livia, his father had sailed on websites that provide information on ferries to Corsica and pages consulted when it comes to suicide , poisons and firearms. February 10, said the uncle of the twins talking to reporters outside the house of the mother of the girls at Saint-Sulpice, in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland). "It's very disturbing," said Valerio Lucidi uncle and mother's brother was quoted today the Swiss news agency ATS. He also spoke of a "terrible premeditation." The data found on his office computer had been deleted. The uncle of the twins for six years said there is evidence that their father, Matthias Schepp took a ferry from Corsica, but that still is not clear whether the first party or February 2. As for the tensions in the couple, he indicated that his sister, Irina Transparencies, had received proposals for work in Italy and Belgium. The woman had refused to maintain a balance with her daughters.
patrol on costa .
canine units of the French Judicial Police have scoured February 9 an uncultivated area near the port of Propriano, Corsica, hoping to find traces of Alessia and Livia Shepp, the twins disappeared 31 January after allegedly boarding a ferry to Corsica from the port of Marseilles. The French police, on February 10, continued to conduct research in the port of Propriano, where, as learned, his father and two children were bound as shown by the three one-way tickets purchased in Corsica for a travel agency in the Gare Maritime. Many witnesses heard by the Judicial Police, and, among these, some of the motorcycle passenger ship Candoli.
the morning of Feb. 9, at about 8:30 am, two Swiss police vans arrived in front of the house of Matthias Schepp in Saint Sulpice. Was reported by News Mediaset, the television news agency group Mediaset. By means of three dogs were sent down to search for any traces at home, in the garden and garage. A few minutes later a policeman took a shovel from the garage and started digging in the garden.
Little girls having with his father in Cerignola
"I am absolutely certain: the father and the girls came to my bar, he had a beige jacket, girls had a blue jacket and the other seems to me Color Purple. " The owner of the cafe-bar flower ongoing Agricultural School on the outskirts of Cerignola, Ms. Oriana Scelsi, is convinced that he saw the twins for six years in Switzerland, Alessia and Livia. The signora ribadisce di non ricordare la data ma di essere convinta di aver visto Matthias Schepp insieme con le bambine. I filmati ripresi dalle tre telecamere di sorveglianza posizionate, due all'estero del bar e una all'interno del locale, sono stati acquisiti dalla polizia che li sta nuovamente visionando dopo che, da un primo esame, non era stata accertata la presenza delle bambine nel bar. «Io ho visto il padre con le due bambine, tutte e due bionde con capelli lunghi e con i codini. Il papà mi ha chiesto di poter accompagnare una delle due bambine al bagno e quest'ultima, ricordo molto bene, indossava un giubbotto di colore blu. Mi sembra fosse un bomber. Quando me lo ha chiesto la prima volta, io non ho compreso bene perché mi ha chiesto della 'toilette' con un accento straniero. Poi me lo ha ripetuto e ho capito che voleva che la sua bambina andasse in bagno».
La donna aggiunge che «nello stesso momento, parlando, il padre mi ha fatto capire che avevano fretta perché altrimenti avrebbero perso il treno. Le bambine non hanno parlato per niente, il padre parlava in italiano ma con un accento forestiero. Mentre stavano uscendo, tutti e tre, ricordo che io ho chiesto alle bambine se volessero un bicchiere d'acqua. Mentre andavano via il padre ha chiamato una delle due piccole e il nome che che gli ho sentito pronunciare era quello di 'Lia' o qualcosa del genere. Lui aveva parcheggiato l'automobile, di colore scuro, in doppia fila, with the four arrows on "position and then went away."
Currently we continue to seek and dig in Corsica ..... We hope to be alive!
close with the call of Mother Irina:
'NEVER LOSE HOPE' - "I'm destroyed, desperate, but I still have so much strength. I'll do anything to find Livia and Alessia, or at least discover the ultimate truth. "
FORCE IRINA!! Today also went to Irina Corsica to help investigators
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For Niki
Chino on the night ...
"Chino shooting on the night my sad nets
your eyes ocean.
There spreads and burns in the highest fire
my loneliness turns his arms like a drowning man.
I red signals to your
vacant eyes that flutter like the sea on shore of a lighthouse.
Keep only darkness, and my man away,
emerge from your eyes sometimes the coast of terror.
Chino night jet on my sad nets
in the sea that shakes your eyes ocean.
The nocturnal birds peck
the first stars that sparkle like my soul when I love you.
Gallop night mare on his dark blue
scattering spikes on the lawn. "
(P. Neruda)
Ti Amo