Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Viral Infection In The Eye

Today we talk about evolution and creationism .

The question does not concern us directly, in the sense that everyone is free to believe in one or more gods (as long as you do not feel authorized - for that reason alone - to cut the throat of the next) and make sense of the history of life on Earth .

But when the controversy is treated by a conspiracy, the Pearl is just around the corner, and here we are talking about the site and a post titled: "Evolution: Truth or ideology?" .

no doubt that the site manager is a true conspiracy: David Icke on advertising (the mattoide claiming that humanity is controlled by alien lizards in human form) speaks for itself.

So takes issue with theories of evolution, those introduced by Darwin, for instance, and basically shared by the entire scientific community.

Let's see what he writes here and there.

In November 1859 it was published "The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. It only appears on the exclusive use of specialists.

(...) Among the great "achievements" of modern thought, it occupies a special place. (...)
Darwinian evolution is one of the pillars of the ideology of progress and modernity in general. Deny it or even criticize it, is to deny a truth as clear as day, and scientist, precludes any possibility of career, life and relegated to the limbo of researchers from the second or third band.

Exaggerated! Charles Darwin he was not a philosopher or a priest, and was certainly not one of those fanatical psychopaths who write theories hallucinating from the comfort of your chair on the house and then make them the subject of books and conferences (like Icke, to name one at random) .
Darwin was a serious scholar who expended tremendous effort in his research, touring around the world to analyze the large and small life forms and to collect Samples for testing (only those who have seen the Darwin Center at the Natural History Museum in London can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe complexity and majesty of this work).

The result of this work was a scientific theory, based on objective data and logical consequences.
A scientist may also disagree with his conclusions ... provided, however, that are able to propose an alternative theory as valid and logical. Otherwise
is normal, indeed sacred, it kicked ass in the scientific community!

(...) the so-called theory of evolution as opposed to what ordinary people think, is far that a truth well-founded, as it wants to believe, and is far from being demonstrated or proved "scientifically".

not true. First, a scientific theory helps explain a phenomenon and is valid until it is made better.
is not to say that a scientific theory must be demonstrated to be valid: the important thing is that it fails to explain what is observed in agreement with the available data.
an example.
If you see a little lunch 'of people who go to the delicatessen preparing a sandwich and then eats it, the theory is that they were hungry and decided to eat a sandwich.
Non c'è modo di accertare oggettivamente che sia così. Non potremmo escludere, ad esempio, che siano stati tutti ipnotizzati da un lucertolone alieno e costretti a comprare e mangiare un panino che non desideravano affatto.
La prima teoria, però, offre una spiegazione logica e coerente con le nozioni di cui disponiamo.
La seconda è da manicomio.

Qui si vuole soltanto mettere in evidenza il carattere ideologico della questione - evidente per esempio nello insegnamento scolastico - insieme con i tantissimi punti oscuri della teoria darwiniana, che paradossalmente - ma nemmeno tanto - hanno più probabilità di essere riconosciuti dagli stessi ricercatori che dai cosiddetti "divulgatori", che spesso altro non sono se non dei mercenari ideologizzati, al soldo di chi sanno loro.

Mercenari idologizzati al soldo di...? Della CIA? Di Andreotti? Di chi?
Ci piacerebbe proprio saperlo, visto che questa volta non può essere colpa degli ebrei (loro un Dio ce l'hanno e ci credono) né dei Gesuiti (anche per loro Dio non si tocca).
E' forse un complotto social-comunista? Darwin era sul libro di paga dei cinesi?
Il mistero si infittisce.

Ma andiamo per ordine.

Giusto, andiamo per ordine. Una Perla dopo l'altra...

Intanto uno dei principali vanti degli evoluzionisti, namely the fact that this theory has remained virtually unchanged in 150 years, if anything, it shows - in an age like ours, where theories are often short-lived - the ideological rather than scientific.

But who says? If a theory is unchanged, it means that nobody has been able to propose better!

How many centuries it is claimed that the chickens come from eggs? The theory has never changed, yet there seems to be an ideological issue ...

