Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Do A Proper Tuck Drag

NIKI April CATS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL ............ Ganzer! NIKI

“A coloro che potendo intervenire non sono intervenuti, tutti il nostro disprezzo”

A Mia Madre

"Non fermarti davanti my grave
to cry, I'm not there
not sleep my soul.
are the breath of a thousand winds

are the shining snow

as diamond
are a ray of sunshine in the summer
sono la leggera pioggia autunnale
Quando ti svegli nella silenziosa mattina
io sono la più alta farfalla che vola serena,
sono la più soffice stella che brilla nel buio della notte

Non fermarti davanti alla mia tomba a piangere,
non sono lì
my soul is not dead.

Ti Amo



(Mary E. Frye)

What about this year if it ???????????

"They" definitely will toast .... to .... Dismissals


AND ITALIAN ?????????


Look for Ros in the papers because my son died

MONZA - Joseph Incorvaia is a father of 74 who has lost a son. It 's a policeman father who lost a son policeman. His name was Salvatore. If n 'went to 24 years, June 16, 1994, by the side of a road, with a shot from his gun to his head exploded ordinance. From that night nine years ago, Joseph has not stopped one day of calling to account of the death of his eldest son. It has not reconciled with the conclusions of 'Weapon of Monza and the judiciary, who in her grief soon have drawn a line which reads: "Suicide." He asked for the exhumation of the remains of his son and now, sitting in the office of his lawyer, Francis Mongiu says, "Salvatore was murdered by men who wore his uniform and my own. Carabinieri. And the secret of his death should be sought in the operations of the special operations group of 'weapon, Ros. " Salvatore is not serving in Ros. He was deputy commander of the station Vimercate ... "I beg your patience to listen to this story from 'beginning to end. And maybe then you will understand if I'm just a poor old ...». Where do want to start? "From the morning of my birthday nine years ago, June 13, 1994. I went to see the Savior in Vimercate, where he lived with his wife and his daughter, who was only 20 months. He was restless, as I had ever seen. And after a good night's insistence, he said, "Dad, now you're away from 'Weapon ... It' s better you do not know. "He added only that it was a story in which they entered into large pieces above all suspicion, and that half of c 'was a sergeant." And that was all? "No. On the morning of June 15 I asked him to the company commander, at Monza. It was he who said he wanted to tell all. Vimercate He wanted to leave and be moved to Genoa. The commander did not find. And unless, perhaps, so he signed his sentence. What was performed that night. He left home after dinner with his car, an Audi. ...». He was in civilian clothes armed? "Savior turned always armed. And with the bullet in the barrel." When he learned that he was dead ? The next morning. At the door home of a marshal came knocking. It was brutal: "Your son has committed suicide." I got into the car with him and even walked a mile from the barracks. Here, look well alone ...». Joseph Incorvaia raises the hem of a pink cardboard file. Extracts fifteen photos. His eyes fill with tears. Salvatore is in the driving seat of his Audi. The head, reclined on the headrest, is tormented by the entry wound of a bullet that has devastated the right temple. The arms, made his sides, shaking in his lap, where he is resting with the butt facing down his 9mm parabellum. The glass on the passenger side of the 'Audi is broken. The rear windows are semi-open. In storage behind the change, a cartridge to explode. Joseph Incorvaia force may be used. "On the spot, I found Colonel Louis Triscari, then commander of the carabinieri di Monza. He spoke with a reporter and I heard him say with a peremptory tone: "This is a suicide. Full stop." I was shocked, but all that safe before I hurt, and then left me speechless. Especially when I began to turn around the car. " From what he suffered? "I've done surveys for 40 years. How was it possible that the glass on the passenger side was broken because my son had fired a shot in the right temple and the bullet then ran in the opposite direction? Because those rear windows open? Because unexploded cartridge in the glove compartment? Because the cartridge case of the explosive was shot in the back seat? Because the right hand of my son, who was supposed to have challenged the 'weapon to fire at the time, was spotless, without even a trace of blood? ". What answers you gave? "What my son had been killed. He knew his murderers, at least two, one of whom sat behind him and opened the windows to avoid the effects of the detonation in the 'cockpit. Without knowing, however, that the 'weapon of my son had a gun. And then, when he took his gun, he had to arm instinctively pulled the cart, eject the cartridge to explode. I told the colonel Triscari: "And this she called suicide?". " I do not listen? 'The Weapon ordered an' autopsy insulting and unworthy, which is recorded, noted possible wedge between my son and his wife. A 'autopsy! The prosecutor in Monza, after three months, filed. It was a bloody mess. " She did not give up. "In November '95, I turned to 'Mongiu lawyer and asked for the reopening of investigations. And then it happened something unexpected. They were looking for marshals Corbo and Sebastian Salvatore D 'immediately. The two were colleagues of my son. They said they had heard about the reopening of the investigation and that they had important news to communicate to my lawyer. " They did? "No. Or maybe you do not have time. D 'was immediately killed July 6 '96 during a normal anti-theft control. His murderers were located some time later and killed by police in Milan. All except one, who has always maintained his innocence. Corbo was transferred and I think he understood that to live is best forgotten. " Believes that one of D 'was an immediate death due to his secret son? "I am sure for what I got to hear, in '96, the process of Verona against the so-called gang of Alcaeus Bartalucci, also known as the Band of repentance." What 's entering the process now? "A very good reporter of 'Unity, John Laccabò, had discovered that in the acts of that process was the thread that led to the death of my son. What thread? "The gang of unrepentant had done, undisturbed, dozens of robberies in the Po Valley during the first half of '94, until he had killed a police officer, Massimiliano Turazza. The attorney of Verona had discovered that the band was covered by the Carabinieri of the ROS. Rather, by his sergeant, Angelo Paron. That in exchange for information, supplied the gang with weapons and ammunition supplied to the police and, above all, ensuring freedom of action. For robbery and drug trafficking. " And how do you get from here to the death of his son? "Together with the Marshal of the Ros Paron of Padua, was tried also the Colonel of the Carabinieri Triscari Monza. Remember? L ' officer who had rushed to close the Savior's death as suicide. He was accused of having withheld information that had been transmitted from its core operating presence in its area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of the "repentant" Alcaeus Bartalucci. Who not only ran where he should not. But turning armed. " And where are turned? "In the area of \u200b\u200bVimercate. Where was my son. " She believes that her son is dead because he had crossed this story? That this was his secret? "Today, I'm sure. My son had discovered the illegal operations Ros, covered by a colonel. And so it was killed. " As we concluded the process of Verona? "In the first instance, Triscari has been convicted. While Paron was acquitted, he who accused him has recanted. I knew that against the prosecutor appealed. But not so important. " What matter then? "What General Ganzer has not so far as the explanations that will give even one day." As commander of the ROS? "Not only. Ganzer Ros arrived at after working in Verona, where, as has been the process, as he managed the provincial commander "sorry" Bartalucci. It seems to me enough to ask: who killed Salvatore ?.

