Sunday, January 30, 2011

Letterpress Thank You Cards


"Love, work and knowledge are the sources of our lives. They should also govern . "

Wilhelm Reich

My love,

tell you how much I would be repetitive in your absence is destroying us ...... for reaction step by emotions to tears, the anguish deeper .... ... all I talk about you .... when I enter your room ... browse the your diary .... .... all your stuff intact so there waiting for you ... day after day .... month after month, year after year ..... .... You know how I thought. ... "life goes on in another higher dimension .. but still ... "I begged ... I prayed because I was also given only a hundredth part of quell'assicurazione for you .... there is no answer ..... I'm sick .... all Niki down here is bad, is anonymous, without your smile, without the sound of your voice .... without your creativity .... made it very special, totally unique!

I had the world in your arms .....
Niki You were the engine of my existence has always ........ I hope so at least the truth about the tragedy that has destroyed your life and our being out that the guilty pay, All!
Who has killed, who killed your dreams by manipulating the straight line of ...., who stole things, concealed, detecting, the investigation will be reopened and everyone will pay for all this!
Russell said:
"Those whose lives are fruitful to themselves, their friends or the world, are inspired by hope and sustained by joy: they see with the 'imagine the possibilities of the future and how they should be made. In their private relations they are dominated by the anxiety of losing the affection and respect for which they are facts, and they freely distribute affection and respect and the reward comes by itself without the need to search them. In their work .... they are not persecuted by the jealousy of competitors, but their only interest is the real problem that must be addressed and resolved ......"
Propio the other criminals. .....

" hate the villains is something noble" ( Marco Fabio Quintilian)

Love You Niki

..... and still Russell said:

"conveys the sense of value of things that are not part of the forms of domination, to help create Citizens of a balanced community of freedom, and through the combination of this membership in the community with individual creativity, to put men in a position to give human life the splendor which, as a limited number of people have shown, life can get! "

These words read ..... now seem so important ... but so far from our reality ....... ...... and there really seems to miss ... miss so much .. . in human depth!

Let's see what has happened in recent days and has also affected our region ....

's misfortune Nails: stop the newly appointed Commissioner

ABRUZZO. Only last Monday the President of the Region,

Gianni Chiodi, without false modesty, had announced the arrival of 40 million euro for the

landslide risk.

A huge sum to end (?)

old problem of landslides but also erosion of the coast. To manage this mountain di

soldi (che oggi sembra franare un po’) doveva essere un nuovo


nominato dal governo (dopo quelli della sanità, il terremoto,

le emergenze fluviali, per i vari enti pubblici in difficoltà ecc).

Il nome annunciato da Chiodi è stato quello di Gianfranco Mascazzini.

Questa mattina però nell’ordine di cattura spiccato da parte della

procura di Napoli, che ha chiesto l’arresto di 14 persone tutte a

vario titolo coinvolte nella gestione dei rifiuti di Napoli,

c’è anche quello di Mascazzi.

Gianfranco Mascazzini, ex direttore generale del Ministero

dell'Ambiente, è stato arrestato dai carabinieri del Noe e dalla

Guardia di Finanza di Napoli.

A questi tuttavia sono stati concessi gli arresti domiciliari.

Sono invece finiti in carcere, fra gli altri, Lionello Serva, ex

sub-commissario per i rifiuti della Regione Campania, Claudio

Di Biasio, tecnico degli impianti del Commissariato,

Generoso Schiavone, responsabile della Gestione

acque per i depuratori della Regione Campania

e Mario Lupacchini, dirigente del settore Ecologia della Regione.

Un imprevisto che non faciliterà l’operato del presdidente Chiodi che

yesterday submitted a final enthusiastic

of the first two years of government not skimping, however, also hints at several

judicial inquiries that, he admitted, have created many obstacles to its

administrative activities.

Last week I was later appointed after a six-month-deficiency

two new regional councilors who were missing since

events related to the former states and Daniela Lanfranco Venturoni

results are also investigated for their events matches the management of waste

. The

States resigned immediately, while

Venturoni (arrested) had leave the department of health

few weeks later.


After a long career in the Environment and 'other accidents' of

percorsola Abruzzo region has welcomed with open arms the new

Commissioner that, according to an article in the Sun 24 hours of June

two years ago entitled 'The protagonists of a scandal without mitigating'

has bred generations of ministers.

"As a Giorgio Ruffolo Mattioli, from Ronchi to

Pecoraro Scanio to Prestigiacomo.

Men Mascazzini (Leonello Serva, Mark Giangrasso) have joined the Super-

that have passed from hand

emergency infinite.

an oxymoron, as noted by Roberto Barbieri, "

chairman of the bicameral Commission on the waste cycle.

The senior official also appears in the investigation 'Black Mountain'

Prosecutor's Crotone (along with 46 other suspects)

the poisons of South Pertusola

pm According to the estimate made by Bruni, until 1996,

deposits in the company were stored

least 200,000 cubic meters of material, amounting to 400 million tonnellate di scorie.

Mascazzini è stato intercettato anche dalla procura di Napoli

nell'inchiesta sulla gestione commissariale dell'emergenza

rifiuti tra il 2005 e la fine del 2007.

Marta Di Gennaro, ex vice di Bertolaso, anche lei arrestata questa

mattina, nel giugno 2007 a telefono con Bertolaso dopo una riunione

sulla discarica di Terzigno, gli riferisce ciò che ha detto

ai suoi interlocutori:

«Noi stiamo parlando di una discarica da truccare e voi ci

need help. "

existed according to the investigators, "an arbitrary use of waste, which

had many consequences.