(...) In the land of conquest of modern capitalism, Darwin's theory really seems the triumph of bourgeois ideology adapted to the natural sciences ...

is revealed the mystery! So that rascal Darwin was on the payroll of bourgeois capitalists, but social-communists!
But wait. But the bourgeois capitalists are also those who go to church every Sunday, baptize children and get married on an altar? Still eludes us something ...

(...) The similarities between the evolutionary model and the economic liberals are nothing short of impressive. The struggle for existence between individual animals is nothing if not competition between the various economic homines; the survival of the fittest ...

But then you have the habit of exaggerating! The liberal economic model is as old as the world. If one decides to sell ice cubes in Alaska or motorboat in the Sahara it is clear that fails. The laws of supply and demand, competition, trade has always dominated. Mica
the Egyptians were so fools to go to buy bread from the baker who sold most of worse quality and price.

(...) First, one of the tenets of Darwinian evolution, namely the action of natural selection, seems not to be always reflected in reality, the selection appears to act often more conservative in the sense that not innovative, as it provides theory, facilitating the persistence and continuity of the old characters rather than the emergence of new ones. In fact, the qualitative differences between species are greater nei primi fossili conosciuti che tra le specie attuali, ossia la variabilità è diminuita nel tempo anzichè essere aumentata.

Questa è proprio buona. La vita sulla Terra ha circa 4 miliardi di anni e gli uomini si interessano di studiare l'evoluzione delle forme di vita da pochi secoli.
Questo significa che la nostra visione "in tempo reale" è limitata a un periodo temporale che è solo una parte insignificante dell'evoluzione: un decimilionesimo , per l'esattezza.

E' chiaro che tutto ci appare immobile: è come osservare un singolo fotogramma di una pellicola che ne contiene 10 milioni!

(...)il numero di generi e di specie nei milioni di anni non è increased gradually and with some continuity, as in the Darwinian theory, but appears suddenly in the Cambrian, with an apparent jump from nothing than before!

Maybe. The curious thing is that the author is continuing to bite of Darwin's theory of original, showing that they completely ignore the scientific developments of recent decades.
slow and gradual evolution theory devised by Darwin (which - let us remember - certainly did not have modern scientific instruments) has been replaced by a beautiful piece.
Already in the fifties made its way to the theory of punctuated equilibrium and today the scientific theory most scholars is that of neo-Darwinism combining the research of Darwin and Mendel (remember? that of peas ...) with data supplied by the analyzer and the latest scientific discoveries.
Today the theory of speciation as part of neo-Darwinism, is shared by scientists, explains why there are sudden changes and is proven by scientific observations.

E 'therefore clearly wrote a bunch of nonsense .
fact is not true that Darwin's theory has stagnated for 150 years, it has since been repeatedly revised and improved, and this method is called scientifico, altro che ideologia.
Non è vero che non è dimostrata: gli studi sugli animali, specialmente sugli insetti (ma anche sui microrganismi) che avendo vita brevissima consentono di osservare numerosissime generazioni nel giro di poco tempo, hanno dimostrato la sua fondatezza.

Non è nemmeno vera quest'altra affermazione:

(...)da una specie all'altra vi sono sempre e solo salti e mai continuità! Ossia due specie vicine che vengono messe a confronto, presentano caratteristiche già formate, già compiute, e non in divenire, come ci si aspetterebbe. Non si riesce quindi a capire come tra due specie con tratti già compiuti si passi ad un'altra specie. Questa mancanza è perhaps the most serious. Of so-called "connecting links" between the various species have never been found in certain and unequivocal, if not some vague and highly debatable. Famous is the missing link between ape and man, but not the only one.

fact the connecting links between different species were found , explaining how the texts that illustrate the theory of speciation.
The fact that in some cases (ape - man) were not found, no means no. Let's talk about old stuff 2 or 3 million years, is not that they are digging under a bush in the backyard.
Unfortunately, in this case the author of wrote una baggianata : l'anello di congiunzione tra scimmia e uomo è stato trovato .
Ne hanno parlato media e stampa professionale già nel 2009, anche se la presentazione ufficiale è avvenuta nella primavera del 2010.