AND THINK IT WAS THE 2003 .......................

Looking for a bit I find on the Internet ....

Ganzer has a method . And the method - rebuild the investigation by the Milan prosecutor's office - so the "system". The Ros instructs its operations to obtain a white proxy by the court. Used to legitimize actions that have neither legitimate nor a prerequisite to the outcome. But responding to a routine.
read from the file: "The ROS creates direct and indirect contacts with representatives of South American and Middle Eastern organizations involved in the smuggling of narcotic drugs without either to identify them nor to their complaint." Order then "quantities of drugs to be sent to Italy with a cargo by air or by paying the fee in a non-documented and also using money from the sale of the drug imported into Italy. Money is not specified in the kidnapping." That it is not "covert" even a child understands. "It is - note the Milan prosecutor's office - of incitement to import drugs into Italy." Produced artificially

the offense through the instigation, it is now necessary that someone would be crushed on the responsibility through the false, lying, abuse. Judges write: "The Ros falsely representing to the court and the Head Central services agreements exist between drug organizations Italian buyers and suppliers. Agreements allegedly learned through undercover agents. "It 's a good story for anyone who wants or has an interest in drinking it, but needed to leave the next move." The Ros takes charge of the narcotic to his arrival in Italy, omitting any duty activities control over the quantity and quality. The transportation and holds even for long periods of time, sometimes leaving it in the uncontrolled availability of traffickers. "It provides, therefore, the" installation of laboratories for refining ", to" search for buyers, through the mediation of brokers paid. " instigates the purchase, penetrating the market the news of the possibility of acquiring drug ".

You're done. The rest is trivial detail. On the ground, the operations are carried out by hand, forcing, bypassing any kind of rule, falsifying minutes of seizure and arrest, bartering the price of freedom with the fugitives. What matters is showing off "the successful conclusion of operations sensational." The important thing is to put the cuffs on someone and then shake a handful of arrests - whatever the thickness - to be delivered to prosecutor and to a certain guilty verdict.

It 's a carousel highly profitable criminal (and even some economic) in which all gain. Investigator and prosecutor. You just need to decide whether to climb or not. must, above all, a magistrate lends his face and his signature, authorizing the Ros to operate from the Alps to Sicily circumvention of the rules on territorial jurisdiction of individual prosecutors and taking away so nosy.


The deputy prosecutor Mario Conte, unknown at that time magistrate of the province, decided to climb on the carousel. in Bergamo, which is not even home to a District Anti-Mafia Directorate, he is the interface Ganzer. On his indication, is the umbrella, by signing that you need to sign, the delegations that have non-commissioned officers of the ROS in force at the core of Brescia, Gilbert Lovato, Rodolfo Harp, Gianfranco Benigni, Michele Scalisi, Alberto Zanoni Lazzeri, enabling them to operate throughout the country, together with the command Ros Rome and with the officers and NCOs of the sections drugs that over time you succeed (Obinu Mauro, Carlo Wigeon, Costanzo Leone, Laureano Palmisano, Vincenzo Rinaldi).

Biagio Rotondo said, "The Red" was the witness who has uncovered games Ros Ganzer is dead "suicide" in prison Lucca on August 29 in 2007 ............!!!!!

General Giampaolo Ganzer can not remain in place. The resignation would be a natural consequence after the reasons for the sentence of condemnation against the commander of the ROS, the special operations department of the police. And instead of two days, with the exception of 'Italy the values, zero calls for the resignation by the center and - even more amazing - from the rest of the center.

Ganzer Yet, according to the Milan judges who have sentenced to 14 years, was "scandalous in agreement with the traffickers who have been allowed to sell their drugs in Italy and get rich from the proceeds of sales to the protection of the police officers of the ROS. The sentence last July (2010), but the reasons were made known only on Monday. For the judges, by Ganzer "drug trafficking is not only not been fought, but also encouraged and supported." The ruling could be overturned on appeal and the presumption of innocence must be recognized, but has created a huge fault with the commander of Ros convicted of drug trafficking.

BEST WISHES TO DO ?????????????

WHO, THE ITALIAN ????????????????

..... BUT NO .... I wish all Ganzer

For Niki

"What really is love, and the rest
What really love you will not be' ripped
What really love and 'your true legacy'...."

Ti Amo



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Auto Insurance Company Counter Offer

The Shadow Government, according to Wikipedia

Wikipedia e alcuni tra i suoi utenti e amministratori ci hanno regalato numerose spassosissime Perle, spesso salutate da vivaci reazioni che hanno consentito di dare una parvenza enciclopedica a voci che giacevano allo stato brado.

Di strada, però, ce n'è ancora davvero tanta da fare, come conferma la voce " Governo ombra (teorie del complotto) ".

Questa storia di creare voci parallele per ospitare le teorie complottiste che riguardano la voce principale, ci ha sempre fatto sorridere.

In un certo senso, è come se la voce principale (vera, storica, documentata) e le teorie complottiste (quasi sempre un guazzabuglio di ridicole idiozie) were placed on the same floor with the same degree of enciclopedicità.
The most shocking, though, is that these "alternatives" are very often even without source references, are real "outbursts" of some paranoid personal-wiki user believes (unfortunately with good reason) to exploit Wikipedia to advertise the more outlandish theories.

So, let's see what Wikipedia writes about Italian Shadow Government version plot.

In common parlance, means shadow government with a political institution, present in some parliamentary systems, formed by the opposition.
Instead, in the shadow government conspiracy theories represent one or more organizations alleged that supposedly would operate behind the scenes of some governments, relying on an alleged artificial network to manage, to say the conspiracy theorists, many of the world's governments. According to the optical
conspiracy, there would be many structures that would operate the hands of the alleged and unproven Shadow Government.

Note the conditional, the words "supposedly", "expected", "unproven".
In short, we're talking about hot air . Moreover, without a shred of source. Such a page should be deleted on the spot, but no. Wikipedia erase a lot of items considered "not encyclopedic" (often simply because those who vote for the deletion is too ignorant on the subject) but such an abortion is still standing.

The leaders of this occult organization would bring together all the countries of the world under one flag, the flag of the New World Order.

The New World Order , the myth of any conspiracy worthy of the name. Just five minutes to speak with a plot, and be assured that we will bring out the history of the New World Order. Try to ask him what it is, and will not respond. The conspiracy theorists are like that ...

