Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Costco Food Stamps 2010

Richard Dura Wikipedia Massimo Mazzucco

some time ago to highlight a Wikipedia where a mobster was passed off as heroic leader .

We are now reported to the voice of another villain, Richard Dura , bloody head of the Red Brigades terrorist di aver ucciso a sangue freddo l'operaio Guido Rossa e il commissario di Polizia Antonio Esposito.

E' una biografia estremamente dettagliata, una roba che farebbe invidia anche a illustri scienziati e autorevoli capi di stato. Addirittura si sforza di inserire non solo i dati biografici referenziati, ma perfino voci e dicerie:

sembra che a seguito di alcuni suoi comportamenti aggressivi sia stato iscritto all'età di sedici anni alla nave-scuola per ragazzi disadattati "Garaventa"

Sembra? Ah ma allora possiamo aggiungere che "sembra che da piccolo fu rapito dagli alieni e fosse ghiotto di castagne e lamponi" ... tanto a che servono le fonti? Basta scrivere " seems ".

exceptional, then, the personality descriptions:

boy closed and silent ... outgoing, human and loved for his dedication and his total commitment ...

But who was he? San Francisco?
Or rather the terrorist Richard Dura that was killing civilians and police officers and police with his semiautomatic pistol decorated with the Nazi eagle?

In speaking of the murder of poor worker Guido Rossa, Wikipedia even suggests that ' murder was:

-fortuitous accident as a result of the altercation.
murderous self-Will of Richard Dura, eager to kill a 'class traitor' knowledge of the companions of the column and contrary to the instructions of the Executive BR.
- Over-reaction of Dura (emotionally and mentally unstable) in the face of opposition to the attempt of Ross kicked and locked in her car.
- deliberate plan of Dura in agreement with Moretti (with the rest of the Organization in the dark) to kill Red.

So, keep in mind that Red acted to kill three terrorists, who waited in a real ambushed and shot him four or five shots in the legs and a right in the heart .
But Wikipedia is possible that you have been a fortuitous accident ... Damn, nothing is nothing 'to see Falcone e Borsellino saltarono in aria per lo scoppio accidentale di un petardo di Capodanno?

Come si fa a scrivere una simile bestialità? Non solo "incidente", ma pure "fortuito".
Quasi gli fosse caduto in testa un ramo di albero spezzato dal vento...

E quando arriviamo alla "tragica fine" di Riccardo Dura, alias San Francesco, Wikipedia scrive:

La tragica vita di Riccardo Dura si interrompe drammaticamente la notte del 28 marzo 1980 quando rimane ucciso a Genova nella famosa irruzione di via Fracchia, insieme ad altri tre brigatisti con cui divideva l’abitazione: Annamaria Ludmann, Lorenzo Betassa e Piero Panciarelli. Nell'occasione la 'testa calda' Dura non spara, the body is found in the first row of corpses along the corridor, without weapons, probably on the verge of surrender.

Poor BR. did not want to kill the Red Army, was the victim of a fortuitous accident, and were murdered in cold blood while they were about to surrender ...

There would be the small details of a policeman hit in the eye by a gunshot fired by terrorists during the raid, and a hand grenade close in the hand of one of them ... but apart from these details is very clear that that holy man of Dura "probably" was "about to surrender.",,

And ends with a sweet picture:

Today, Richard is buried in Cemetery of Dura Staglieno.

"Rest", you know? The sleep of the just ... But what lies ... If anything, it would be correct to say "brand". And 'the least, given what they have done.

Furthermore, even the photo's biography seems deliberately chosen to convey the idea of \u200b\u200ba very good lamb:

Since forming the funny guy?

course very different from this:

Considering that there is a trend conspiracy whereby the Red Brigades were accused of crimes committed by poor intelligence and police forces, it is to recognize that with entries written Wikipedia in this way is contributing to sustain it.

thank Luca C. for reporting.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ovarian Cyst And Knee Pains

by Taser all'Amerika ... Roberto Morini

here again, the Massimo Mazzucco ever, ready to spit venom against the hated "Amerikan" against the evil cops and judges who cover them all accomplices in the great conspiracy ultra-secret him - Mazzucco - managed to find watching TV, strumming on the PC keyboard and eating popcorn comfortably slouched in his chair.

