Perle is even reductive: this is real explicit the way in which the conspiracy unreason. However
between a laugh and the other is capture interesting nuances to understand what is behind certain theories.
happens that the evergreen Massimo Mazzucco, former director Luogocomune and current site manager, decided to tackle a topic unusual (for a conspiracy): differences "brain" between men and women. The fact
curious because the very nature of conspiracy ideas rooted in the ideologies of Nazi, that have a very particular way to consider the role of women.
The link between Nazism and conspiracy explains why the conspiracy theories often arise and / or amplify the United States of America, where neo-Nazism and racism are certainly much more significant phenomena of extremism from the left (not to mention anti-Americanism).
not chance that all (or most) members of the American plot to have more or less close ties with neo-Nazism .
Nor is it a coincidence that ever - or almost always - as theories pointing the finger at Israel and against an imaginary 'Jewish lobby' means the anti-Semitism, in fact, it's just a feeling of Nazi ideology.
Perhaps the biggest non-American conspiracy theorist Thierry Meyssan is , undicisettembrino one of the fathers of the plot, a character very close to the sphere of 'Islamic fundamentalism factions and pro-Palestinian ... and then at that neo-Nazism Arab che pochi conoscono ma che serpeggia e si insinua dove meno ci si aspetta.
Ad esempio, uno dei maggiori testimonial del complottismo, William Rodriguez , si è convertito all'Islam e ha partecipato a conferenze neonaziste.
Dicevamo del ruolo della donna nella società nazista , argomento spesso trascurato da storici e studiosi. Nella Germania nazista la donna aveva il compito di curare il focolare domestico e di generare figli. Erano perfino previsti riconoscimenti e incentivi per le donne che partorivano numerosi figli, fino ad arrivare alla Croce d'Onore d'oro per quelle che mettevano al mondo almeno OTTO figli .
Non sfuggirà that the Nazi vision of the woman looks like a lot to Islam.
And therefore that two major adhesives, anti-Semitism and the role of women, bound together Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism.
For these reasons, it is inevitable when curious Mazzucco, the Italian anti-American conspiracy theorist who lives in. .. Los Angeles and has strong sympathies for Maurizio Blondet if they suddenly come up with a article in which he begins to quibble of differences between the brain of man and the woman.
read a few passages:
To introduce such a sensitive subject that has little to do with the plot, especially the one on September 11 that gave him a handful of peanuts, Mazzucco begins with 'expose the trivial view that men and women have different mindsets and then states that "official science" has never engaged in the bottom of it, as if to imply that there is some conspiracy to hide the truth. That is enough (or should be enough) to feed for the topic to his fans, ready to throw open the brain to any nonsense provided has the flavor of the conspiracy.
The statement ahead of the bait thrown by Mazzucco, however, is totally false (which is typical of all the plots and Mazzucco in particular). Just some trivial research on Google (in Italian) to make sure that there are not hundreds but thousands of scientific studies on brain differences between men and women.
Among the many results from search engines, we place a very significant ( link to PDF) for the high level of sources and references to many other studies cited in the text.
So Mazzucco said a bale (yet another), possibly to justify the publication of an article on the subject.
What is the conclusion, the message that Mazzucco intended to convey to their followers?
The conclusion, in fact, is this:
So "is to recognize a substantial difference in the way of working between the brain of man and the woman."
And then? What consequences should bring this award?
Mazzucco and does not tell his readers, not knowing how to get on, give free rein to thoughts and considerations, some of which are quite funny:
Calvero writes.
incredulous looks, in fact Mazzucco contradicting the assumption that the argument was ignored by mainstream science.
Another member, Benitoche, declared:
Abbiamo cercato in giro qualcuno che riuscisse a tradurre il pensiero di Benitoche in una lingua comprensibile a noi terrestri, ma non l'abbiamo trovato.
Dal canto suo, anche Peo2001 smentisce Mazzucco:
Insomma, sembra che tutti fossero a conoscenza delle differenze tra uomo e donna, compresi i relativi studi.
Solo Mazzucco ci è arrivato adesso, a 56 anni. Meglio tardi che mai...
Il povero Mazzucco è costretto a intervenire:
An attempt to understand the differences? Mazzucco is still trying to figure out ...?