The first signs for the construction of New World Order, would the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the UN, the meetings of these groups except the last one, held behind closed doors, and according to this conspiracy would not let out information about the topics covered in these fees.

Damn that brain to which this plot. They understood that if a held a meeting behind closed doors, probably does not want you to know around what has been said.
wonder how did they arrive at this conclusion ...

The UN according to the conspiracy, would be the first step towards the unification of a single world state, in fact, thanks to this organization have been costruite numerose strutture internazionali.

Altra grande deduzione. L'ONU è un organismo internazionale, è normale che dia vita a strutture internazionali! Forse i complottisti si aspettavano che creasse associazioni per giocare a tressette?

Ma poi, che significa “secondo i complottisti”? Chi sono questi complottisti? C'è un manifesto, un nome, un riferimento? Niente. Per quel che ne sappiamo, potrebbero essere il fioraio e l'edicolante sotto la casa del wikipediano che ha scritto queste idiozie.

Andando avanti nella lettura, la situazione – nella miglior tradizione della Wiki italiana – peggiora.
C'è un rinvio a un approfondimento the "conspiracy of the New World Order."
as if to say: we are writing a bunch of nonsense, and they want more and more specific, we have other voices "encyclopedic" in place in order ...

Then follows the paragraph "shadow government Catholic." This opens

The hypothesis that the Vatican has set up a shadow government is a conspiracy theory but on a very recent theme is not new. In 1614, Germany, was published a text, which refers to a Jesuit conspiracy (...)

A text? What do you mean "text"? Who wrote it? Where is it? How's it called? Nothing. You must trust Wikipedia, so that you do not need to even know what text it!

The book spoke of the brotherhood of the Rosy Cross was founded in 1407 by Christian Rosenkreutz (...) The book was the result of an invention, but this secret society was actually exists (contrary to what the writer believed that he had collected the information) .

No, wait. We try to understand. So the book ... this text that you do not know anything ... was the result of an invention? That is, was it? A book of fairy tales? So Wikipedia cites a book of stories and does not deign even to indicate which book it?
But there seems an encyclopedia entry, this here? He would even laugh child asylum.

According to conspiracy theorists, Opus Dei's orders would arrive on the implementation of programs, election of cardinals and even popes. According to the conspiracy
more pungent, the movement of anti-Catholicism was brought from the ranks of the Vatican's own shadow government to carry out some sinister purpose.

Think a bit '. The term "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theorists more pungent ... always without any reference to the names and publications. Perhaps most poignant is the florist dell'edicolante ...

Then comes the section "U.S. Shadow Government." And here
tones begin to change. Rather than cram sentences with a forest of "according to the conspiracy, the allegations become almost absolute: it does not matter who says what, and so is enough.
: It

The United States of America have always been home to plot. It is believed that a true American Shadow Government was born during the Truman administration. That's because he was the first president to initiate research programs secrets, hence perhaps began the U.S. Shadow Government.
The first sign of mystery was given with the launch of Majestic 12, just at the behest of then President Truman, this team had the sole purpose of studying the EBE and their aircraft. What started as a simple study of UFO became the first branch of a shadow government that would expand during the Cold War. This administration in the shadow would begin to influence the U.S. political and military decisions.
were opened many programs such as Project Blue Book, Aquarios, Grudge, and other programs or team required to study the UFO phenomenon and dedicated military espionage activities of the Soviet Union.

you think it has a leader and what? What have the UFO with a shadow government? What does it matter
military espionage activities of the USSR (an ordinary and obvious) with a shadow government?

In 1963 the USSR would take place weird casi di Cancro nel personale dell'ambasciata americana a Mosca. Gli USA l'anno dopo avrebbero cominciato a studiare gli effetti di segnali radioattivi su persone ignare della loro esposizione. La CIA avrebbe coordinato questi esperimenti segreti, le frequenza utilizzate avrebbero dovuto disturbare il Sistema nervoso centrale regredendo le funzionalità normali di un corpo fino a ridurlo in condizioni disagevoli. Questi test avrebbero avuto dei buoni risultati tanto che, sarebbero state costruite delle installazioni sotterranee con l'apposita funzione di approfondire gli effetti regressivi di questi segnali, in modo da poterli usare in una possibile Guerra elettronica o Psicologica.
Secondo alcuni il vero scopo di questi studi sarebbe stato quello di ridurre il Sistema nervous in such a state that control the actions of the person affected by the signals.

We are more rambling fiction imaginable. Cancer, frequencies, regression of the nervous system ... all in a stew with lots of meaningless reference to the electronic warfare (which is something completely different) and psychological warfare (which is also quite different).

The U.S. Shadow Government would organize the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or him catching his murderess, all because he did not want JFK aura of mystery about their government and wanted to maintain stability in the world beginning with the cessation fires in Vietnam. How

no. There would be a small detail that history says the opposite, since it was Kennedy to light the first fire in Vietnam sending thousands (18,000!) Of "military advisers" and adopting a plan of gradual escalation military action , which included the authorization for the use of napalm, among other things.

The CIA is also working on the control of the mind, see the Project MKULTRA. The shadow government wanted to control these experiments in the future people, the mind set of the Zombie.

course. We are forgotten plan to enlist even Santa Claus and the Befana?

Anche i sovietici avrebbero avuto le stesse intenzioni, i due governi oscuri anche se nemici tra loro avrebbero avuto le stesse intenzioni nella Guerra Fredda.
Nel 2005 in molti quotidiani europei e nordamericani, (in Italia pubblicato dal quotidiano La Stampa) apparve l'articolo: Bush contro gli Ufo, dalla Base Luna alla guerra segreta. Paul Hellyer fu il ministro della Difesa canadese e partecipò a molte conferenze a porte chiuse del NORAD. Il politico disse espressamente che la base lunare che vorrebbe costruire la NASA entro il 2020, non servirebbe come punto d'attracco per l'esplorazione del Sistema Solare ma dovrebbe funzionare come dogana per gestire il traffico di Ufo diretta verso la Terra e se possibile abbatterli con delle nuove armi spaziali di ultima generazione che starebbe costruendo il Pentagono in segreto.
L'ex-ministro canadese ha parlato anche di una possibile guerra tra uomini e alieni che potrebbe avvenire se gli Stati Uniti d'America decidessero di abbattere gli UFO diretti verso la Terra.
Queste affermazioni sarebbero molto dolenti se il tutto fosse vero, ma nessun governo ha reagito alle dichiarazione di Hellyer.

Sarà mica perché Hellyer era evidentemente matto da legare?

Queste dichiarazioni sarebbero la conferma che il governo ombra nordamericano sarebbe molto attivo e si interesserebbe soprattutto della costruzione di armi non convenzionali, e dello studio sugli Ufo, secondo alcune fonti militari il governo starebbe trying to create similar aircraft in flying saucers, but using clean energy ...