So let's see what he served up this time to its (Inde) fools Luogocomune followers of the site, in this "article "Appears in the opening shot.

The former director-photographer took inspiration from far away: it started with a story of Italian news - " the girl hit her in the metro of Rome " - to say that journalists would do well worrying about what is happening in America, where the cops shoot the blacks in cold blood.

Obviously, when we talk about America, we speak of USA .

Mazzucco in fact not interested at all the abuses and abuses police and military anti-American countries in South America, including Cuba: Mazzucco for those other guys are all good, true acolytes accurate and respectful of human rights.
, Mazzucco offers video in which a policeman - in his opinion - shoot in cold blood against a black man pinned to the ground, killing him in a real execution.

"It was two o'clock in the morning on New Year's Day."

For all the devils. But
Mazzucco wrote this article October 14, 2010 to talk about something that happened on New Year's Day, ie 10 months before 1 January 2010?
No, worse! It 's a fact of 2009! 1 January 2009, to be exact.
Apparently he learned a bit 'late ... just 20 months after ... Maybe he reads on the page of the newspaper that wrapped zucchini bought at the market ... boh! Not matter: this is Mazzucco!

read again:

"At a subway station a young disarmed and immobilized, Oscar Grant, was shot in the back by a policeman while he was lying on the ground, face down, under the eyes of dozens of horrified witnesses. While there was clearly an "execution" intentional - needless to say that the policeman was white and the victim was a black man - the murderess, John Mehserle if escaped with a verdict of manslaughter . He claimed that "he made a mistake" and that he pulled out the gun instead of the taser, che intendeva usare per tranquillizzare l’irrequieto Grant."

Insomma, per dovere d'informazione ci sarebbe anche da dire che Oscar Grant non era proprio uno stinco di santo , visto che era stato più volte in prigione per traffico di droga e detenzione illegale di armi, e al momento del fatto era sotto l'effetto di alcool e pasticche... insomma, Grant era nero ma non era certo un innocuo agnellino: a Mazzucco non è passato per la testa che forse i poliziotti ci sono andati pesante perché era un pluripregiudicato sotto effetto di sostanze stupefacenti, e non perché era nero?

Non vogliamo certo dire che i pregiudicati debbano essere ammazzati a sangue freddo, sia chiaro: semplicemente Racism would not involved a damn in this story.

"Of course, for" taserizzare "the boy had also seen fit to stand-as is clear from the video - so take better aim."

This is really beautiful. Imagine the scene: the policeman is there just a few inches from the body of the young pinned face-down. Could you shoot him, placing his gun at the very spot where he intends to hit him. do you need to stand up to "take better aim?

Mazzucco But how to write such nonsense? And to think that had the claim to quibble on ' Kennedy assassination e di parlare di proiettili, fucili e posizioni di sparo...

Leggiamo oltre.

"Fra un mese si riunirà la giuria - composta esclusivamente di bianchi - che stabilirà una pena fra i due e 5 anni al massimo, dei quali probabilmente Mehserle sconterà circa la metà."

Eccolo, è proprio lui, il Mazzucco di sempre, il mistificatore che conosciamo bene .
Per come ha esposto i fatti, Mazzucco vorrebbe far credere che PRIMA c'è stato un verdetto per omicidio involontario, e POI si riunirà una giuria di bianchi per decidere la pena. Quasi che il verdetto sia stato emesso da un singolo giudice e alla giuria popolare spetti soltanto il compito di stabilire la pena.

Le cose stanno esattamente al contrario.
Infatti PRIMA si è riunita una giuria popolare che ha emesso il verdetto per omicidio involontario. Questo accadeva l'8 luglio 2010.
Il giudice, invece, stabilirà la pena, e non si tratta di una pena "fra i due e 5 anni al massimo", come dice Mazzucco, bensì di una pena da un minimo di cinque a un massimo di 14 anni ( link ).