"The first is the stench that emanates from what should be

rubbish but it is not stabilized," it said in an article in the Corriere della Sera

. "La Di Gennaro speaks with Gianfranco Mascazzini,

senior official of the Ministry of Environment

must make a report to be sent to the European Community

and is concerned about what was happening with the emergence

-waste, and want to have news about Terzigno and other


Mascazzini: '... we are trying to figure out what we can say


Terzigno think we put on only fried jam ...

My problem is to have four cards ... "

The garbage that comes from treatment plants stink so much.

It should not, given that the plant should go

material "inert."

What to do? Still talk on the phone and Di Gennaro Mascazzini

who contacted the technical Enea:

'... The attempt is to deal with fairy dust ... like the lime ...

that mixed with the stuff to deal with ... to move the stuff ...

makes it less smelly. "

"RISK repeated offenses"

to the investigating judge in Naples has evaluated more than 940 pages of order for custody

Gianfranco Mascazzini

could repeat the offense and this has necessitated a restrictive measure

staff though with the benefit of the house since

"appears to have taken some time over seventy years."

Mascazzini, detects the investigating judge, and 'consultant SOGESID,

' Company ' house in the Ministry of the Environment SO '

also the current role played

puts it in direct contact with

environmental and public health. "

We are far from the true splendor of the men whose

Russell speaks ??????????

MUCH .....


"I love you. Easy words to say.
Yet in uttering my heart fails,
because their meaning is full and musical as the sound of the bell
of destiny. "
Villon ~ ~ Ti Amo


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Replace Flossing

Holy War: the involution

The debate on the validity of the theory of evolution is still alive and on fire, with creationists on one side than the other evolutionists deny that there is no evidence showing that man is evolved from the apes.

Well, we, waiting for him to decide, we found evidence to the contrary that the evidence of involution: the site Holy War, in fact, is a demonstration of how a human being can turn into a slimy worm, in comparison to the one pictured at the opening is a beautiful animal.

is a Holy War cocktail paranoico e allucinato di antisemitismo e complottismo, miracolosamente scampato alla DIGOS e alla Polizia delle Telecomunicazioni.
Ma non è mai troppo tardi per attirare le attenzioni delle autorità su un sito che inneggia all'odio razziale e alla negazione dell'Olocausto.
Ne riportiamo alcuni passaggi:

"La mafia giudaico-massonica vuole indurre, con prepotenza, noi tutti ad ADORARE UN SOLO OLOCAUSTO, quello che gli ebrei pretendono di aver subito […]
i mass-media italioti continuano a perseverare nella stupidità totale di presentare al popolo italiano sempre e solo il falso olocausto ebraico […]

"Fuori le spie sioniste con passaporto italiano, attentive to the Zionist spies! These criminals must disappear from the face of the Earth. Here's what it means to give citizenship to members of a minority ethnic solidarity to the Nazi state of Israel. Holy War. "

" If there's a scam ... watch the jew! "

" The Mossad is the author of the attack on the Christian community of Egypt! "

" restore the death penalty for monsters. "

" Matteo Miotto, died 12/31/2010 aD is yet another victim of the "Clash of Civilizations": Christians against Muslims for the amusement of the Israelis. "

"Only a fool can believe that there were infiltrators in the demonstrations in Rome. What interest had the students set fire to shops and cars? "

" 12/12/2010 terrorist attack "Islamic" in Stockholm. [...]
Who benefits from this "attack"? Only the Zionists. For them it's a cinch to take a Muslim crazy and put a bomb in his hand [...]
In this way everyone will see what is right to exterminate the Moslems [...]

do not have much to say about this racist site that most likely Web vent their inferiority complex and the impotence of the brain that afflicts them.
However, this is the umpteenth demonstration of the validity our theories about the ties that bind anti-Semitism in the plot and the reasons for the conspiracy claim and defend the Islamist terrorists who regard champions in the fight against the Jews.

thank Gary for the tip.

Record Community Service Hours

NIKI April CATS, GAD LERNER, Stiven Muccioli, Marco Pellegrini, SURVEYS, MAIL, AND POETRY Insults ....

"There are people who change lives for the better of a people, and we are people trying to get the best for themselves at the expense of anyone. The first are the statistics we want, the latter are people who too often play at being statesmen. "

Roman De Pomery

..... . Not only have "Cleaned" NIKI's apartment, but they have "cured" ALSO COLLECT THE WHOLE POST ..... I'M NOT A LETTER THAT SAY ONE?? NOT A LETTER CAME AFTER A NIKI June 24 ..... NOTHING IS NOT AN EXTRACT OF A CREDIT CARD .... EVEN THE ADVERTISING'...... I clearly I reported him .... but nobody answered me ..... . Who has caused the disappearance of ALL CORRESPONDENCE AND WHY ????? ' And not 'investigate??

And now I want you to listen to a beautiful poem written by poet Mark Pellegrino for my own Niki

(listen to it is wonderful !!!!)

Thanks Marco

"FOAM ON YOUR HEART" by Mark Pellegrino

Carry the full article posted by Stiven Muccioli Saturday January 22, 2011 to help better understand the maze that is consumed the death of my beloved Niki ....

San Marino. The Mysterious Case Delta and Omega

On January 11, some Italian newspapers came yet another news story on the "Point Shop" on the front pages after the indictment of bankruptcy cases involved four entrepreneurs who sees today, two Italian and two San Marino.

The investigation is still ongoing, and at this point in the proceedings of the intention of investigating magistrate Rita Vannucci is whether there has been failure to control by the Board consisting entirely of accountants San Marino. A node does, that the Court of San Marino has the need to dissolve as soon as possible, and for which he has already set up the necessary requests.