There seems right. The Shadow Government is seriously concerned about pollution, and then builds flying saucers with zero harmful emissions ... Only on Wikipedia
Italian you can read these things, you may be sure ...

... as the technology which would support the scientific foundations of the aliens would be too complicated for human technology, ...

But, sorry, if this is so complicated, how do you explain that humans modify it to use clean energy? Mysteries of Wiki.

... to study the reverse engineering alien technology that would be born is to study in detail the anti-gravity, antimatter, some elements not found on Earth that would allow you to use little energy to make interstellar travel and time.

Really? The reverse engineering is then created to study the alien technology? We show that reverse engineering is the work with which - starting from any artifact - are being rebuilt its design or construction drawings in order to replicate. Art is always the man (also called copying, plagiarism, tarot ...) and with which the alien has to do less than a damn.

All is not established, but the more conspiracy-minded that way.

But it? There is no evidence? Who knows why ...
The truth is that this is a mass of wild-eyed nonsense: this Wikipedia should write clearly, if you really want to keep such an abomination of voice.

After some other paragraph of more nonsense, the voice passes to talk about Echelon, the system of intercepting and analyzing communications implemented by the United States with the help of other allies.
Echelon has nothing to do with the shadow government is just a system of intelligence, like many others, sophisticated and powerful but still quite logical in the context of espionage.
But Wikipedia goes further: A system

molto simile all'ECHELON ma utilizzato solo nel Nord America è l'HAARP.

Molto simile? ECHELON è un sistema di intercettazione e analisi delle comunicazioni, HAARP è un progetto scientifico che studia i campi elettromagnetici terrestri. Sono due cose completamente diverse!

Ma la maggior parte dei governi ombra si sarebbe creata con l'avvento della Guerra fredda. I vari servizi segreti che lavorerebbero per i propri governi oscuri sarebbero l'FBI, il Mossad, l'MI6 e per la Russia sarebbe il Kgb che secondo alcuni esisterebbe ancora, ma i russi influiti dalla politica sovietica ne nasconderebbero l'esistenza. Ultimamente si è sentito parlare in Italia del Sismi, che avrebbe cooperato con CIA to capture some terrorists or even the killing.

This is a Wikipedia encyclopedia entry for Italian ...!
loony stuff ...
That means, then, "gravely influenced by the Russian Soviet policy? What language is it?

that Italy had a shadow government has never been taken into account, but according to some ufologists, during Mussolini's dictatorship would have created a veritable government secrecy for the study of arms and beloved radio UFO. One of the programs undertaken by the Fascists would have been the SETI RS/33 the Cabinet, a scientific group that would operate under the University La Sapienza.

But yes, scriviamo pure ogni genere di bestialità, tanto siamo su Wikipedia Italia...

La pagina è stata creata nel 2007 da un certo Jok3r , un wikipediano che sarà bene tenere d'occhio (lo diciamo non solo ai nostri cercatori di Perle ma anche ai servizi di salute mentale): vista l'immensa quantità di idiozie che è riuscito a concentrare su questa voce, non abbiamo dubbi che debba aver svolto lavori altrettanto egregi altrove. C'è da meravigliarsi che non l'abbiano eletto amministratore.

Certo è che la voce è stata visitata e ritoccata abbastanza spesso, anche da utenti anziani e amministratori, come dimostra la sua cronologia, ma is still there: no one is seriously committed to the gate (the state, there is no other solution).

thank Anthony for reporting

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Causes Palmer Erythema

April CATS, SILVIO BERLUSCONI, the anonymous message, the puzzle, E. ........ AND 'TOO EASY! NIKI

I would love to be able to come up there ... above the clouds ... to hold them again and tell you how much I miss you ...

How far This Christmas, my beloved son ......... when swept away all your happiness, your contagious enthusiasm .....

... took up all my space ..... my thoughts ... you were my baby ... everything revolves around you ...
We can understand what a child for a mother?? You lived nine months in the fibers of my body, breathing through my nostrils, you were with me in my thoughts and in my blood .... smell the world and breathe through me ...... Everything is complicated when the body Mother can no longer 'to do this as a barrier to the outside world ..... but the link cordone ombelicale, quello noi Niki, non l'abbiamo mai reciso....Nel tempo si è trasformato in Amore maturo, Intesa..... Complicità......
Ecco tutto questo mi manca ed ancora di piu'.......
Ti vedevo crescere tesoro ed il tuo sorriso che conquistava e riusciva sempre a farti emergere lo guardavo con ammirazione, tu che in mezzo a sconosciuti riuscivi a diventare amico di tutti....
Ti osservavo quando in ricorrenze, intorno al tavolo eri sempre quello che sceglievi il frutto piu' piccolo e brutto ....o sceglievi le cose che mai erano le ultime...e ti guardavo e pensavo:"è lui il migliore, è lui mio figlio......è lui che si preoccupa sempre che gli altri possano sua di scelta non è mai a sfavore di altri e questo lo rende Unico....lo rende solo MIO!!!!"
Anche la sua genialità lo rendeva unico, purtroppo è stata quella che lo ha reso appetibile a persone prive di scrupoli e oggetto di invidia di tutti.....e questo lo posso asserire senza presunzione, in quanto la sua genialità (mai vantata da Lui) gli era collettivamente riconosciuta!
A volte penso che se il suo sorriso fosse stato piu' non avesse avuto la sua genialità, ma si fosse perso nell'anonimato...forse he was still with me .... but it's not my Niki!
In a verse from the sacred Hebrew text it is written

"A wrong done can not straighten up, and what is lacking can not be counted .. ...."

Love You Niki

Ieri ci sono stati ben due messaggi anonimi, uno su questo Blog che dice testualmente:

Anonimo ha detto...
Auguri di Buon Natale Niki prima o poi certe persone dovranno spiegare perche la mattina del tuo arresto dall'avvocato Franco Marcolini vi siete presentati visto che sapevate gia degli arresti avvenuti ed eravate all'estero "San Marino"

Per favore signora Ornella Non tolga il sorriso e la voglia di vivere al fratello di Niki non credo che sia quello che voglia lui visto che adorava il suo fratellino

25 dicembre 2010 15:21

Si evince che questo Anonimo conoscesse bene Niki (l'adorazione per il fratellino) conoscenza perfetta di nome e cognome dell'Avvocato e del fatto che questo Avvocato fosse in Italia ....e del fatto che Niki sia stato attirato in quello studio.....(cosa che io vado urlando da 30 mesi!!!!!)

I call these anonymous to also aid in my battle, because anyone can add items that even though they may seem insignificant in my view are essential puzzle!

