Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Type Of Hair To Buy For Crochet Hair


"lived experience with genuine enthusiasm, but also naive, as to be deceived is due to a defect , deceive is a crime! "

We are still waiting for our government to the parliamentary answer on my Niki , it is good to know that I will not stop yelling, do not stop to ask for "clarity" over all .... I want to know why Niki Sollicciano and was brought to me for 24 hours I was left to believe that it was Rimini .... who is the instigator of all the shady events in those days to Niki (including his death ).... who is the principal?? Us with our research we are going forward and in spite of our difficulties, we became aware of several things ... but at what point the Inquiry Premium ??????( came because they will be aware, I suppose, all .....)
Even the times of waiting for this response are running e poi necessariamente dovranno essere intraprese altre strade....

I responsabili tutti di questa tragedia pagheranno, che ne siano almeno consapevoli.....

Niki quanto saresti stato orgoglioso di tuo fratello!!! Eccolo alla sua prima Manifestazione a Roma il 13 Febbraio "se non ora, quando??"

Do not forget the beginning of the book!
Initiative "We lose a Book" many people are joining and we have already covered much of the territory!

revolt in the entire Mediterranean .....

E’ sconvolgente la rapidità del contagio delle rivolte popolari : Tunisia, Egitto, Libia, Yemen, Bahrain .

Le cause sono diverse, da quelle economiche alla frustrazione dei giovani, le disparità palesi tra classi e genti. E ancora, motivazioni etniche, come in Libia.

Pensate, io sono stata nel Cairo 10 anni fa e rimasi scioccata dalla grande povertà della popolazione, la guida ci disse che di notte le persone entravano in un grande cimitero posto al centro del Cairo e andavano a dormire e a cucinarsi qualcosa all'interno delle cappelle funebri.....Quello che vidi in Egitto mi è rimasto in your memory .... naked children on the streets ... people in absolute poverty .... The people "now" came very exasperating!

I think this is the democracy that emerges from the bottom, what the population is gained by their own efforts! (... Unfortunately with so many deaths .... young ...)

But what is happening in Libya is a genocide, the use of military aircraft on crowd is amazing!

the first place there should be respect for human rights , preservation the interests of our companies, even if legitimate, should be subject to the first ....

But I wonder why the West does not stop this genocide ????????

Libya new air raids on Tripoli
C130 ready for the return of 100 Italian

Libia, nuovi raid aerei su Tripoli C130 pronto per il rimpatrio di 100 italiani Bossoli of shots fired in Tripoli shown by Al Jazeera

According to Al Jazeera have resumed bombing on demonstrators calling for the end of the regime of Moammar Gadhafi . Hundreds of dead in Tripoli alone. Colonel appears for a few seconds on TV to deny rumors that he had fled to Venezuela and France. The situation is more dramatic today, at 15 hours Italian, will discuss the UN Security Council. La Russa announced the start of the repatriation of our compatriots

For Niki

"Who knows whether God exists or not
If you're really, if you
illusion or reality.
I wonder if this life is really only a step, then get a transit
from you,
I wonder if the pain is the price you pay,
for being here.
I wonder if there is a reason for so much pain and cruelty,
for war and poverty.
I wonder if there's a reason for a child who suffers
and a child dies.
I wonder if there is a reason of death,
if you really take us.
I wonder if one day all this will end at the end
if one day there will be peace.
wonder if you exist, if everything forgive
if you are the target of this hellish life, if at the end
'll be joining you and the pain will end. "

* Silvana * Stremiz

Ti Amo




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