Why talk about this story?

We'll talk about for the simple reason that this sad and confusing ending, maybe it was already written.

On 17 May 2010, I wrote in these pages of the dark-matter Agile Eutelia-Omega, which is closely related to the still unresolved case of the death of Niki April Gatti.
A story, as told in these lines, which as yet has no answers.

Those were the days in which the Court of San Marino gave his consent to calm that allowed the company agreed to acquire the company Omega "Point Shop", with the aim to get it to work regularly and to pay their debts. A tragic mistake.

From that moment on, in fact, not even the shadow of good news, as they are crossed seamlessly news always darkest point on the progress of the company shop, to the current situation. A film by now seen too many times, always with the same protagonist. Omega.

In recent weeks, however, the name "Omega" is not only turn to each other Point Shop. This name, also check in an article in the bravissimo Roberto Galullo, che il 10 Novembre scorso, scrive sul suo blog "Guardie o Ladri" , un interessante post intitolato "I pm di Forlì, Carifin e il misterioso Omega".

"Il misterioso Omega", scrive Galullo, sarebbe il protagonista di una incredibile vicenda scritta nero su bianco nella coda della rogatoria internazionale avanzata dalla procura di Forlì sul caso Sopaf-Delta-Carisp San Marino , che il commissario Rita Vannucci (lo stesso che si sta occupando della vicenda Punto Shop) ha firmato l'8 Maggio.

Fra queste righe (che riguardano l'arco temporale fra il 1° November 2004 and May 5, 2009) speaks of the history of this character, this "Omega" that calling from a landline to Lamezia Terme (as confirmed by printouts), called the financial Carifin (Public Limited Company ) San Marino, booking of withdrawing money for which well-read-it would take "most vehicles" .

Let us pause a moment, because-as pointed out masterfully Galullo-here the story gets strange. What type of levy may be used for " vehicles? And more than a bargain!

The first thing you can think of is that these figures are absolutely huge, or that the vehicles were used to conceal something. Or both.

In any case, what we find in this document, explains Galullo-old memoir takes us back to a sorry 'Ndrangheta, the Francesco Sources (increasing the "spotlight" on L'Espresso for his stories on the disposal of toxic waste from the thigh), who reported that in the nineties, to use large vehicles to transport money from San Marino Italy was widespread . Which is a bit 'as saying that from that time until 2009, things changed little.

It is almost comical. These trucks but I will imagine that the streets of the mountains that surround the Titan whizzing through the night to the financial, only to load-knows-gold!? bags with the dollar? Ingots? Bundles of banknotes from 50 Euro!? It 's amazing.

Now let's step back a little, and we return to our "mysterious Omega," because there is something else again. Omega fact, not a fancy name. He speaks on June 2 Lionel Mancini, on the pages of Sole-24 Ore, with a service in which he writes of the minutes of Gianluca Ghini Director of Carifin (the public company that phoned our man of mystery). Ghini it suggests that in his deposition to be called with the name of the company of belonging is an old custom, and therefore, "that's certainly an old customer."

So there is no "Mr Omega." In the pages of the letters rogatory, we speak simply of-society-Omega, which - to confirm this - just one of its offices in Lamezia Terme (whence came the phone calls). It was therefore the same company that commissioned Carifin these large withdrawals on Titan, sending special "vehicles."

But what is behind Omega?
is certainly not a philanthropic organization. This is a company (Omega ), holding company Restform English, a ghost , whose place of convenience was in a "sub " a modest building in London.

To find out, was the daily newspaper Il Manifesto in a survey last November, which came up on a block of shares in the hands of Restform Daniele D'Apote, contractor under investigation per collusione con la 'ndrangheta .

I legami con la mafia calabrese vennero in seguito confermati dall'indagine Varano , condotta dalla procura di Forlì, che sospetta che San Marino venga usata per riciclare decine di milioni di euro dalla 'ndrangheta nel settore della telefonia con il sistema delle fatture false.

Omega infatti, fa le cose in grande.

N egli ultimi otto mesi rileva alcuni rami d'azienda -in forte perdita- di Eutelia (attraverso la controllata Agile ), e un'altra quindicina di società in rosso tra cui quelle del gruppo Phonomedia (12 call center in Italia ed altri in Argentina e Albania), la Videoline/2 e la Punto Shop.

Niente male, considerando che in ognuna di queste società l'arrivo della gestione Omega ha avuto effetti micidiali per i lavoratori , con licenziamenti e sospensione di stipendi.

Il bello però, deve ancora venire. Perché c'è rimasta da chiarire la posizione di questa società anonima finanziaria, la Carifin , che accoglieva amorevolmente gli "automezzi" del " Mr. Omega "and then send them back well stuffed with cash, were not even Thanksgiving turkeys.

seems to be one of those stories in the James Bond . There's London in the background , the "mysterious Omega", organized crime, which runs about with trucks full of money, and now you add another company named as a letter of the Greek.

E 'at this point in history , sticking out of the Delta Group .

Carifin it (the corporation to which the "mysterious Omega" would send the vehicles), is the holding company controlled by 99.98% Savings Bank of the Republic of San Marino , the bank ended in the eye after a few months ago, prosecutors ordered the arrest of Forlì and those of its vertices of certain subsidiaries. The Carifin and, indeed, the Delta Group .

assumptions made by the PM of crime weigh like boulders. " un'abusiva Association for conspiracy to carry out banking and financial activities in Italy, for the purpose of concealment of money laundering crimes such as embezzlement, diversion of funds, falsification of private documents, tax evasion, the ' issuing invoices per operazioni inesistenti e la truffa ai danni dello stato".