Thanks Anonymous and Niki knew you would know how to find me too (compared anonymity!)

Other message Anonymous put in a blog linked to me and then with certainty that I would read:

AntiNatalizio said ...
"I wish I also twisting of the stomach (no conscience, because they did not) to criminals who have taken the world by Niki. A hug to his mother, a real hug.
I am one of those who , armed with pen, would bring out some truth. I do not earn anything, neither money nor fame, simply because I strafrego. I tried to approach me, but I will excuse this little fact: someone like me, has the sincerity and the Media to disseminate certain facts without personal interests of any kind. But I was away in the wrong way, because of fools who do not I define colleagues.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to all. "

December 25, 2010 24:31

The severity of this comment and the official press about the My Niki speak for themselves!

And do not forget the anonymous comment Very important also presented in the prosecutor of Florence, and left no reply ......... .

scorpion52 said ...

if you like to contact me I'll let you put more posts on your site. So many things about the murder suicide of Cats. But because they are involved can not denounce

The same anonymous author of this message open 'to his time from this blog Name:

"the truth about the death of three people Perugia

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Andate a leggere!!! (anche questo portato ai Magistrati di Firenze) anche questo ritenuto ......irrilevante!!!!

Ora se i vecchi e i nuovi messaggi non destano un minimo dubbio questo lo lascio decidere a Voi!!!!! Cosa serve in Italia per riaprire e fare indagini su una morte piu' che sospetta?????????

Le cose vanno guardate nell'insieme e non separandole!!!!

-E' troppo facile analizzare un furto in un appartamento, come a simple theft of a neighbor and it will detach from a totally internal to a large survey for "hiding and detecting and removing valuable evidence "...... .......( computers as soon as release from seizure WILL BE DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO FINANCE POLICE TO SEE THEM TAMPER .....)"

- It 's too easy to fall in the death of Niki cauldron of suicides in prison if ...... pull the "its willingness to cooperate and speak" in a large survey .......

-E ' too easily lead to believe in a suicidal rampage when all the experts say the opposite ....

-It 's too easy to believe that a string of sneakers (one) holding a boy and 80 feet high and weighing 90 kg

-It 's too easy to define "stupidity" the telegram and the will of change of lawyer if we place the large survey ..... .... and the lawyer .. .... even the lawyers ...

-It 's too easy to think that the ADUC, in the person of Dr Vincenzo Donvito, simply forgot to respond to my appeal .......

-It 's too easy to think that MPs are too busy fighting among themselves to respond well to "three Parliamentary questions" made over the years ....

-It 's too easy ........


The idea that the Premier has launched the Matrix the other night, I had already had it! He said he will not be approved if the "legitimate grounds" the process will only be on TV and in the streets, well, I have neither the TV nor the squares, but I have a blog, I will be in the process denied Niki blog (people around me I can say that I have this idea that the ventilation months!) are just waiting to know the result Premium and answers to parliamentary questions.
To the extent that these outcomes will be negative for the first time in history, we will process the Blog, where I say things that I know and you say your impressions, in full freedom and Niki will have at least the TRUTH '!!!!!
ask the help of those who clearly is the Blog Master and has a strength of this tool! (You already know who is ....!!!)
In help, I will for the dissemination and knowledge of other bloggers will be made to 360 degrees, and we'll see .... responsibilities. ... the truth will emerge and we'll see if that at all costs si vogliono tenere occultate!!!

Niki avrà la Verità che merita!!!!!

Per Niki

"Lasciami solo quel poco di me stesso
che mi permetta di chiamarti
il mio tutto.

...Lasciami solo quel poco della mia volontà
che mi permetta di sentirti in ogni luogo
di vederti in ogni cosa
di offer at any time my love.

Let me just that little bit of myself
I can never hide.

Just let the little of my chains
I feel myself bound to your will
in my life is fulfilled
your project and that my only
chain is that of your love. "
(Tagore) I
I love Mamma

........ I Will Follow'....

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Bathmate

The Masters of the Universe. Just to

No, is not the last film Mazzucco but a supposed journalistic scoop.

plots are generally stupid, but if they are must also thank some newspapers and journalists who help to disseminate and publicize real nonsense.

E ' the case of a recently published article Republic, where the "corresponding" Federico Rampini writes that the third Wednesday of each month nine bankers meet in secret on Wall Street to manage the destiny of the world:

back to them: the Masters of the Universe. Same names, same defects, a story that seems doomed to repeat itself and with the final likely to be already written: impunity. This time is the whole world of derivatives - financial "toxic" that played a crucial role in the crisis of 2008 - the object of their conspiracy. A true "dome" of bankers exercise an exclusive power to control this market. Out of any transparency, and away from any competition. "The third Wednesday of every month - revealing the New York Times -
nine members of an elite of Wall Street gathering in Midtown Manhattan ."...

The news, therefore, comes from the New York Times. Another newspaper, another great journalist who sees conspiracies.
But the sources of this News Where are they?

details of their meetings shall be confidential. They are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank,
Barclays, UBS, Credit Suisse. " Officially, nine powerful bankers in this business committee have the task of "safeguarding the stability and integrity
on a market that moves every day, thousands of billions of dollars. In fact, the club for nine "Protects the interests of big banks that are part of it, perpetuate their rule, fights every effort to make transparent the prices and commissions." The complaint by the New York Times is raising the maximum surveillance. For the most authoritative source of the investigation is Gary Gensler, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

The Gasler says Gary.
Yes .. but there is a document, test, something that proves the validity of this story?

The Justice Department has opened an investigation "
the possibility of anticompetitive practices in the trading and clearing of derivatives." The suspicions of collusion and a real sign are not new. But finding evidence is difficult.

a way as any to say that there is no evidence , well ...

Extract evidence from the club of the Masters of the Universe is complicated, at least if you follow the methods of "normal".

And we do, Rampini? Torture them?

Hence the great expectations for the revelations announced by WikiLeaks about Bank of America knows that I can not Julian Assange where the judiciary does not come ...

We are right then ... Wikileaks we have to wait.

Meanwhile the fact is that the second Rampini New York Times would write that some would say ... Gary Gensler Yeah, what would she say? It is not known. There are these Masters of the Universe, but it is unclear if it is something said by Gensler and The New York Times or Rampini.

But there would be an investigation. Do not know who opened it, what exactly has been opened, what I found out: you just know - or rather says - that there is an investigation.

tests there are none. But there is hope of Wikileaks ...

Not one shred of source, links, document, no nothing.
Inference about inference, Rampini put on an article-style "talking barber ...

Groove thank you for reporting.

