Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Do A Proper Tuck Drag

NIKI April CATS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL ............ Ganzer! NIKI

“A coloro che potendo intervenire non sono intervenuti, tutti il nostro disprezzo”

A Mia Madre

"Non fermarti davanti my grave
to cry, I'm not there
not sleep my soul.
are the breath of a thousand winds

are the shining snow

as diamond
are a ray of sunshine in the summer
sono la leggera pioggia autunnale
Quando ti svegli nella silenziosa mattina
io sono la più alta farfalla che vola serena,
sono la più soffice stella che brilla nel buio della notte

Non fermarti davanti alla mia tomba a piangere,
non sono lì
my soul is not dead.

Ti Amo



(Mary E. Frye)

What about this year if it ???????????

"They" definitely will toast .... to .... Dismissals


AND ITALIAN ?????????


Look for Ros in the papers because my son died

MONZA - Joseph Incorvaia is a father of 74 who has lost a son. It 's a policeman father who lost a son policeman. His name was Salvatore. If n 'went to 24 years, June 16, 1994, by the side of a road, with a shot from his gun to his head exploded ordinance. From that night nine years ago, Joseph has not stopped one day of calling to account of the death of his eldest son. It has not reconciled with the conclusions of 'Weapon of Monza and the judiciary, who in her grief soon have drawn a line which reads: "Suicide." He asked for the exhumation of the remains of his son and now, sitting in the office of his lawyer, Francis Mongiu says, "Salvatore was murdered by men who wore his uniform and my own. Carabinieri. And the secret of his death should be sought in the operations of the special operations group of 'weapon, Ros. " Salvatore is not serving in Ros. He was deputy commander of the station Vimercate ... "I beg your patience to listen to this story from 'beginning to end. And maybe then you will understand if I'm just a poor old ...». Where do want to start? "From the morning of my birthday nine years ago, June 13, 1994. I went to see the Savior in Vimercate, where he lived with his wife and his daughter, who was only 20 months. He was restless, as I had ever seen. And after a good night's insistence, he said, "Dad, now you're away from 'Weapon ... It' s better you do not know. "He added only that it was a story in which they entered into large pieces above all suspicion, and that half of c 'was a sergeant." And that was all? "No. On the morning of June 15 I asked him to the company commander, at Monza. It was he who said he wanted to tell all. Vimercate He wanted to leave and be moved to Genoa. The commander did not find. And unless, perhaps, so he signed his sentence. What was performed that night. He left home after dinner with his car, an Audi. ...». He was in civilian clothes armed? "Savior turned always armed. And with the bullet in the barrel." When he learned that he was dead ? The next morning. At the door home of a marshal came knocking. It was brutal: "Your son has committed suicide." I got into the car with him and even walked a mile from the barracks. Here, look well alone ...». Joseph Incorvaia raises the hem of a pink cardboard file. Extracts fifteen photos. His eyes fill with tears. Salvatore is in the driving seat of his Audi. The head, reclined on the headrest, is tormented by the entry wound of a bullet that has devastated the right temple. The arms, made his sides, shaking in his lap, where he is resting with the butt facing down his 9mm parabellum. The glass on the passenger side of the 'Audi is broken. The rear windows are semi-open. In storage behind the change, a cartridge to explode. Joseph Incorvaia force may be used. "On the spot, I found Colonel Louis Triscari, then commander of the carabinieri di Monza. He spoke with a reporter and I heard him say with a peremptory tone: "This is a suicide. Full stop." I was shocked, but all that safe before I hurt, and then left me speechless. Especially when I began to turn around the car. " From what he suffered? "I've done surveys for 40 years. How was it possible that the glass on the passenger side was broken because my son had fired a shot in the right temple and the bullet then ran in the opposite direction? Because those rear windows open? Because unexploded cartridge in the glove compartment? Because the cartridge case of the explosive was shot in the back seat? Because the right hand of my son, who was supposed to have challenged the 'weapon to fire at the time, was spotless, without even a trace of blood? ". What answers you gave? "What my son had been killed. He knew his murderers, at least two, one of whom sat behind him and opened the windows to avoid the effects of the detonation in the 'cockpit. Without knowing, however, that the 'weapon of my son had a gun. And then, when he took his gun, he had to arm instinctively pulled the cart, eject the cartridge to explode. I told the colonel Triscari: "And this she called suicide?". " I do not listen? 'The Weapon ordered an' autopsy insulting and unworthy, which is recorded, noted possible wedge between my son and his wife. A 'autopsy! The prosecutor in Monza, after three months, filed. It was a bloody mess. " She did not give up. "In November '95, I turned to 'Mongiu lawyer and asked for the reopening of investigations. And then it happened something unexpected. They were looking for marshals Corbo and Sebastian Salvatore D 'immediately. The two were colleagues of my son. They said they had heard about the reopening of the investigation and that they had important news to communicate to my lawyer. " They did? "No. Or maybe you do not have time. D 'was immediately killed July 6 '96 during a normal anti-theft control. His murderers were located some time later and killed by police in Milan. All except one, who has always maintained his innocence. Corbo was transferred and I think he understood that to live is best forgotten. " Believes that one of D 'was an immediate death due to his secret son? "I am sure for what I got to hear, in '96, the process of Verona against the so-called gang of Alcaeus Bartalucci, also known as the Band of repentance." What 's entering the process now? "A very good reporter of 'Unity, John Laccabò, had discovered that in the acts of that process was the thread that led to the death of my son. What thread? "The gang of unrepentant had done, undisturbed, dozens of robberies in the Po Valley during the first half of '94, until he had killed a police officer, Massimiliano Turazza. The attorney of Verona had discovered that the band was covered by the Carabinieri of the ROS. Rather, by his sergeant, Angelo Paron. That in exchange for information, supplied the gang with weapons and ammunition supplied to the police and, above all, ensuring freedom of action. For robbery and drug trafficking. " And how do you get from here to the death of his son? "Together with the Marshal of the Ros Paron of Padua, was tried also the Colonel of the Carabinieri Triscari Monza. Remember? L ' officer who had rushed to close the Savior's death as suicide. He was accused of having withheld information that had been transmitted from its core operating presence in its area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of the "repentant" Alcaeus Bartalucci. Who not only ran where he should not. But turning armed. " And where are turned? "In the area of \u200b\u200bVimercate. Where was my son. " She believes that her son is dead because he had crossed this story? That this was his secret? "Today, I'm sure. My son had discovered the illegal operations Ros, covered by a colonel. And so it was killed. " As we concluded the process of Verona? "In the first instance, Triscari has been convicted. While Paron was acquitted, he who accused him has recanted. I knew that against the prosecutor appealed. But not so important. " What matter then? "What General Ganzer has not so far as the explanations that will give even one day." As commander of the ROS? "Not only. Ganzer Ros arrived at after working in Verona, where, as has been the process, as he managed the provincial commander "sorry" Bartalucci. It seems to me enough to ask: who killed Salvatore ?.