Tutti in manette e Gruppo Delta commissariato dalla Banca d'Italia in seguito alle "gravi irregolarità".

Dobbiamo fare una piccola digressione a questo punto. Perché quella del commissariamento di Delta, è una storia tutt'altro che limpida .

Dietro a questa operazione infatti, sembrerebbero profilarsi una serie di speculazioni messe in atto partendo dall'estenuante protrarsi della gestione liquidatoria che oggi, dopo 17 mesi, ha messo in ginocchio il gruppo.

The Delta case, and more specifically on speculation that would be in place, has returned in recent days also Andrea Di Biase, Milano Finanza.

"... from June 2009 on Savings Bank were exercised strong pressure to acquire full ownership of Delta and that is the famous 15-odd percent of the shares still held by Sopaf.

... A kind of blackmail that July 31, 2009, we had to give ... a farce played against the Republic of San Marino and his chance to bank in a country 'friend'.

No charges of money laundering is most apparent, no bank has intervened to rescue, and only the strength of Delta, weakened by a liquidation management, has managed so far to hold the weight of an attack on a grand scale in the capital and the people who formed the group in Bologna. At this point it would shed some light to understand who are the persons who have physical pressure. "

close the loop.

A circle that starts from the Omega company, passes Carifin anonymity, through the Cassa di Risparmio di San Marino and arrives at the Delta Group. With a background made of financial speculation and obscure reports.

But the story does not end here. It does not end at all.

Every week we add pieces to a puzzle that seems never to reveal his plan, but on the contrary, it becomes ever greater.

A plan that involves, unfortunately, thousands of employees who unknowingly find themselves trapped in these gears, and that too much time waiting for answers.


(I commented on the blog of this article Stiven ..... really commendable! The pieces of the puzzle are all and the image is visible ..... will click together finally ?????????)

For Niki

"The Way of Violence: wealth without work,

pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character,

commerce without morality, science without humanity,

worship without sacrifice, politics without principles. "


Ti Amo



phone call to The Infidel ..... Silvio Berlusconi

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Plasma Donation, Arlington, Tx

NIKI April CATS, SANTORO, Belpietro, Salvatore Cuffaro, the clear and ... STOP! NIKI

There want a good memory, the memory, as Kundera said, is a true enemy of power.

Now look what happened the other night ...... Annozero

E 'became the war of numbers . But phone. On the first page of Free , the newspaper directed by Maurizio Belpietro , this morning reads "Discretion Zero: Santoro gives cell Knight. This is his ... ". A real attack-revenge Santoro, with the publication on the front page headlines and his mobile number.

Vendetta was done so after the live broadcast of Thursday 20 January when the envoy of Annozero, Sandro Ruotolo interviewed the escort Nadia Macri . Ruotolo then brought in the address book of the Bologna study the details of Berlusconi, hiding the last three digits of a finger. But the last three numbers erano già ricavabili dal dossier spedito dalla Procura di Milano alla Giunta per le autorizzazioni a procedere dalla Camera. Addizionandoli agli altri mostrati da Annozero si è ricavato tranquillamente il numero di Berlusconi.

Libero ammonisce: "Nella puntata di Annozero andata in onda giovedì, si sono nascosti dietro un trucchetto. Hanno coperto le tre cifre finali. Le quali, però, si possono ampiamente ricostruire. Così da due giorni grazie al tam tam dei blog che hanno risolto il facile enigma " - prosegue il quotidiano - "migliaia di persone hanno telefonato al premier intasandogli la linea. Chi ci ha provato riferisce che prima rispondeva una voce di donna, poi un segnale fisso di occupato". The newspaper

Berlusconi continues to roar like a storm, and at the last sermon before adding yet another attack on Michele Santoro and his Annozero : "Here's his number. I do not have intercepted or investigated. But he can try the same thrill of direct contact with the public. You can follow the same advice he dispenses to the Prime Minister: 'There is little to comment, there are many phone companies, where the premier is worried number changes.' If you will not like, you can too 'he hire a new manager or ask a new Sim . Poor Italy.

And now indeed "poor "!!!!!!!!!!!! Italy

Think Belpietro claimed that a very serious thing (if true) that no one, however, has stressed .... and that he had to jump the whole of Italy!! He said (to justify almost ....) the phone call from police headquarters for Premier Ruby, that "there have been others who have called at night to the magistrates to release children from prison ....." (Roughly the sentence was this ......)

Belpietro But then why not say "CHI CHI phoned "????????????? Why did this is very serious .... this would mean "LA LEGGE NON E' UGUALE PER TUTTI" ma non è solo una ipotesi...è stato affermato davanti a tutti... a milioni di telespettatori.......a milioni di Italiani ......allora CHI non ha avuto qualcuno che telefonava........??????????

Nei 5 giorni che Niki è stato lì dentro ho parlato con tutti gli Avvocati possibili....cioè mi state dicendo che mi dovevo preoccupare di altro???????????????????.....e NIKI SAREBBE ANCORA VIVO??????????????

Io spero che Belpietro chiarisca........

This was what I think would come out in huge letters in the newspapers and not the absurd story of the phone .... do you think the Premier was unable to change the number or had only one ??????

One person wrote to me on Facebook:

"Once the journalists were the guard dogs of power ... now they are companion dogs .. ..!!!!!"

I do not want to believe it and I would like to clarify ..... Belpietro would want all of Italy!!