Altro che complotto ideologico della borghesia capitalista.

Tra l'altro, le diversità nell'ambito della stessa specie sono evidentissime: basti considerare quanto può variare l'altezza di un uomo o il colore della sua pelle, per rendersi conto che l'evoluzione (intesa come cambiamento, proprio come dicono gli scienziati) non si è mai fermata.

Piuttosto, a voler essere creazionisti, sì che ci sarebbero domande cui è difficile rispondere.
Perché mai Dio avrebbe dovuto creare le zanzare e i complottisti?
Al contrario, la teoria della speciazione risponde a queste domande.
A volte nasce una persona seria ed equilibrata, a volte ti esce fuori un Mazzucco o un Chiesa o un Blondet . E' l'imprevedibilità della natura...

Ringraziamo Alessandro "Connacht" M. per la segnalazione.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Traiiler Mario Salieri Mouvi Free

Convert a physical machine into a VMware virtual machine without VMware Converter Enterprise license

I need to convert a physical machine running Windows XP Pro and some old software in a VMware virtual machine. Unfortunately, as you know, to run the cold clone a physical machine should I use VMware Cold Clone Boot ISO, which is only available with the VMware Converter Enterprise license.

After some Googling, I Trovat this fantastic live distribution called MOA, Multi-Operating System Administration. In practice, create a LiveCD that can run the free version of VMware Converter, Player and Workstation on Windows Server 2003 kernel. With this simple but great application you can do many things (just a little imagination) like to boot a virtual machine on a CD or a USB drive directly to any physical machine or, as in my case, do the cold clone a physical machine to a virtual machine.

Here are the simple steps to create my own free version of a bootable CD for cold clone.

Creating the boot CD to clone the cold

This procedure allows you to create a LiveCD using Windows 2003 Server that allows you to run VMware Converter Standalone 3.0.3 (formerly known as VMware Converter Starter Edition) to carry out the copy of a hard disk.

Requirements The Windows version must be the same on the LiveCD, or more recent version of the machine that will be virtualized.

MOA recommended for the ISO version of the Bandit, the physical machine that has at least 512MB, preferably 1GB or more of RAM.

Files required


moa241 -setup.exe (2.7MB) from

X13-05665.img (596MB) (Windows Server 2003) from

VMware- converter-3.0.3-89816.exe (30.1MB) from

Put all downloaded files in a folder (no spaces in the folder name) on an NTFS formatted disk. MOA consider this as the 'building directory' .

Assembly of ISO

Do moa241 -setup.exe.
In the application menu click on moa -> create MOA core.

If you put the file in the root of the X13-05665.img building directory, MOA will extract the files automatically. If the file X13-05665.img is in a different directory or if you are a different operating system to build the LiveCD, MOA setup will prompt you to indicate the location of the source of Windows. It must be a system 32-bit OS, like XP or Server 2003. The MOA

setup will ask you some things that you want to build on the environment. Respond quickly to requests because after about 10 seconds will be taken automatically to the default value.

The setup program will run a DOS application that MOA 20.34MB download files for the core system. We will then ask if you want to download the drivers, which are other 17MB download. After some more questions will run the program PE Builder v3.1.10a.

After the setup program asks if you want to install VMware Converter 3.0.3 (the default answer is no, if you want to install it respond immediately). Without this you will be asked se volete che il converter parta automaticamente (la risposta di default è no e va bene).

Fatto tutto questo verrà creata automaticamente l'immagine ISO standard. Potete creare anche un'immagine ISO Bandit, che sembra essere quella più utilizzata.Nel mio caso, l'immagine standard è di 374,622KB, mentre la Bandit è di 296,810KB. La versione Bandit dovrebbe essere anche più veloce della standard.

I file ISO creati verranno salvati nella cartella \iso-out\. Masterizzate l'immagine che desiderate su un CD o un DVD.