Freeman, however, seems to have understood exactly where he went to parry Mazzucco:
Peony, who writes a comment to be framed:
Oh God, not that we should then all this intelligence. Furthermore some organisms reproduce by simply dividing ... and perpetuated just fine.
alchemical wedding? What are they? By Jove, what we are ignorant ...
Fortuna that is explained Peony:
short, if one combines masculine and feminine in himself, without regard to sexual identity, it might produce a transsexual, as far as we know, but probably we are backward and now it says "alchemical marriage".
Ah here ... In short, if we fail to understand what the hell he meant Mazzucco reason is that he is "too high" ... go beyond our "low" understanding ... But Peony
excuse, you've seen good Mazzucco? That 's what was unable to distinguish a blog site called Shon NASA ...
will be flying "too high" and can not read well written ... mah ...
And after a ride on complementary medicine, Peony concludes:
Look, you do not got none. But on Luogocomune is fine so ... are "too high" ... Here's another instead
that he realized that Mazzucco wrote a boiata, but it says on tiptoe (in parentheses).
Then comes MauroCe, which even mentions Corrado Malanga:
Corrado Malanga is one that in other times would have been locked in a straitjacket, even allows you to teach today's chemistry ... if you do a Google search you'll know that it is subject. We come every week numerous reports sulle Perle di Malanga, anche se non abbiamo ancora avuto tempo di occuparcene.
Audisio, dal canto suo, commenta:
Dovrebbe invitare uno psichiatra , secondo noi...
Pensatore, probabilmente approfittando dei cinque minuti di aria, scrive:
Gli fa eco Rafterry:
You read that right. Rafterry requested an explanation of Mother Nature.
Do not ask how he did: perhaps the number found in the Yellow Pages or perhaps that's how you call the nurses in the psychiatric ward ...
Manfred's post is another masterpiece
Le donne che salivano in auto nello stesso modo in cui entrerebbero in una grotta?
Ma da quale circo è saltato fuori questo Manfred?
E per ultimo (ma potremmo continuare a lungo, i post sono tanti e tutti meriterebbero una citazione), leggiamo cosa scrive Schottolo:
Schottolo has very confused ideas, and this is nothing new (if anything, now gave a clue as to what might be the substance, or the type of substances, determining their state of confusion ...).
: It
1) the DMT is a drug in effect. Splits, so to speak.
2) why you forget or remember a dream is far .
3) the issue can not carry anything with the brain differences between men and women.
conclude our Pearl, Mazzucco pulled out of the hat an article that supports the diversity of men and women, some of his loyalists have understood the meaning of the article (at least so they say), others have not figured out a memorial stone, all have written a bunch of nonsense.
The shot with all the comments are preserved for future reference to this link .
Dicevamo del ruolo della donna nella società nazista , argomento spesso trascurato da storici e studiosi. Nella Germania nazista la donna aveva il compito di curare il focolare domestico e di generare figli. Erano perfino previsti riconoscimenti e incentivi per le donne che partorivano numerosi figli, fino ad arrivare alla Croce d'Onore d'oro per quelle che mettevano al mondo almeno OTTO figli .
Non sfuggirà that the Nazi vision of the woman looks like a lot to Islam.
And therefore that two major adhesives, anti-Semitism and the role of women, bound together Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism.
For these reasons, it is inevitable when curious Mazzucco, the Italian anti-American conspiracy theorist who lives in. .. Los Angeles and has strong sympathies for Maurizio Blondet if they suddenly come up with a article in which he begins to quibble of differences between the brain of man and the woman.
read a few passages:
If you ask a man where is the ham in the fridge, you say "in terzo ripiano in basso a destra”, se lo chiedi ad una donna ti dirà “di fianco all’insalata, sotto i formaggi”
Per quanto ovviamente vi siano delle eccezioni, il fatto stesso che si possano fare delle generalizzazioni di questo tipo significa che siamo di fronte ad una differenza sostanziale nel modo di operare dei due cervelli.
La cosa stupefacente è che non esista – almeno a quel che mi risulta - una adeguata letteratura scientifica in merito. Con delle differenze così palesi e marcate, infatti, ci si aspetterebbe di trovare dozzine e dozzine di ricerche di tipo psicologico su questo argomento, mentre sembra quasi che la differenza “operativa” dei due brain is intentionally ignored by mainstream science. (Maybe because I'm not able to explain it?)