Cuffaro himself over to police
"I remain confident in the institutions'

Sen. Pid awaited the arrival in his home in Rome after the condemnation of the military in Cassation. "If I could not resist in these difficult years and especially since I had so much faith and protection of the Madonna"

'Cuffaro Salvatore Cuffaro

He prayed for a long time in the church of Santa Maria della Minerva. Then he came back in his house in via del Pantheon 57. When he learned that the sentence to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting the Mafia and aggravated breach of the confidentiality of investigations had been upheld by the Supreme Court has decided that it would wait for the bureaucratic time and was going to be.

"Please stay down. Here comes the police to take my father and take him to jail." So the intercom son Raffaele replied to journalists who asked to power up. When she got the Fiat Punto with three gray inside carabiner, Salvatore Cuffaro was down and did not recoil from the microphones and notebooks.

"I was a man of the institutions, I had a great respect for la magistratura - ha detto Cuffaro - Questa prova non è stata e non è facile da portare avanti ma ha rafforzato in me il rispetto delle istituzioni. La magistratura è una istituzione quindi la rispetto anche in questo momento di prova, ha accresciuto in me la fiducia nella giustizia e soprattutto ha rafforzato la mia fede. Se ho saputo resistere in questi anni difficili è soprattutto perché ho avuto tanta fede e la protezione della Madonna".

L'ex presidente della Regione siciliana, oggi senatore del Pid (anche se adesso è destinato a decadere) ha aggiunto: "Affronterò la pena come è giusto che affronti un uomo che ha servito le istituzioni e che in questo momento viene messo a sopportare questa prova. E' giusto che this is so. I left as teaching my children, they must have confidence in the justice and respect for institutions ".

For Niki

Time is very slow for those who wait,
Very fast for those who are afraid,
Very long for those who complain,
Molto breve per quelli che festeggiano,
Ma, per tutti quelli che amano, il tempo è eternità.

( William Shakespeare)

Ti Amo



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Salieri Vietnam Story

Pearl Effect

Very often our readers tell us reactions and effects that our cause Perle on sites and people treated, though they usually do not talk about it would take away space for new arguments.

Sometimes some sites have disappeared completely or were finished in the sights of ' Judicial Authority, in other cases have raised a chorus of angry insults, often some texts have been changed and some have even attempted to argue that he never said what we reported. Largely for this
always keep copies of web pages as they appear at the time of our visit, and generally publish their "shot".

In recent weeks we have received quite a few 'of these reports and we have decided to collect the most significant in this Pearl.

in your opening show the little article in which Giulietto Church has reneged the hoax of Greek banknotes immediately after being mercilessly put the lie to one of our recent Pearl .

However, also in rectifying the good old Church in its best tradition, continues to shoot buffalo revealing absolutely alarming ignorance (this man has been an MEP!):

Why, I wondered, were assigned to different countries European symbols that have nothing to do with their initials? Not knowing the answer, and not having found anywhere, is open to the suspicion that there are problems with the "glasnost"

But as glasnost ... we wrote in our Pearl and is clearly explained even in the Italian Wikipedia ! There is a reason why the various countries have been matched certain letters, and there un meccanismo matematico chiarissimo.
Ma a questo punto iniziamo a pensare che la questione superi di gran lunga le capacità cognitive di Chiesa...!

Poi c'è Il Giornale ( pagina 1 , pagina 2 ) che il 14 gennaio scorso ha pubblicato un articolo dedicato a Wikipedia italiana e a Piero Montesacro , pseudonimo di uno dei suoi amministratori a cui abbiamo dedicato un gran numero di Perle. E difatti il giornalista Alessandro Gnocchi ci cita espressamente:

Infatti il blog Perle complottiste lo prende di mira con una certa regolarità in quanto impegnato a «fare propaganda complottista, anti-American and pro-terrorist. " Heavy items.

How true, we say. We were the first to break the myth of the encyclopedia free and pure, not because we have denounced his many mistakes (that we had already thought about various newspapers), but because we have laid bare - documentation - the mechanisms by which certain directors and users affect sensitive items in order to propagate their ideas and opinions. We

provoked harsh (especially by interested parties) and we were even "banned" by the inclusion in the "black list" (having never entered a single character on the Wiki!), But we also had lots of claims of solidarity and appreciation on the part of users, contributors and administrators. In any case, our readers have opened the eyes of several people who now are more aware of what is happening behind the scenes of the Italian Wiki.
On 30 December, just hours after the release of our Pearl, the Shadow Government item was deleted from Italian Wiki:

you want it to Nicoletta Forcheri , irreducible conspiracy of the old school (the one Mazzucco, Church and Blondet, for instance).
Remember? He had published an article in which he took to the contents of a good sito americano, senza rendersi conto che si trattava di un sito comico.
Abbiamo svelato la bufala, e la poverina non ha trovato di meglio che inserire un avviso nel quale spiega che il suo è solo un "pezzo umoristico" e noi di Perle non abbiamo senso dell'umorismo:

Questa è davvero buona.
La verità è che la Forcheri non si era accorta affatto che stava pubblicando un testo comico , come testimoniano i nostri shot.
Andiamo Nicoletta, sappiamo che ti rode tanto ma lo devi ammettere: hai fatto una figura proprio misera, perfino peggiore delle solite!
Ma non dovevi preoccuparti di smentire: messi tutti assieme, i complottisti che ti leggono non arrivano IQ as 50, then they would never realize the thing!

Thanks for reporting: Theodore DS, N. Carlo, John G., KSW.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can You Use Almay With Rosacea


Quello che veramente ami rimane,
il resto e’ scorie
Quello che veramente ami non ti sara’ strappato
Quello che veramente ami e’ la tua vera eredita’

Ezra Pound (pisan Cantos 81)

Ed ecco a Voi i libri piu' venduti a Natale ........
C'è un motivo...alla fine ne parliamo .....