Boot dal LiveCD

Quando farete il Boot dall'immagine Bandit, riceverete il seguente messaggio, “can’t find vmware – starting plan B ", which might seem an error message.
will see a dialog box that says "can not find vmware files in default location - please select a different path", which asks for the location of the folder \\ vm \\ on ramdisk. At this point is trying to install VMware Player or Workstation do, not the Converter. Cancel simply crushed.

Another dialog box will appear with the following inscription: "Still can not find VMware - You May Want to mount a wim. Click Cancel again.

After a few seconds, MOA will end all operations of his boot and the GUI will be minimized. Click on the button the taskbar to restore it and then click with right mouse button on the button with the image of the PC with the VMware logo, and select "start converter". It will run VMware Converter.

If things do not go as planned you can find a video tutorial at:

To do what I wanted to save the my new virtual machine on another physical disk, then I copied the files from that disc on a machine with VMware Server installed.

I ran VMware Server and click on "Open an existing virtual machine" and you're done. If you want to use

a USB drive to boot instead of the LiveCD follow these simple directions:

- Create two partitions on the USB drive you want to use:

1. Create a small partition at the beginning of the primary disk. This partition must not be larger than 2GB. format it as FAT. Set it as active and give it a letter.
2. Create a second partition covering the rest of the remaining free space on the disk. NTFS format it and give it a letter.

- PeToUSB download the program from the following address:

- Run the program and select the option "USB Fixed"

- Select a small partition (FAT) that you just created, and enable the following options:

1. "Enable Disk Format"
2. "Enable LBA (FAT16X)"
3. "Enable File Copy" -> "Overwrite Always"

- In the "Source Path To Built BartPE / WinPE Files." Select the sub-folder of BartPE MOA building directory (eg C: \\ MOA \\ pebuilder \\ BartPE)

- Double check all the options and click "Start"

- Copy the contents of the folder of the partition moahome small (FAT) on the large partition (NTFS)

- Create an empty text file "moa-is-at-home.tag" and put it in the partition NTFS

- enable booting from USB in the BIOS of the physical machine and run it

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Diy Ultrasonic Speakers For Birds

Stop the aliens!

Gli alieni sono un grosso problema .

Quando meno ve lo aspettate, arrivano, vi rapiscono , vi portano a bordo delle loro astronavi e lì vi sodomizzano, vi infilano sonde nelle orecchie e nel naso, vi iniettano sostanze di ogni tipo, vi impiantano microchip...

E' un grossa scocciatura, perché magari in quel momento avete qualcosa di importante da fare, un appuntamento urgente, e proprio non potete permettervi di essere rapiti dagli alieni.

E non c'è solo il problema dei rapimenti, ma anche quello del controllo mentale.

Come certamente vi è capitato, spesso gli alieni si divertono ad assumere il controllo mentale degli esseri umani, per fargli fare le cose più assurde. Ad esempio, c'è chi ha regalato un anello di brillanti alla suocera, chi ha dipinto le pareti di casa con vernice lilla, chi si è comprato 100 DVD di Mazzucco...

Adesso, finalmente, is the solution.

This is a leather hat covered Velostat , a kind of insulating material. You can build it by spending a few tens of euro, and from that moment you will be safe from alien abductions and mental influences. The guarantees

Michael Menkin, drafter of Boeing, and you can find all the necessary instructions on the site FERMAGLIALIENI , Italian twin Stop Abduction, which was extracted in the opening shot. The evidence of the effectiveness of the helmet

antialieni are many and undeniable.

For example, this girl writes:

"For years I been abducted by aliens and by a lucky chance I found The Helmet
built by a third party has stopped their visits unwanted and very high quality of my life and that of my family. For this I highly recommend using it. "

In all honesty, judging by the expression of the girl, we feel that if the lot is made merry with" aliens "in the course of his many" abductions ", but what counts is that the helmet works.