To introduce such a sensitive subject that has little to do with the plot, especially the one on September 11 that gave him a handful of peanuts, Mazzucco begins with 'expose the trivial view that men and women have different mindsets and then states that "official science" has never engaged in the bottom of it, as if to imply that there is some conspiracy to hide the truth. That is enough (or should be enough) to feed for the topic to his fans, ready to throw open the brain to any nonsense provided has the flavor of the conspiracy.
The statement ahead of the bait thrown by Mazzucco, however, is totally false (which is typical of all the plots and Mazzucco in particular). Just some trivial research on Google (in Italian) to make sure that there are not hundreds but thousands of scientific studies on brain differences between men and women.
Among the many results from search engines, we place a very significant ( link to PDF) for the high level of sources and references to many other studies cited in the text.
So Mazzucco said a bale (yet another), possibly to justify the publication of an article on the subject.
What is the conclusion, the message that Mazzucco intended to convey to their followers?
The conclusion, in fact, is this:
It is not to say that man is "better" or "worse" the woman, but this is to recognize a substantial difference in the way of operating their brain, which in the end the advantages and disadvantages are the same and interpenetrate. Where unable to help get the other one, and vice versa.
So "is to recognize a substantial difference in the way of working between the brain of man and the woman."
And then? What consequences should bring this award?
Mazzucco and does not tell his readers, not knowing how to get on, give free rein to thoughts and considerations, some of which are quite funny:
Woman is nature, man is culture.
or a complete ...
Man hunting, fishing woman
Calvero writes.
I would say that this argument is 'was the subject of much research, in which we have' discovered just what you've shown in
incredulous looks, in fact Mazzucco contradicting the assumption that the argument was ignored by mainstream science.
Another member, Benitoche, declared:
Mr. Mazzuca, the biggest mistakes you make early
In sleep the brain is more active, this is a matter of fact gathering right?
If we say that the brain in waking + becomes active, we will be in error (materialistic view) because then the brain attivirà physical means "thinking" If we were instead
"reasonable", we can not say that the brain propio vigil in a 'more lively activities in sleep
Thus, the bodily activity can not give us the thought propio
If bodily activity could give us, it should be a stronger bodily activity that does not think
Il non pensare consiste invece in una più forte attività corporea
Abbiamo cercato in giro qualcuno che riuscisse a tradurre il pensiero di Benitoche in una lingua comprensibile a noi terrestri, ma non l'abbiamo trovato.
Dal canto suo, anche Peo2001 smentisce Mazzucco:
la forte differenza sessuale del cervello è provata da molti studi abbastanza recenti
Insomma, sembra che tutti fossero a conoscenza delle differenze tra uomo e donna, compresi i relativi studi.
Solo Mazzucco ci è arrivato adesso, a 56 anni. Meglio tardi che mai...
Il povero Mazzucco è costretto a intervenire:
Mi auguro davvero che la discussione non caschi miseramente in the 'lower "or" superior ", but it remains an attempt to understand the differences without necessarily having to explain frasettina with a simple one, of any kind.
synthesis is not always the best conclusion to a good analysis.
An attempt to understand the differences? Mazzucco is still trying to figure out ...?
Freeman, however, seems to have understood exactly where he went to parry Mazzucco:
Personally, I am convinced by long time that the sexual dimorphism in humans begins in the brain, and I enjoy every time I happen to run into some written that has the courage to go against the current, "compared with (fake) feminism prevalent. Of Furthermore, it is not a mystery, for some tasks are preferred and preferred women to other men. Except that no one has the courage to say so openly, for fear of being accused of "sexism" (which is like anti-Semitism, he returned good for all without having to prove the claim).
These considerations will certainly be gut-wrenching to feminists and all the faithful of the neo-religion of political correctness, but fortunately the biology is not (yet) a review. Then comes
Peony, who writes a comment to be framed:
no accident that the creative intelligence has meant that a man and a woman to attract and unite to perpetuate the species.
Oh God, not that we should then all this intelligence. Furthermore some organisms reproduce by simply dividing ... and perpetuated just fine.
different but complementary, similar but not identical, perfect union, that is (should be) primarily inwardly with the famous alchemical wedding, in which male and female meet.
alchemical wedding? What are they? By Jove, what we are ignorant ...
Fortuna that is explained Peony:
Regardless of any sexual identity, when you can combine in themselves' masculine and feminine, "or, when perceptiveness and logic come together, to produce the marriage alchemy.
short, if one combines masculine and feminine in himself, without regard to sexual identity, it might produce a transsexual, as far as we know, but probably we are backward and now it says "alchemical marriage".