E non è neppure vero che ne sconterà circa la metà: ne sconterà non meno dell'85% , proprio per decisione della giuria.
E non è del tutto vero che la giuria fosse tutta bianca: sette erano bianchi, cinque erano ispanici e asiatici. Non c'erano neri ma non erano nemmeno tutti bianchi.

Forse per Mazzucco esistono solo bianchi e neri, ma se ogni tanto mettesse il naso fuori dall'uscio della propria abitazione, oltre a procurarsi un quotidiano più recente scoprirebbe anche che esistono gialli, rossi, marroni...
Sia come sia, tutta questa storia dimostrerebbe, sempre secondo Mazzucco, che il "ragazzo" è stato ucciso in una vera e propria esecuzione , con la

"...complicità di un sistema giuridico, che da sempre protegge questo genere di azioni criminali da parte della polizia contro le minoranze del paese."

Senonché qualcuno, lì su Luogocomune, ha fatto notare che esistono numerosi video che hanno ripreso la tragedia, e tutto lascia pensare che effettivamente il poliziotto commise un tragico e banale errore , scambiando la propria pistola con il Taser:

"Ma voi lo avete visto il video?
Io ho visto il poliziotto, subito dopo lo sparo (1:10): era stupito!
Ha alzato lo sguardo verso il collega e poi lo ha ri abbassato verso la sua arma e lo ha fatto due volte!
Era disorientato!
Guardate il poliziotto di spalle, un attimo prima dello sparo si allontana dal corpo del povero ragazzo: si aspettava la scarica elettrica!
Secondo me davvero non voleva sparare.
Il ragionamento di MM resta giusto: di esempi di assassinii e di violenze della polizia (soprattutto sui neri) ne esistono a decine!
Ma forse.... forse stavolta no."

Qualcun altro ha evidenziato che effettivamente il Taser è molto simile a una pistola , postando questa immagine:

La situazione iniziava a prendere una piega che a Mazzucco non piaceva molto, ed ecco come è intervenuto:

"La pistola si porta a destra, il taser si porta a sinistra, proprio per evitare di sbagliarsi.
Se un poliziotto non sa nemmeno distinguere la destra dalla sinistra è meglio che stia a casa a fare la maglia."

Oh bella! La pistola a destra e il Taser a sinistra? And where is it written? And if one is left-handed?

Not only Mazzucco have any idea how many people die in accidents with weapons? There are some who shoots or kills a victim while cleaning a gun, who exchanges the hunting companion for a rabbit ...

The funny thing, though, is that talking is he, Mazzucco: The man who managed to exchange a site called SHON for NASA's site ! Remember?

Poor Mazzucco, would like people to forget certain things, but there we are of pearls to keep alive the memory and to document it properly ...

As to American racism against blacks, Mazzucco should reflect on the fact that the President of the United States is black, as are tall and have been leaders of the government, armed forces and all U.S. agencies. But for Mazzucco
the important thing is spitting venom against America . He writes:

"This is America. This is the great country of freedom and democracy" in front of which all our politicians - from the extreme right to the extreme left - genuflect regularly, failing to find one-thousandth the strength to express the "outrage".

would review how many, if only Massimo Mazzucco lives a. .. Los Angeles! That this
former director and former photographer, lives in America, in America that hates so much!
But we're doing? Why do not they return to Italy, seeing who lives at the expense of selling their pathetic fools Italian DVD do-it-yourself and begging for donations?

In a sense, this man seize money from here, from Italy, rubbing fools, to which they believe he is a convinced anti-American and true, that cancer is treated with shark fins and bicarbinato grated .. . then if he goes to spend on hot dogs and hamburgers here in Los Angeles, helping to transfer wealth from Italy to the USA!

great. Toto even he could imagine a more exhilarating. Sure

But one who speaks so poorly of a country and then live there in preference to their homeland, there is really a miserable figure ... It was on that
Luogocomune have an IQ lower than the number of fingers of one hand, the mandate would kick your butt already!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Should Cervix Feel Like 6 Days Before Period

In our now long hunting season with the beads, we have encountered everything from those who believe that the neighbor is a lizard that feeds on human blood to those who are terrified by the contrails of the aircraft, through those afflicted by the pathological paranoia of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy.