Note: the reader Alexander F. We reported the link to the original NYT (link and backup link) and the reader Gaetano P. alerted us to another article such as that of Pearl, La Stampa ( link and backup link). Thank you both.

Gba Pokemon Mobile Game



"Never, never know


what lights me up

your shadow stands beside me timid,

when hopefully more ................................"

Love Christmas without a light and without lights, without you!

Niki you were the substance of my days and have given thickness

and beauty to my life,

you have been much more 'than any mother could wish for!!

" son, daughter, son,
light of pure emery

run in your heart and do not look
son, daughter, son suffocated
lily , lily, lily,

son, daughter, son.

son who has taken your future?
Those who have the world in his hands.

Son, who stole your smile?
Those that are of heaven.

son, daughter, son,

Son, here the night is very dark ..

Son you that you have the infinite in hand ...

beloved son, son, son.

Tell me what, tell me what will become of me? "

We miss you crazy!!

Ti Amo Mamma


Questi sono i Manifesti che riempiono le strade di Avezzano e Celano ...per permettere a Niki di essere sempre fra Noi......
(nella nostra casa è sempre presente!!!!) terzo Natale.....
Ti Amo

"La nostra Terra ha assorbito tanto di quel sangue da ubriacarsi.
Questa povera Terra Nostra è inzuppata di sangue a fontane.
E questa doveva essere Terra Promessa. Promessa????????"
("In nome della madre" E. De Luca)


............CHE VUOTO CHE HAI LASCIATO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...INCOLMABILE.....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cd Instalacion Sound Blaster Extigy Windows Vista

NIKI April CATS, THE SISTERS OF PAIN AND .... we hope they come quickly! NIKI

Per l'uomo falso, tutto l'universo non è vero,

e quando cerchi di afferrarlo stringi un pugno di mosche: è impalpabile.

E lui stesso, fino a quando si mostrerà sotto una luce falsa,

sarà un'ombra, una cosa che non esiste più.

(Nathaniel Hawthorne)

This post I dedicate it to my "sisters in pain", to all mothers who feel like me in this clandestine survival of their children ......

They like me who are going through these terrible days ..... .... where the absence of our children is exacerbated (if possible ....)

a private message I read today that sent me one of these sisters

"Dear Ornella, I'm sorry if these days will not see me on fb but I'm terrible, sono ripiombata in una oscurità fitta, densa, non ho voglia di dire niente, perchè tutto mi sembra inutile......."

E chi meglio di me, può capirti?????? Sono giorni, che chiudo gli occhi davanti alle luci natalizie, che rispondo con un automatismo che mi spaventa agli auguri dei auguri di cosa????????? E tutto mi sembra assurdo, paradossale, queste persone che non vogliono vedere, non vogliono capire che nella tua esistenza non c'è piu' posto per gli auguri....non c'è la tua esistenza....
Noi carissime, dobbiamo deal at any time, with our absurd and dull pain that breaks the Soul ...... we have to deal with this .....

Yes, with this empty chair every time we come to our table and we hate the fact that the first was the most 'nice to meet all together ... .... we will never be more 'together .... along with those who ????????????? And our beloved sons ????????? Who killed them there ???????? Who has removed from our tables , the first harbingers of dreams and hopes, now only mournful ????????

their absence is a deafening silence ...... ..... lies above all else!
How to explain to others that when Grace came into my shop (one of them sisters), his eyes from the void, I recognized her tragedy?? I looked at her and saw me ..... you know ..... you know the crazy nights and days she knew irraccontabili ...... ...... our embrace and our tears merged ......

What Christmas is Christmas ... but what ???????? Chi è responsabile di questo oceano di dolore?????

Oggi nel mio paese è caduta tanta neve....Niki adorava la neve ed in altri tempi...quelli felici, sarei tornata a casa ed avrei trovato i giganteschi pupazzi di neve che Niki faceva per Nathan....oggi ho dovuto chiudere gli occhi tornando a casa.....non c'era Lui e non c'erano freddo non eguagliava il freddo dell'Anima......

Noi carissime possiamo capire...noi che quotidianamente viviamo l'assenza palpabile dei nostri figli....noi who take refuge in dreams and hug them to sleep .... that we continue to make their gifts then with tears in their eyes on Christmas Eve, we are forced to open ..... because they are not there to do it ....... we take note ... and then you fall into the abyss ..... Dual doses of tranquilizers to sleep that night at least an hour ... We are looking for their survival in the books, in what seems to us the message from the Universe .. .. because everything is better than nothing .... we feel that we continue to say ... "he's with you ..... but unfortunately they are not there and we would like them really ....

To you dear sisters I wish to address the pain of my warmest hug and filled with love, with the hope that these days spend more 'can quickly
.... because this is the only wish that we .. ... and that our children help us in overcoming them!

With Love to you all

For Niki

"We sono pensieri che non dico neppure a me stesso,

ma mi sono tanto cari che se li perdessi

non vi sarebbe nient’altro per me.”

(Lev Tolstoj)

Ti Amo




Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Difference Between Licence Deed And Lease Deed


be clear: we do not have a particular liking for Pokemon . We never understood, do not know exactly what to do and what they represent, in our case are just cartoon characters who have obviously had a great commercial success .

fun fact is that millions of children around the world, and quite a few 'years, and although we would prefer something more informative and educational, it is not appropriate to make a tragedy.

Not everyone thinks so, though, and among the enemies of irriducili Pokemom there site Eben-Ezer , which would - according to its makers - the Evangelical Christian Church Pentecostal : We

a Pentecostal Evangelical Community of about 380 members, a church with the help of the Lord has faced and surpassed many obstacles.

In fact, some time ago we were in a tiny rented room where he suffered very hot, we were there 20 years.

Then what happened? They were released?
Whatever the reason, these Community Gospel Pentecostal hate Pokemon.
He writes in a page these fictional characters:

Just to
The phenomenon of Pokemon Cartoon Pokemon is creating a lot of hardships in families where the children watch him on TV. From a search on the Internet were very alarming news: 1-
as Pokemon, not the union of the two terms and Pocket Monster (which means "pocket monsters"), but turns out to be the union of the two terms Pocket and "Demon (which means" Demon Pocket ") 2-
many sites devoted to Pokemon, which can be found Internet web-sites with direct access to the occult, Satanism and black magic;
3 's goal is that Pokemon are designed to corrupt the innocence of the child, educate and train gradually to rebel against their parents, violence and selfishness. The idea behind the guise of innocent Pokemon is to show the child that can become a power in the world of darkness
4-The goal of the game is to collect the child all the Pokemon cards, with the promise that when will it holds all the cards, he will fulfill all his desires
5-Some Pokemon cards have become rare, almost introvabili: questo Costringe i bambini a far pressione sui genitori affinché li procurino; con ingente dispendio di tempo, dl energie e di denaro; .
6 -Nei cartoni animati e nei videogiochi Pokemon la violenza mostrata non è esplicita, la mente del bambino non viene volutamente focalizzata sul fatto che, anche solo per gioco, sta distruggendo milioni di vite umane, per il bambinI il gioco è mettere una sfera rossa (una, bomba) in una buca, e poi farla esplodere;
7 –questo gioco, apparentemente calmo e innocuo, abbraccia direttamente la magia nera, la stregoneria, l'occultismo, il reiki ,il channeling, la possessione demoniaca, il vampirismo.