Max's speech is more "top" of the cultural vision of the moment, each moment of history.
Ah here ... In short, if we fail to understand what the hell he meant Mazzucco reason is that he is "too high" ... go beyond our "low" understanding ... But Peony
excuse, you've seen good Mazzucco? That 's what was unable to distinguish a blog site called Shon NASA ...
will be flying "too high" and can not read well written ... mah ...
And after a ride on complementary medicine, Peony concludes:
I hope I have been clear, I mean many things but then I'm lost .....
Look, you do not got none. But on Luogocomune is fine so ... are "too high" ... Here's another instead
that he realized that Mazzucco wrote a boiata, but it says on tiptoe (in parentheses).
Personally I am convinced that the two brains are different (actually remembered to have read more than a search on this)
Then comes MauroCe, which even mentions Corrado Malanga:
Very interesting in this regard is the explanation for Corrado Malanga on the operation of the two hemispheres of the brain, seen as two different readers of the holographic reality.
In particular, the left hemisphere would read sequentially the array with which extraction is to represent our 'real' world, so to get from A to B to C must necessarily pass, and then reading it sequentially in time events. The right hemisphere instead instantly connects the two points A and C. The construction of our holographic universe (I say our because everyone at this point was reconstructed in the ITS 3D simulator which is the brain) would be given by the union of the two readings. This would also explain the phenomena of deja vu.
women have developed more then use the right hemisphere, one that interprets the world using intuitive shapes, colors and images, which are much closer to the archetype than the word, which is several layers above, separate from filters that slow down, cultural and educational exchange between the mind and the real world. Keep in mind that
Corrado Malanga is one that in other times would have been locked in a straitjacket, even allows you to teach today's chemistry ... if you do a Google search you'll know that it is subject. We come every week numerous reports sulle Perle di Malanga, anche se non abbiamo ancora avuto tempo di occuparcene.
Audisio, dal canto suo, commenta:
(...) le frontiere più avanzate della fisica quantistica
stanno sconfinando quasi nella magia e nel soprannaturale,
territori di elezione dell'universo femminile.
Vi invito a riflettere su queste mie considerazioni...
Dovrebbe invitare uno psichiatra , secondo noi...
Pensatore, probabilmente approfittando dei cinque minuti di aria, scrive:
Forse il cervello femminile mantiene più a lungo la sovrapposizione quantistica...
Gli fa eco Rafterry:
diverso tempo fa I read "men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray.
touched the topic concerns the difference of the two ways of thinking in relation to married life
use of "software" of very different mental process.
asked why I was so Mother Nature.
He said that if it were not so would be a big mess (...)
You read that right. Rafterry requested an explanation of Mother Nature.
Do not ask how he did: perhaps the number found in the Yellow Pages or perhaps that's how you call the nurses in the psychiatric ward ...
Manfred's post is another masterpiece
(...) la donna ha continuato per molto tempo a salire in automobile come in natura andrebbe fatto, cioè come si entra in una grotta anche se artificiale, l'uomo invece si adeguato subitamente alle chimere del progresso.
Comunque non dipende dal cervello, ma dal legame più profondo della donna con la terra.
Le donne che salivano in auto nello stesso modo in cui entrerebbero in una grotta?
Ma da quale circo è saltato fuori questo Manfred?
E per ultimo (ma potremmo continuare a lungo, i post sono tanti e tutti meriterebbero una citazione), leggiamo cosa scrive Schottolo:
Non lo so se ha una qualche attinenza, ma durante il sonno viene prodotta una sostanza called DMT, the most powerful drug in the world. Beyond a certain "dose" can not remember anything .. do not remember waking up to this almost never have done any dreams.
Schottolo has very confused ideas, and this is nothing new (if anything, now gave a clue as to what might be the substance, or the type of substances, determining their state of confusion ...).
: It
1) the DMT is a drug in effect. Splits, so to speak.
2) why you forget or remember a dream is far .
3) the issue can not carry anything with the brain differences between men and women.
conclude our Pearl, Mazzucco pulled out of the hat an article that supports the diversity of men and women, some of his loyalists have understood the meaning of the article (at least so they say), others have not figured out a memorial stone, all have written a bunch of nonsense.
The shot with all the comments are preserved for future reference to this link .
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