1st in the ranking of more 'sold :
Benedetta Parodi with "Cooked and Eaten and" Welcome to my kitchen "

2nd in the standings


3rd in championship
Antonella Clerici "Recipes from Home Clerici"

"Quest'oggetto non ha mai avuto un'utilità pratica.
Proprio per questo mi piace.
E' un pezzetto di storia che si sono dimenticati di alterare.
It 's a message that comes from one hundred years ago and is a sin not to know to decipher. "
(George Orwell, 1984)
Now let me tell you what happened yesterday ......
A great poet, Mark Pellegrino, author of a book of poems "Ashes and Dust" (already published), yesterday published Facebook on one of his poems, "Letter to Cain" to search for in my view, of bringing people to the problem "prisons" to raise awareness here ..... poetry ( poetry is clearly covered by copyright) , really beautiful:

* * Letter to Cain
"You, with a view streaked gray metal cage in
dell'illusoria redemption
sentenced to shorter hours of sky
for your crime
of a weak man, how many times you ask yourself
on what might be fair
this miserable condition, the

punishment sentenced by the courts and laws
who claim to impartial justice

bastions of hope for the rehabilitation of your mind

concealing deception
turbid and
tyrant who seeks to destroy you
almost since you were a misfit from the embryo

affected cry of recurrence,
useless and dangerous insect to be crushed without mercy

that can not and should not
belong to this society,
You, obscuring the wreck from the ship
In the forge of the worms is exiled
your destiny?
As punishment, prison
which can claim legitimacy when human
the same law and secular human rights

and principles dictated by it!
and 'human-depriving legitimate hope
to the last drop of dignity
weak man who is born?
Man, false prophet of human authority, not dehumanize
accomplice not guilty of his own crime,
embodying the Disciple who exceeds his master
and subjected to the divine vengeance seven times
transform martyr in his executioner. "

This has been posted on Facebook and there were many comments .... as well as those of compliments, because it is very beautiful, there were those on the prison ...... ...... and now there I read one that I was really impressed:
    • but you know our prisons are really like, Mark? Look, very well informed on this point, as I did at the time, and you'll see that in Italy, it would come to feed several prisoners from other parts of the world. Stanne sure! Here there is no rigorous imprisonment for many offenders, the daily struggle is to have more channels on TV!

Now I do not want to go on who does not read does not listen to the TV does not follow the calls of the European Community on the state of our prisons .... but I say if you do not know why come on ?????? ?????

In early January 2011, there have been 6 deaths ... that is what I'm screaming for years .... ................ 1 every two days was just the last 23 years ....

This was my response:

".... Now I would like to respond general comments, because when it comes to this thorny problem is the jail many times we talk about not knowing!! Now I think that very few would come to "grazing" in Italian prisons .... the correct term would be to DIE!! We point out that statistics in hand it dies every two days ..... a really nice pasture!! LETHAL!!

And then I added:

      A beautiful phrase Sandro Pertini you should give pause and MUCH ALSO:

... I think that as long as we have only to point the finger at others we will never change things in Italy .... we will be always poor people that we try to turn it ..... us that finger .......

I'm not a feel-good, where do you think I would like to see the killers of Niki and all those who contributed to this state of things ????? ?????????

But you can not understand a thing, would be enough for people deprived of their liberty, deprive them of money, luxury cars, the Escort and partying ... that would be their punishment, with deprivation of freedom and is punished with imprisonment is "re-educates "!!!!

The lack of respect for "human rights" puts us in the same way of our persecutors ........

and I always think, when we have that finger pointed at the other one who said Phil Ochs:

..."Mostrami la prigione,mostrami il carcere,
mostrami il detenuto la cui vita è andata male,
ed io ti mostrerò,ragazzo mio,mille ragioni
per cui è solo un caso se al suo posto non ci siamo noi."

Io penso davvero che il nostro degrado culturale non ci faccia vedere lo stato in cui rinchiudiamo esseri umani, pensate mi ha scritto un ex-detenuto e parlando della sua cella, sapete come la chiamava????????? " la mia stalla"

Allora il mio invito è quello prima di parlare di conoscere, se ignorate non parlate ...a volte il silenzio è d'oro!!!!! Now you

public a letter from a person who is within that reality, the public and I do not take positions on the case for Baptists, but just to let you know the reality of the "inside"

Bravo Lula

The president of Brazil, Lula, rejects the extradition of Cesare Battisti.

Part of the Italian public, the majority of the media and politicians were shocked at the decision.

But why?

Where's the scandal?

you grant a relative, a friend, an enemy, a criminal, a murderess in a country like Italy?

Dove nei suoi carceri solo nell’anno appena finito si sono suicidati 66 detenuti?

- Due detenuti suicidi in un solo giorno a L’Aquila e a Como: (Fonte: Osservatorio permanente sulle morti in carcere, 19 dicembre 2010).

Dove le condizioni di vita dei detenuti sono quelle di un cane in un canile?

Dove in molti casi non vengono rispettati i diritti umani?

- Giustizia: Italia condannata 1.556 volte dalla Corte di Strasburgo, peggio solo in Turchia (Fonte: Italia Oggi, Anna Irrera, 9 dicembre 2010)

Dove chi è forte, potente e ricco non entra in carcere e se ci entra esce subito, mentre i poveracci ci rimangono, some for a lifetime?

Where many convicts would militate against, with no possibility of liberation, are destined to die in prison?

Where there are prisoners who do not make love to his girlfriend, companion, partner of ten, twenty and thirty years? What you can do instead of in prisons in Brazil and taillights European countries such as Albania!