Satanismo, magia nera, distruzione di millions of lives, demonic possession ...???
Okay that have been closed for twenty years in 380 in a small room without air conditioning, but here we are pure paranoia.

You see, gentlemen Gospels, Pokemon are a nonsense, they are cartoon like and they sell well but Satanism does not matter a damn .

's just a trade issue, if you were not in the room remained closed for 20 years you would have found you too.

And then, sorry ... you have not noticed that right on the home page of your site run banner advertisements of any kind?
Look at this:

advertising Guitar Hero software with horns!
Based on your reasoning, you too would be a site of Satanism!

Boffa thank you for reporting.

Where Is Best Place To Sit At Bob Carr

April CATS. Journalists, lawyers, ROME IN FLAMES, E. ... When you win a po '... YOU LOSE

"There are people who would pay for


(V. Hugo)

A Te Niki

A Te che ti ho fortemente voluto, a te che hai riempito la mia vita di gioia e soddisfazioni,

a Te compagno oltre che figlio e frutto splendido della mia esistenza!

A Te che che riesci a farmi sentire che ci sei, anche adesso che non abiti piu' qui.....

A Te che riempi queste pagine del blog con la tua vita, a Te che vivi dentro di me e illumini

il buio dei mie giorni, a Te che sei l'orizzonte verso il quale mi dirigo ed ogni passo ci avvicina.

To you I address that in every moment of the day and night and the thought keeps me alive, to you that your smile

filled the hearts of those present to you who could snatch a smile even in the midst of many problems,

to you that you have given me the joy of being a mother and your mother,

to you that you have snatched from life so that you loved your family and your dreams,

to you that among the myriad problems of everyday life faced by only always two of us, we never made the only thing really lacking essential Love .

Under the tree of our house there are the gifts that Nathan has asked Santa Claus, the most beautiful and most 'large door with a letter if thy for him, knowing you interpret what 'd written

You live with us and always will be in four, beyond our physical appearance is the love that unites us and unite us forever! As I wrote on your monument : "Love is stronger than death," I Love You Mom

I'm reading the book " Metastasis" by Nuzzi, blood, money and politics between North and South

The new 'Ndrangheta in the confession of a sorry ... the repentant collaborator of justice is

Giuseppe Di Bella.

A page. 28 read: "If you did not pay protection money, we eventually burned the local or come the hard way: beating them, send them to hospital, burning the car, scared the family.

not in Calabria. In Lombardy. Yet everyone pretended not to see . We were quiet because Newspaper reports came only . The incidents were quickly forgotten. ... ...."

see the great responsibility of the press and journalists ??????????????

Why did you ignore it ????????? Yet it is the Lombardy. ... Not talking about reality acclaimed (unfortunately) for certain episodes ...... If they had the first episode, is given due importance very likely that the noise also would open the judiciary for years investigations ......

Let's see what does the Code of Journalistic Ethics (a summary ... ... just a small summary of Art .1)

Code of Practice on the handling of personal data pursuant to the exercise of journalistic art. 25 of the Law of 31 December 1996, no 675
(published in the Official Gazette No 179 of 03.08.1998)

General principles

1. These rules are designed to reconcile the fundamental rights of the person with the right of citizens to information and freedom of the press.

2. Under Article . 21 of the Constitution , the journalistic profession is taking place without authorization or censorship . As an essential condition for the exercise of the right and duty of reporting, collecting, recording, storage and dissemination of news about events and stories concerning persons, collective bodies, institutions, customs, scientific research and of thought, implemented as part of the journalistic and for its own purposes of this activity, they differ significantly in their nature from the storage and processing of personal data by banks data or other entities. On these principles are based on the necessary exceptions provided by paragraphs 17 and 37 and art. 9 of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and EU Council of 24 October l995 and the Law 675/96.

And now a summary of the Code of Ethics of Lawyers, journalists and lawyers two categories that both could do to help us common people, seplicemente "maybe" I respect their ethics!!

code of ethics for lawyers

'L' Advocate conducts its activities in full freedom, autonomy and independence, to protect
rights and interests of the person, ensuring the knowledge of laws and
thereby contributing to the implementation dell’ordinamento per i fini della giustizia.
Nell’esercizio della sua funzione, l’avvocato vigila sulla conformità
delle leggi ai principi della Costituzione, nel rispetto della Convenzione
per la salvaguardia dei diritti umani e dell’Ordinamento comunitario;
garantisce il diritto alla libertà e sicurezza e l’inviolabilità

della difesa; assicura la regolarità del giudizio e del contraddittorio.
Le norme deontologiche sono essenziali
per la realizzazione e la tutela di questi valori."

Article 6 is really interesting!

ART. 6. - Duties of loyalty and honesty. - A lawyer must carry out their duties with honesty and fairness.
I. The lawyer must not take action or propose actions

in court with bad faith or gross negligence.


"It 's looking for the impossible that man has ever made possible.
Those who have wisely limited to what seemed to them can never advanced a single step."


Chronicle of a day that saw Rome under siege and in flames .....

Forty injured among the demonstrators, almost sixty law enforcement. Over 40 arrested. And 'This is the snapshot that is a future memory of a day when in Rome, from morning until early afternoon, students, precari, centri sociali, i comitati per l'Aquila e i metalmeccanici della Fiom hanno sfilato per le vie della Capitale e manifestato - "in centomila" dicono, certo non molti di meno - in modo assolutamente civile. il freddo polare sceso su tutta l'Italia. Gli studenti partono in corte dalla Sapienza, intorno a mezzogiorno arrivano in via Cavour, un fiume umano vociante e festoso, atteso all'incrocio con via dei Fori Imperiali con il suo affluente: il corteo che all'ombra del Colosseo raggruppa i centri sociali, la protesta degli aquilani, le bandiere rosse della Fiom. Ed è emozione quando i due flussi si incontrano e proseguono assieme verso Piazza Venezia. Dove ad attenderli ci sono il Popolo Viola e i blindati della Guardia di Finanza che sbarrano l'accesso Via del Corso.

