Gli alieni sono un grosso problema .
Quando meno ve lo aspettate, arrivano, vi rapiscono , vi portano a bordo delle loro astronavi e lì vi sodomizzano, vi infilano sonde nelle orecchie e nel naso, vi iniettano sostanze di ogni tipo, vi impiantano microchip...
E' un grossa scocciatura, perché magari in quel momento avete qualcosa di importante da fare, un appuntamento urgente, e proprio non potete permettervi di essere rapiti dagli alieni.
E non c'è solo il problema dei rapimenti, ma anche quello del controllo mentale.
Come certamente vi è capitato, spesso gli alieni si divertono ad assumere il controllo mentale degli esseri umani, per fargli fare le cose più assurde. Ad esempio, c'è chi ha regalato un anello di brillanti alla suocera, chi ha dipinto le pareti di casa con vernice lilla, chi si è comprato 100 DVD di Mazzucco...
Adesso, finalmente, is the solution.
This is a leather hat covered Velostat , a kind of insulating material. You can build it by spending a few tens of euro, and from that moment you will be safe from alien abductions and mental influences. The guarantees
Michael Menkin, drafter of Boeing, and you can find all the necessary instructions on the site FERMAGLIALIENI , Italian twin Stop Abduction, which was extracted in the opening shot. The evidence of the effectiveness of the helmet
antialieni are many and undeniable.
For example, this girl writes:
"For years I been abducted by aliens and by a lucky chance I found The Helmet
built by a third party has stopped their visits unwanted and very high quality of my life and that of my family. For this I highly recommend using it. "
In all honesty, judging by the expression of the girl, we feel that if the lot is made merry with" aliens "in the course of his many" abductions ", but what counts is that the helmet works.
Be careful, though, to hybrid alien-human ". In fact, say those fermaglialieni, there are aliens that have human form and that could take us by surprise and remove the protective headgear move with lightning.
Well, those fermaglialieni advised to avoid this risk by setting very well with the helmet on your head a lot 'of tape and string.
But - we add - why limit yourself? Since you should always wear a helmet (the aliens could rapirvi at any time: while you're at the beach or when you sleep, for example), why not use a good pint of glue type Attak times to fix your scalp?
Probably the Attak will give you some problems of irritation, but it's better than a risk of strangulation with a few feet of twine, which you say?
Ah, there's another problem. It seems that the
Velostat, the material used to build the helmet, can cause static electricity buildup.
E 'should, therefore, that there dotiate an efficient grounding .
For example, a strip of rubber and copper as those used by car to unload electricity to the ground.
One end must touch the ground, the other your skin.
With a helmet and tail ground, you will make a nice great impression when walking through the streets of your city, you'll see.
And finally the aliens will leave you in peace.
If someone with a white or green shirts will approach you, do not worry it's not just aliens, but doctors or paramedics local mental hospital.
follow them with confidence ...
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