In a country where suicide is even the same prison officers?

Where more than 660 detainees are subjected to a regime of torture of 41, which for decades did not receive and can not give strokes to their loved ones? Which for decades can not touch with a hand and can not smell their mother's smell of their children?

glasses to the interview are inhuman because they only separate bodies, but also cut in half two hearts meet.

- Justice: it the "hard labor" increases the risk of suicide ... only 26 of the 66 total suicides have occurred under "normal". (Source: Social Editor, December 20, 2010).

you grant a relative, a friend, an enemy, a criminal, a murderess in a country like Italy?

where some politicians are using the fight against the mafia, the mafia but not political, financial and media to win the elections and for power and money?

Poche volte, quasi mai, il carcere fa diventare buoni i cattivi, ma spesso può far diventare cattivi i buoni che invece di verità e giustizia pretendono vendetta e pene infinite e dolorose.

A Cesare Battisti, se fossimo stati al posto di Lula, forse avremmo dato la pena più dura, ma mai lo avremmo consegnato a un Paese come l’Italia che ha questa classe dirigente, questo governo e questa giustizia ingiusta, perché la legalità prima di pretenderla bisogna darla.

Gli ergastolani Carmelo Musuemci e Giuseppe Reitano, Carcere di Spoleto Sergio D’Elia, Segretario di Nessuno tocchi Caino

Then post this term with another sentence ......

    • "Do not let me see your palaces but your prisons - Voltaire wrote -
      because it is from them that we measure the degree of civilization of a nation ... "

    • What is our ???????????

want to know the story of my and Niki treatment received click here

And I ask you, now you have understood the meaning of the books more 'sold ???????????????

We Italians a good meal and all problems are solved!! Well ...

Cotto and eat!

For Niki

"Has anyone stopped your trip .....
Has anyone stopped my journey, with no love of
lying on the ground ... I sing to you now
my songs of love. "
(Alda Merini from" tales, mad, mad love for you ") I Love You


Ascanio Celestini and method Marchionne

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

15th B Day Cake Ideas

because they shoot the Y, according to Roberto Morini

Maybe it's fate that the loser of our annual Perlon, Giulietto Church, is scheduled to open in 2011 with a Pearl fantastic article titled: "Why disappear Y. A story that nobody tells ". This is yet

soup, buffalo shot by the good Juliet, who have long accused the effects of a past life to hurl venom against imaginary enemies of humanity, to the point that we could call this Pearl: "Because the brain disappears. We tell the story of Juliet Church .
We come to the point.

Church maintains that the European Central Bank had decided to withdraw from circulation all Euro banknotes printed by Greece, which are recognized as the serial number begins with Y, for fear that Greece declares bankruptcy. If

barely pause to reflect on this theory, there'll soon realize its colossal idiocy, but let's go step by step and read what he writes the mustache:

Now, please, do a little experiment. You will all have some euro banknote in his pocket. No matter what size, even those small. Take a look at the back of each bill's serial number. See? Well, is not only a serial number. It 'an encyclopedic compendium of culture of deception.

But no, Juliet. It 'just a number. Trust me, before they get you with a straitjacket. It 'a very simple serial number!

and ferocity of what lorsignori call the "market", but that has little to do with the market in which buyers and sellers are, in a sense, at par. I said, the serial number. But do not start with a number, but with a letter of the English.

Okay, start with a letter, but do not panic for so little, Juliet. Even the license plates of cars they say "number plate" and yet begin with a letter, but no one has ever torn your hair out for this!
So do not worry, even if you've noticed with some 'delay that sometimes the serial numbers start with a letter, it is never too late to learn in life. Indeed you do a gift, we reveal another secret shocking: the street numbers of roads are equal on one side and odd on the other. See? Did you learn something else. No thanks, we are generous by nature.

Ah, then there is the story of ' English alphabet. We know that the British will cause itching, especially because American allies, and historically the other side of the wall (when there was still the wall, remember? No tears of nostalgia, please).
But now we are in 2011 and the standard English alphabet is the alphabet, all use the Y, K, J, W and X, and for a while '.
How long do you say "X-Ray"? From there the cars as Y-10, Y, the Lancia K? Even now the elementary
teach children the 'English alphabet, "as he called the Church.
Giulietto Come, get a "hit of life and accepts the fact that the alphabet is like that today.

And here is a first lock to open.
This letter is for a country, including those belonging, for now, the euro zone. "

Bravo Juliet! After the serial numbers and house numbers, you have also learned that other thing!
But there was no need to open locks ... Wikipedia and opened wide enough that you'd find the same story, is written there for many years. Here, look, we put here the link ... even the big one that we write to a certain age, the sight makes bad jokes:

All you have to do is Just click with the mouse (you know what the mouse, right? is a English term ... not Take it easy ... but if the mice did not call you no one would understand, even those of rodent control) on the link (connection) and open the Wikipedia page. Other
that lock!
do not need to thank us, you know we love you.

Now I challenge you to find a single € 50 banknote that begin with Y its serial number. If you know that is a compound found mysteriously escaped a ruthless manhunt, sorry to note. The others, those already captured, or nearly all, are held in a few European Central bank vault. And if one day will come, it will be only because the Greeks have bought with their blood. Literally.

People are just born unlucky, there is little to be done. Church is a prime example. We have seen in other Perle concerning him: not just try to say something serious and dramatic, you immediately discover that it is a great nonsense!

Giulietto See, this time we wanted to avoid another poor showing, in the end is just past the Christmas ... but you're too unlucky, and we want you too well.