The great procession then deflects and stretches out into the Via San Marco, where, at around 12.45, with the height because of Astalli, the first scuffle broke out. The cross from

parts of Palazzo Grazioli, is blocked by an armored car of the policemen. Part of the chorus "resign, resign!" and soon after someone causes the agents collected behind the vehicle, bursting firecrackers and paper bombs, is the stampede. The river

human compacts in Largo di Torre Argentina and, just before reaching the height of the Renaissance course, leading to the Senate, before the procession a group of students cord fitted helmets and shields of the now famous rubber bearing the title of a classic culture. It 's the sign that something is going to happen. In fact, shortly after 13, the students here go beyond the yellow ribbons distributed by the municipality to prohibit access to the road and head towards the tanks deployed in defense of the Senate. While the cord before the parade has a tortoise from the back leave paint bombs and bottles.

agents in riot gear just stand and throw a little 'tear gas to bring the boys to retreat, the first line with helmets and shields fades away with tears in their eyes and find shelter in Largo Valley, while the collective urge all to line up behind the banners and not to venture into the surrounding streets. It seems ended there, the attack on the "red zone" where the great palaces Sorgnano policy. But it is not.

While the cord before the parade has a tortoise from the back leave paint bombs and bottles.

agents in riot gear just stand and throw a little 'tear gas to bring the boys to retreat, the first line with helmets and shields fades away with tears in their eyes and find shelter in Largo Valley, while the collective urge all to line up behind the banners and not to venture into the surrounding streets. Seems to end there, the attack on the "red zone" where the great palaces Sorgnano policy. But it is not.

Mentre il corteo, sempre più silenzioso, prosegue per Corso Vittorio Emanuele fino a sfociare sul lungotevere, nella massa qualcuno nota giovani in giacca nera o mimetica, il volto nascosto da sciarpe e cappucci, armeggiare con le transenne di un cantiere, scrutare al suo interno per cogliere la presenza di materiali da lancio. Tra le loro mani spuntano i primi sanpietrini divelti dal suolo.

I black block irrompono sulla scena intorno alle 15, poco dopo l'ultima eco dell'applauso che all'esterno di Palazzo Chigi saluta la fiducia alla Camera raccolta dal governo Berlusconi. Il corteo giunge in piazza del Popolo. Alla testa di uno spezzone, una cinquantina di estremisti imbocca via del Corso e attacca i blindati. Volano pietre, bombe carta, bastoni. From the square, the team invites everyone to not follow them, waiting. But the situation deteriorates and it is impossible to stay out. Tension is very high, an agent takes issue with one of the many photographers present, "If you make me one more shot the target background." The first stop children being dragged inside the armored vehicles.

When the police charge, along with their means sirens, it turns out that the "miscellaneous" comes from uprooted benches, ornamental cast iron with heavy cans placed along the street of shops, motorcycle destroyed. As the first contingent of police departments is strengthened with the arrival of the Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza, the protesters to retreat Piazza del Popolo, but a clash with security forces is hard and continuous. The square in the distance, is shrouded in thick smoke, bombarded by flying objects that never ends.

A full tear gas before the shock wave of the office at full strength with which the men in uniform, helmets and batons, "free" square. The show is depressing. An armored Finance burns entrance to Via del Babuino, emitting a column of thick black smoke and flames with its wrapping some cars. Ama a van, flip, burn at the entrance in Via del Corso, along with chairs, a bar. On the ground, in addition to debris and the remains of the battle, the gaps left from the extraction of cobblestones. On the steps, trails of blood.

The human river compacts in Largo di Torre Argentina and, just before reaching the height of the Renaissance course, leading to the Senate, before the procession a group of students cord fitted helmet and gum shields now celebrei bearing the title of a classic culture. It 's the sign that something is going to happen. In fact, shortly after 13, the students here go beyond the yellow ribbons distributed by the municipality to prohibit access to the road and head towards the tanks deployed in defense of the Senate. While the cord before the parade has a tortoise from the back leave paint bombs and bottles.

agents in riot gear line up enough and throw a little 'tear gas to induce children to retreat, the first line with helmets and shields fades away with tears in their eyes and find shelter in Largo Valley, while the collective call on everyone to stand behind the banners and not to venture into surrounding streets. Seems to end there, the attack on the "red zone" where the great palaces Sorgnano policy. But it is not.
The parade, more and more silent, goes on to Corso Vittorio Emanuele lead up to the Tiber, somebody noticed the mass in young black jacket or camouflage, their faces hidden by scarves and hoods, tinkering with the hurdles of a yard, peering at his Internal to capture particulate matter from launch. Among their the first sprouting hands cobblestones torn from the ground. The black block

burst onto the scene at around 15, just after the last echo dell'applauso outside of Palazzo Chigi collection salutes the confidence in the House by the Berlusconi government. The procession arrives in Piazza del Popolo. At the head of a piece, fifty extremists take Via del Corso and armored attacks. Flying stones, paper bombs, sticks. From the square, the team invites everyone to not follow them, waiting. But the situation deteriorates and it is impossible to stay out. Tension is very high, an agent takes issue with one of the many photographers present, "If you make me one more shot the target background." The first stop guys are dragged in of armored vehicles.

When the police charge, along with their means sirens, it turns out that the "miscellaneous" comes from uprooted benches, ornamental cast iron with heavy cans placed along the street of shops, motorcycle destroyed. As the first contingent of police departments is strengthened with the arrival of the Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza, the demonstrators move back to Piazza del Popolo, but a clash with security forces is hard and continuous. The square in the distance, is shrouded in thick smoke, bombarded by flying objects that never ends.

A full tear gas before the shock wave of the office at full strength with which the men in uniform, helmets and batons "Free" square. The show is depressing. An armored Finance burns entrance to Via del Babuino, emitting a column of thick black smoke and flames with its wrapping some cars. Ama a van, flip, burn at the entrance in Via del Corso, along with chairs, a bar. On the ground, in addition to debris and the remains of the battle, the gaps left from the extraction of cobblestones. On the steps, trails of blood.

While students fold in Viale Tiziano, and Lungotevere Viilla Borghese, Piazza del Popolo burns. But it is a fire that does not heat up as the morning sun. Rome set up a rather cool cape. A young man is immobilized by the police. "Let me - desperate screams - is a private citizen. "But the officials do not believe him. The spread on the ground and mounted on the chest, while a choir of young girls begging them to leave him alone.

....." Maybe" when you win .. ..... a bit 'is also lost ...............!!!!

For Niki

"..... here cries out
here we are all different but if you hear them speak

are always the same ... how many lies how many
secrets under the sea ....

Niki if you were still ......
there would be enough for a hug a smile
an hour ........................."

Ti Amo