And what of those who would like to treat tumors with mash of baking soda and meatballs cartilage shark, or solve the problem of shortage of water in the desert with a coil magic?

Folli, lunatics, swindlers, storytellers, magicians, idiots and imbeciles simple: we have a very varied in our sample book of Pearls.

Now is the turn of a guy who is convinced that the Earth does not rotate around itself, but still. His name is Roberto Morini
and we caught up Altrogiornale where present him to us:

"Roberto Morini is a scientist and researcher, but likes to call itself an insatiable curiosity. It has about 60 years, with a degree in physics Nuclear and philosophy, also with experience in the computer industry. E 'for many years been interested in archeology and anthropology, with particular emphasis on pre-dynastic and pre-Columbian civilizations. "

is not the first time we are faced with " scientists "with a passion for philosophy and archeology and very often (too often ...) they go hand in hand coupled with conspiracy theories and nonsense of all kinds. Think Steven Jones, the nuclear physicist believes that the Twin Towers were demolished with thermite, and that Jesus Christ has visited South America, or so-called Nela Sagadevan aeronautical engineer who maintains that the Pentagon was hit by a missile and that he chose to retire in meditation spiriturale Alaska to write books on religion ...

So Roberto Morini has given us a beautiful Pearl stating that the Earth does not revolve around itself ...
Read what our experienced Einstein writes:

"To find conclusive evidence, since: the indiscriminate movement of clouds and gravity evenly distributed along the parallels from the poles to the equator, while placing great doubts, could be affected by a series factors deviant, but may assume, by contradiction, that an airplane to Italy in America, almost enough to get up in the air to get and that no course could never go to the East if not surpassing a lot of the speed of rotation of the Earth, I had to find something that would allow me without a shadow of doubt to exclude any movement of the planet Earth. "

Can hardly believe that a guy like that has managed to graduate in physics.
If the Earth turned, says, in essence, Morini, simply lift off the ground for a while, 'and sooner or later we would see New York pass under our feet ...
How can you write a lie like that?
Never heard of inertia, inertial motion, resistance, preservation of motion and so on?

Let's say you're in the car and traveling at 130 km / h on the highway. Take a ball and throw up. Morini If he was right, la pallina - non più vincolata alla vostra mano - vi finirebbe in faccia a 130 km/h visto che la pallina si ferma e voi continuate a viaggiare.
E invece no, la pallina vi ricade in mano: infatti la pallina conserva il moto che aveva.

Ma Morini non riesce a comprendere concetti così banali ed è convinto di aver trovato la prova che la Terra è ferma:

"Vedendo un documentario sulla Seconda Guerra mondiale, mi sono interrogato sulle modalità di bombardamento. Per questo, mi sono letto tutta la storia dei bombardieri impiegati durante tale guerra.
[...] Se la terra ruotasse, con i tre parametri assegnati l’obiettivo sarebbe stato mancato."

Ecco dunque Morini test: If the Earth rotated, bombs could not hit the target . So the Earth is stationary. But this first

idiocy, Morini adds a second.
The physical (or pseudo) is also one of those convinced that gravity does not exist , but is an effect of rotation of a body (we have already dealt with this nonsense in our pearls in the past).

So, questions Morini, a fact that the Earth does not turn, what is generated by the force of gravity?

Morini does not know the answer:

"Waiting for response from mainstream science! ... While I work on ..."

Povero Morini.
La scienza è una sola, e si basa sui fatti, non sulla filosofia.
La Terra gira, la gravità è una forza, e l'unica cosa fissa e debole di cui Marini dovrebbe preoccuparsi, è la propria materia grigia...

Ringraziamo Roberto P. per la segnalazione.