AND THINK IT WAS THE 2003 .......................

Looking for a bit I find on the Internet ....

Ganzer has a method . And the method - rebuild the investigation by the Milan prosecutor's office - so the "system". The Ros instructs its operations to obtain a white proxy by the court. Used to legitimize actions that have neither legitimate nor a prerequisite to the outcome. But responding to a routine.
read from the file: "The ROS creates direct and indirect contacts with representatives of South American and Middle Eastern organizations involved in the smuggling of narcotic drugs without either to identify them nor to their complaint." Order then "quantities of drugs to be sent to Italy with a cargo by air or by paying the fee in a non-documented and also using money from the sale of the drug imported into Italy. Money is not specified in the kidnapping." That it is not "covert" even a child understands. "It is - note the Milan prosecutor's office - of incitement to import drugs into Italy." Produced artificially

the offense through the instigation, it is now necessary that someone would be crushed on the responsibility through the false, lying, abuse. Judges write: "The Ros falsely representing to the court and the Head Central services agreements exist between drug organizations Italian buyers and suppliers. Agreements allegedly learned through undercover agents. "It 's a good story for anyone who wants or has an interest in drinking it, but needed to leave the next move." The Ros takes charge of the narcotic to his arrival in Italy, omitting any duty activities control over the quantity and quality. The transportation and holds even for long periods of time, sometimes leaving it in the uncontrolled availability of traffickers. "It provides, therefore, the" installation of laboratories for refining ", to" search for buyers, through the mediation of brokers paid. " instigates the purchase, penetrating the market the news of the possibility of acquiring drug ".

You're done. The rest is trivial detail. On the ground, the operations are carried out by hand, forcing, bypassing any kind of rule, falsifying minutes of seizure and arrest, bartering the price of freedom with the fugitives. What matters is showing off "the successful conclusion of operations sensational." The important thing is to put the cuffs on someone and then shake a handful of arrests - whatever the thickness - to be delivered to prosecutor and to a certain guilty verdict.

It 's a carousel highly profitable criminal (and even some economic) in which all gain. Investigator and prosecutor. You just need to decide whether to climb or not. must, above all, a magistrate lends his face and his signature, authorizing the Ros to operate from the Alps to Sicily circumvention of the rules on territorial jurisdiction of individual prosecutors and taking away so nosy.


The deputy prosecutor Mario Conte, unknown at that time magistrate of the province, decided to climb on the carousel. in Bergamo, which is not even home to a District Anti-Mafia Directorate, he is the interface Ganzer. On his indication, is the umbrella, by signing that you need to sign, the delegations that have non-commissioned officers of the ROS in force at the core of Brescia, Gilbert Lovato, Rodolfo Harp, Gianfranco Benigni, Michele Scalisi, Alberto Zanoni Lazzeri, enabling them to operate throughout the country, together with the command Ros Rome and with the officers and NCOs of the sections drugs that over time you succeed (Obinu Mauro, Carlo Wigeon, Costanzo Leone, Laureano Palmisano, Vincenzo Rinaldi).

Biagio Rotondo said, "The Red" was the witness who has uncovered games Ros Ganzer is dead "suicide" in prison Lucca on August 29 in 2007 ............!!!!!

General Giampaolo Ganzer can not remain in place. The resignation would be a natural consequence after the reasons for the sentence of condemnation against the commander of the ROS, the special operations department of the police. And instead of two days, with the exception of 'Italy the values, zero calls for the resignation by the center and - even more amazing - from the rest of the center.

Ganzer Yet, according to the Milan judges who have sentenced to 14 years, was "scandalous in agreement with the traffickers who have been allowed to sell their drugs in Italy and get rich from the proceeds of sales to the protection of the police officers of the ROS. The sentence last July (2010), but the reasons were made known only on Monday. For the judges, by Ganzer "drug trafficking is not only not been fought, but also encouraged and supported." The ruling could be overturned on appeal and the presumption of innocence must be recognized, but has created a huge fault with the commander of Ros convicted of drug trafficking.

BEST WISHES TO DO ?????????????

WHO, THE ITALIAN ????????????????

..... BUT NO .... I wish all Ganzer

For Niki

"What really is love, and the rest
What really love you will not be' ripped
What really love and 'your true legacy'...."

Ti Amo




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