Be careful, though, to hybrid alien-human ". In fact, say those fermaglialieni, there are aliens that have human form and that could take us by surprise and remove the protective headgear move with lightning.

Well, those fermaglialieni advised to avoid this risk by setting very well with the helmet on your head a lot 'of tape and string.

But - we add - why limit yourself? Since you should always wear a helmet (the aliens could rapirvi at any time: while you're at the beach or when you sleep, for example), why not use a good pint of glue type Attak times to fix your scalp?

Probably the Attak will give you some problems of irritation, but it's better than a risk of strangulation with a few feet of twine, which you say?

Ah, there's another problem. It seems that the

Velostat, the material used to build the helmet, can cause static electricity buildup.

E 'should, therefore, that there dotiate an efficient grounding .

For example, a strip of rubber and copper as those used by car to unload electricity to the ground.

One end must touch the ground, the other your skin.

With a helmet and tail ground, you will make a nice great impression when walking through the streets of your city, you'll see.

And finally the aliens will leave you in peace.

If someone with a white or green shirts will approach you, do not worry it's not just aliens, but doctors or paramedics local mental hospital.

follow them with confidence ...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cheapest Bus To Woodbury Commons

Mazzucco and women

Sometimes those Luogocomune offer truly hilarious moments. Defining

Perle is even reductive: this is real explicit the way in which the conspiracy unreason. However

between a laugh and the other is capture interesting nuances to understand what is behind certain theories.

happens that the evergreen Massimo Mazzucco, former director Luogocomune and current site manager, decided to tackle a topic unusual (for a conspiracy): differences "brain" between men and women. The fact

curious because the very nature of conspiracy ideas rooted in the ideologies of Nazi, that have a very particular way to consider the role of women.

The link between Nazism and conspiracy explains why the conspiracy theories often arise and / or amplify the United States of America, where neo-Nazism and racism are certainly much more significant phenomena of extremism from the left (not to mention anti-Americanism).

not chance that all (or most) members of the American plot to have more or less close ties with neo-Nazism .

Nor is it a coincidence that ever - or almost always - as theories pointing the finger at Israel and against an imaginary 'Jewish lobby' means the anti-Semitism, in fact, it's just a feeling of Nazi ideology.

Perhaps the biggest non-American conspiracy theorist Thierry Meyssan is , undicisettembrino one of the fathers of the plot, a character very close to the sphere of 'Islamic fundamentalism factions and pro-Palestinian ... and then at that neo-Nazism Arab che pochi conoscono ma che serpeggia e si insinua dove meno ci si aspetta.

Ad esempio, uno dei maggiori testimonial del complottismo, William Rodriguez , si è convertito all'Islam e ha partecipato a conferenze neonaziste.

Dicevamo del ruolo della donna nella società nazista , argomento spesso trascurato da storici e studiosi. Nella Germania nazista la donna aveva il compito di curare il focolare domestico e di generare figli. Erano perfino previsti riconoscimenti e incentivi per le donne che partorivano numerosi figli, fino ad arrivare alla Croce d'Onore d'oro per quelle che mettevano al mondo almeno OTTO figli .

Non sfuggirà that the Nazi vision of the woman looks like a lot to Islam.
And therefore that two major adhesives, anti-Semitism and the role of women, bound together Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism.

For these reasons, it is inevitable when curious Mazzucco, the Italian anti-American conspiracy theorist who lives in. .. Los Angeles and has strong sympathies for Maurizio Blondet if they suddenly come up with a article in which he begins to quibble of differences between the brain of man and the woman.

read a few passages:

If you ask a man where is the ham in the fridge, you say "in terzo ripiano in basso a destra”, se lo chiedi ad una donna ti dirà “di fianco all’insalata, sotto i formaggi”
Per quanto ovviamente vi siano delle eccezioni, il fatto stesso che si possano fare delle generalizzazioni di questo tipo significa che siamo di fronte ad una differenza sostanziale nel modo di operare dei due cervelli.
La cosa stupefacente è che non esista – almeno a quel che mi risulta - una adeguata letteratura scientifica in merito. Con delle differenze così palesi e marcate, infatti, ci si aspetterebbe di trovare dozzine e dozzine di ricerche di tipo psicologico su questo argomento, mentre sembra quasi che la differenza “operativa” dei due brain is intentionally ignored by mainstream science. (Maybe because I'm not able to explain it?)