You'll think: "Now I tell this story with the banknote Y, such as accidents do to see if it's true? If you want us to count the notes with the Y?". Yet, Juliet, there are those who do it. There
a place to keep track of serial numbers of Euro notes circulating in the world, this is a group of enthusiasts who enter data on the Web notes that they have. But not talking about a few people, Juliet are over hundred and sixty!
The website is called EuroBillTracker and as you can see the notes in circulation are a lot of Y!

fact that Y is going to Greece. You say: why and Greece have called Y? Response. The reason is the same as Germany have called it X, France stands for U, S is going to Italy, Austria stands for N, V \u200b\u200bis going to Spain, Belgium is Z, P Holland, H is the encrypting Slovenia and so on.
The goal is to prevent the public, that is, to us, that these coins we use every day, to understand who "belong" to this money.

Ahi ahi ahi, galley ignorance that makes you do some figures. But how did you do the MEP, Juliet?
What are you thinking while you were there in the European Parliament, with the portfolio for the lavish looking bloated salaries and various benefits that pocket?
Now you explain us a bit 'of things ... 'we are modest but well-educated people.

know why European countries, the banknotes are not listed by the original? S Take, for example. A chi la diamo, alla Slovenia o alla Slovacchia? E la lettera E? Alla Spagna (Espana) o alla Grecia (Ellade)? E poi, che nome consideriamo? Quello in inglese o quello in lingua locale? Alla Germania diamo la G di Germany o la D di Deutschland? Sai che baruffe!
Ecco allora che i paesi sono indicati partendo dalla Z e andando a ritroso, in ordine alfabetico tra i primi paesi aderenti, e poi in ordine di arrivo nella moneta unica.
Non c'è nulla di criptico, se non nella tua testa!

Se avessero voluto impedire di capire la provenienza di una banconota, avrebbero evitato qualsiasi codice identificativo alfanumerico, ti pare? Invece così, basta un'occhiata alla tabella su Wikipedia... et voilà anyone knows where it came from a note.

's not all, dear Juliet.
You know, in fact, that is not true that every nation is printing its own banknotes . There are printing in the different countries, specializing in printing banknotes of a certain size, which are then exchanged for banknotes of other denominations in printing produced in other countries.
For example, it may be that the pieces produced in Greece from 10 € in Spain and those from 20 €, then exchange them.
So it is said that a bill with the Y has been produced in Greece.
It 's a printed bill for Greece, but may have been printed in Spain, Germany or Italy or elsewhere.
fact, to know, there is another letter on the notes, indicating its establishment in which that note was produced.
Think you, Juliet plot to prevent other than to know the origin of a bill! You will not just print the issuing nation, but even the manufacturing plant!
And all this is even written on Wikipedia. Only you have not read it!

Now, try to look at this Web page to see how many banknotes in circulation are produced in Greece , drawn from those funny guys of EuroBillTracker: are endless!

belong word is improper. In ogni caso non appartengono a noi, ma alle banche centrali dei singoli paesi, le quali a loro volta non appartengono ai singoli paesi ma alle banche private che ne riempiono i consigli di amministrazione.

Dai Giulietto, non scrivere altre balle. La politica monetaria è determinata dalla Banca Centrale Europea e in particolare dal consiglio dei governatori delle banche centrali nazionali, che a loro volta sono nominati dai rispettivi Governi. Non ci sono privati a governare la politica monetaria europea!

In sostanza queste banconote, con la loro bella lettera criptata, sono il contributo che ciascun paese ha dato alla moneta comune europea. Ora si dà il caso che la Grecia è andata in bancarotta. Non has more money, is in his underwear and must repay the loan of the International Monetary Fund and the X, or Germany, at interest rates soaring.
So, on the sly, what does the European Central Bank?
withdraw from circulation all euro's of Greek origin. The imperative is to avoid surprises. Want to see what the greek people, seized with a sudden spasm, he decides to declare bankruptcy, unilaterally, sends to that country's government, led by that agent of the "Washington-consensus" called Papandreou, and is like Argentina , that is no longer paying any debt?

Giulietto Sorry, but how do you think the ECB withdraws banknotes Greece? Suppose Mr. John Smith has a € 50 banknote with the Y in his pocket. What is the ECB? Kidnaps him, beat him and care about the bill? Obviously not. The most one can exchange notes with the notes without Y Y, but that would be different? If suddenly the bill with the Y was not worth anything, the ECB would still be "burned" 50 €.
However you can rest assured: Greek banknotes are still around are many, and there are quite a few 'cuts much bigger than 50 € a ticket you are talking about the beginning of your article.
For example, these are the € 500 notes drawn from the Y EuroBillTracker. Obviously the reason

Church shooting in this tide of rubbish is the same: spitting venom against the Americans and British. Fact: The real

lobotomized are the Americans and the English, both in red rather than the Greeks. Only they do not intend to pay the bill, while the Greeks are doing it to pay the bill with their sticks.
Sooner or later, will also reach Italy. Who commands this uproar?
Wall Street boss.
The dollar is going to peak. He needs a € subordinate and a Europe without sovereignty, you pay the U.S. debt, as the Chinese do not do it anymore.

course after a while 'you're just boring, the Church.
Resign: to collapse is was the USSR, and the wall he had built to defend against Western freedom.
But it's been over 20 years, may continue to resent the Americans and British?

It 's a life they say that the dollar is going to peak, however, while holding the dollar and euro zone countries are in crisis.
And Wall Street has nothing to do ... European monetary policies are decided in Europe.
We understand that as a former MEP is much more convenient to download the blame on the Americans ... but while sitting in that chair you were there, not a Yankee ...

thank Angelo F. for reporting.