To introduce such a sensitive subject that has little to do with the plot, especially the one on September 11 that gave him a handful of peanuts, Mazzucco begins with 'expose the trivial view that men and women have different mindsets and then states that "official science" has never engaged in the bottom of it, as if to imply that there is some conspiracy to hide the truth. That is enough (or should be enough) to feed for the topic to his fans, ready to throw open the brain to any nonsense provided has the flavor of the conspiracy.

The statement ahead of the bait thrown by Mazzucco, however, is totally false (which is typical of all the plots and Mazzucco in particular). Just some trivial research on Google (in Italian) to make sure that there are not hundreds but thousands of scientific studies on brain differences between men and women.
Among the many results from search engines, we place a very significant ( link to PDF) for the high level of sources and references to many other studies cited in the text.

So Mazzucco said a bale (yet another), possibly to justify the publication of an article on the subject.

What is the conclusion, the message that Mazzucco intended to convey to their followers?
The conclusion, in fact, is this:

It is not to say that man is "better" or "worse" the woman, but this is to recognize a substantial difference in the way of operating their brain, which in the end the advantages and disadvantages are the same and interpenetrate. Where unable to help get the other one, and vice versa.

So "is to recognize a substantial difference in the way of working between the brain of man and the woman."

And then? What consequences should bring this award?
Mazzucco and does not tell his readers, not knowing how to get on, give free rein to thoughts and considerations, some of which are quite funny:

Woman is nature, man is culture.
or a complete ...
Man hunting, fishing woman

Calvero writes.

I would say that this argument is 'was the subject of much research, in which we have' discovered just what you've shown in

incredulous looks, in fact Mazzucco contradicting the assumption that the argument was ignored by mainstream science.

Another member, Benitoche, declared:

Mr. Mazzuca, the biggest mistakes you make early
In sleep the brain is more active, this is a matter of fact gathering right?
If we say that the brain in waking + becomes active, we will be in error (materialistic view) because then the brain attivirà physical means "thinking" If we were instead
"reasonable", we can not say that the brain propio vigil in a 'more lively activities in sleep
Thus, the bodily activity can not give us the thought propio
If bodily activity could give us, it should be a stronger bodily activity that does not think
Il non pensare consiste invece in una più forte attività corporea

Abbiamo cercato in giro qualcuno che riuscisse a tradurre il pensiero di Benitoche in una lingua comprensibile a noi terrestri, ma non l'abbiamo trovato.

Dal canto suo, anche Peo2001 smentisce Mazzucco:

la forte differenza sessuale del cervello è provata da molti studi abbastanza recenti

Insomma, sembra che tutti fossero a conoscenza delle differenze tra uomo e donna, compresi i relativi studi.
Solo Mazzucco ci è arrivato adesso, a 56 anni. Meglio tardi che mai...

Il povero Mazzucco è costretto a intervenire:

Mi auguro davvero che la discussione non caschi miseramente in the 'lower "or" superior ", but it remains an attempt to understand the differences without necessarily having to explain frasettina with a simple one, of any kind.
synthesis is not always the best conclusion to a good analysis.

An attempt to understand the differences? Mazzucco is still trying to figure out ...?

Freeman, however, seems to have understood exactly where he went to parry Mazzucco:

Personally, I am convinced by long time that the sexual dimorphism in humans begins in the brain, and I enjoy every time I happen to run into some written that has the courage to go against the current, "compared with (fake) feminism prevalent. Of Furthermore, it is not a mystery, for some tasks are preferred and preferred women to other men. Except that no one has the courage to say so openly, for fear of being accused of "sexism" (which is like anti-Semitism, he returned good for all without having to prove the claim).
These considerations will certainly be gut-wrenching to feminists and all the faithful of the neo-religion of political correctness, but fortunately the biology is not (yet) a review. Then comes

Peony, who writes a comment to be framed:

no accident that the creative intelligence has meant that a man and a woman to attract and unite to perpetuate the species.

Oh God, not that we should then all this intelligence. Furthermore some organisms reproduce by simply dividing ... and perpetuated just fine.

different but complementary, similar but not identical, perfect union, that is (should be) primarily inwardly with the famous alchemical wedding, in which male and female meet.

alchemical wedding? What are they? By Jove, what we are ignorant ...
Fortuna that is explained Peony:

Regardless of any sexual identity, when you can combine in themselves' masculine and feminine, "or, when perceptiveness and logic come together, to produce the marriage alchemy.

short, if one combines masculine and feminine in himself, without regard to sexual identity, it might produce a transsexual, as far as we know, but probably we are backward and now it says "alchemical marriage".

Max's speech is more "top" of the cultural vision of the moment, each moment of history.

Ah here ... In short, if we fail to understand what the hell he meant Mazzucco reason is that he is "too high" ... go beyond our "low" understanding ... But Peony
excuse, you've seen good Mazzucco? That 's what was unable to distinguish a blog site called Shon NASA ...
will be flying "too high" and can not read well written ... mah ...

And after a ride on complementary medicine, Peony concludes:

I hope I have been clear, I mean many things but then I'm lost .....

Look, you do not got none. But on Luogocomune is fine so ... are "too high" ... Here's another instead

that he realized that Mazzucco wrote a boiata, but it says on tiptoe (in parentheses).

Personally I am convinced that the two brains are different (actually remembered to have read more than a search on this)

Then comes MauroCe, which even mentions Corrado Malanga:

Very interesting in this regard is the explanation for Corrado Malanga on the operation of the two hemispheres of the brain, seen as two different readers of the holographic reality.
In particular, the left hemisphere would read sequentially the array with which extraction is to represent our 'real' world, so to get from A to B to C must necessarily pass, and then reading it sequentially in time events. The right hemisphere instead instantly connects the two points A and C. The construction of our holographic universe (I say our because everyone at this point was reconstructed in the ITS 3D simulator which is the brain) would be given by the union of the two readings. This would also explain the phenomena of deja vu.
women have developed more then use the right hemisphere, one that interprets the world using intuitive shapes, colors and images, which are much closer to the archetype than the word, which is several layers above, separate from filters that slow down, cultural and educational exchange between the mind and the real world. Keep in mind that

Corrado Malanga is one that in other times would have been locked in a straitjacket, even allows you to teach today's chemistry ... if you do a Google search you'll know that it is subject. We come every week numerous reports sulle Perle di Malanga, anche se non abbiamo ancora avuto tempo di occuparcene.

Audisio, dal canto suo, commenta:

(...) le frontiere più avanzate della fisica quantistica
stanno sconfinando quasi nella magia e nel soprannaturale,
territori di elezione dell'universo femminile.
Vi invito a riflettere su queste mie considerazioni...

Dovrebbe invitare uno psichiatra , secondo noi...

Pensatore, probabilmente approfittando dei cinque minuti di aria, scrive:

Forse il cervello femminile mantiene più a lungo la sovrapposizione quantistica...

Gli fa eco Rafterry:

diverso tempo fa I read "men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray.
touched the topic concerns the difference of the two ways of thinking in relation to married life
use of "software" of very different mental process.
asked why I was so Mother Nature.
He said that if it were not so would be a big mess (...)

You read that right. Rafterry requested an explanation of Mother Nature.
Do not ask how he did: perhaps the number found in the Yellow Pages or perhaps that's how you call the nurses in the psychiatric ward ...

Manfred's post is another masterpiece

(...) la donna ha continuato per molto tempo a salire in automobile come in natura andrebbe fatto, cioè come si entra in una grotta anche se artificiale, l'uomo invece si adeguato subitamente alle chimere del progresso.
Comunque non dipende dal cervello, ma dal legame più profondo della donna con la terra.

Le donne che salivano in auto nello stesso modo in cui entrerebbero in una grotta?
Ma da quale circo è saltato fuori questo Manfred?

E per ultimo (ma potremmo continuare a lungo, i post sono tanti e tutti meriterebbero una citazione), leggiamo cosa scrive Schottolo:

Non lo so se ha una qualche attinenza, ma durante il sonno viene prodotta una sostanza called DMT, the most powerful drug in the world. Beyond a certain "dose" can not remember anything .. do not remember waking up to this almost never have done any dreams.

Schottolo has very confused ideas, and this is nothing new (if anything, now gave a clue as to what might be the substance, or the type of substances, determining their state of confusion ...).
: It
1) the DMT is a drug in effect. Splits, so to speak.
2) why you forget or remember a dream is far .
3) the issue can not carry anything with the brain differences between men and women.

conclude our Pearl, Mazzucco pulled out of the hat an article that supports the diversity of men and women, some of his loyalists have understood the meaning of the article (at least so they say), others have not figured out a memorial stone, all have written a bunch of nonsense.
The shot with all the comments are preserved for future reference to this link .

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Patella Surgery In Dogs

Scienzamarcia and microchip animals

We speak today of one of the many pearls that enrich Science Marcia, one of many blogs put up by some misfits convinced that behind every event there are hidden disturbing plots.

This time they pick on the microchip provided for pets e con le vaccinazioni praticate nei confronti di cani e gatti.

Il motivo è semplice: c'è sicuramente un tremendo complotto. Per fortuna quelli di Scienza Marcia, tanto illuminati da vedere cose che nessun altro essere umano normale riesce a intuire, svelano il terribile segreto.
Ecco cosa scrivono:

"Fermatevi a riflettere sul fatto che nè a voi nè ai proprietari della quasi totalità dei gatti e dei cani interessa che il proprio animale sia tracciato in modo completo e sicuro tramite un microchip che segnali ogni sua mossa, e che l'identificazione degli animali da compagnia si potrebbe effettuare benissimo come un tempo con la sola medaglietta al collo..."

La medaglietta al collo?
Chi ha scritto una simile idiozia dimostra di non sapere e non capire un accidenti di niente in ordine alle ragioni per cui è stato implementato il microchip negli animali da compagnia.
Di certo non serve per ricordare al padrone come si chiama il proprio cane!
Il microchip, infatti, serve ad evitare l'abbandono degli animali identificando con certezza... il loro padrone!
A nessuno interessa sapere se un cane si chiami Bobo anziché Fido, quello che conta è sapere chi è il suo proprietario, per evitare che il cane o il gatto possa essere smarrito o - soprattutto - abbandonato.
Ed è evidente che ci vogliono pochi secondi per staccare una medaglietta appesa al collo, mentre eliminare un microchip is a different story!

Could Start on Science Obtuse are so as not to understand? Quite possible, it reads ...

"Sure you could find some animals lost due to the implanted microchips."

Here they are. The chip does not help find missing animals! It's not a GPS!
The microchip is needed - once you find an animal - to identify the owner!

"Neither can we think that the traceability of an animal (ie the fact that it can follow the movements in real time) to avoid possible cases of assaults on human beings ..." Follow the movements

in real time? There is little to do, just be a mental short circuit that prevents authors from March of Science realizing the rubbish they write!

But anyhow: starting from the idiocy that shows complete ignorance of the subject (and generally the most basic fundamentals of electronics), those of Marcia Science have launched a tirade against the great conspiracy that would be behind the microchip for pets:

"At this point we may suspect that this commitment to implant microchips in pets, often spent by people of good heart and in good faith, is actually driven by some hidden powers in order to:

1) accustom the population to use the microchip

2) test the use of this sophisticated electronic devilry in guinea pigs against their will (the animals), in view of the next mass use in humans. "
What can we say? Such stupidity speaks for itself ...

thank Nicholas for the tip.