Sometimes some sites have disappeared completely or were finished in the sights of ' Judicial Authority, in other cases have raised a chorus of angry insults, often some texts have been changed and some have even attempted to argue that he never said what we reported. Largely for this
always keep copies of web pages as they appear at the time of our visit, and generally publish their "shot".
In recent weeks we have received quite a few 'of these reports and we have decided to collect the most significant in this Pearl.
in your opening show the little article in which Giulietto Church has reneged the hoax of Greek banknotes immediately after being mercilessly put the lie to one of our recent Pearl .
However, also in rectifying the good old Church in its best tradition, continues to shoot buffalo revealing absolutely alarming ignorance (this man has been an MEP!):
Why, I wondered, were assigned to different countries European symbols that have nothing to do with their initials? Not knowing the answer, and not having found anywhere, is open to the suspicion that there are problems with the "glasnost"
But as glasnost ... we wrote in our Pearl and is clearly explained even in the Italian Wikipedia ! There is a reason why the various countries have been matched certain letters, and there un meccanismo matematico chiarissimo.
Ma a questo punto iniziamo a pensare che la questione superi di gran lunga le capacità cognitive di Chiesa...!
Infatti il blog Perle complottiste lo prende di mira con una certa regolarità in quanto impegnato a «fare propaganda complottista, anti-American and pro-terrorist. " Heavy items.
How true, we say. We were the first to break the myth of the encyclopedia free and pure, not because we have denounced his many mistakes (that we had already thought about various newspapers), but because we have laid bare - documentation - the mechanisms by which certain directors and users affect sensitive items in order to propagate their ideas and opinions. We
provoked harsh (especially by interested parties) and we were even "banned" by the inclusion in the "black list" (having never entered a single character on the Wiki!), But we also had lots of claims of solidarity and appreciation on the part of users, contributors and administrators. In any case, our readers have opened the eyes of several people who now are more aware of what is happening behind the scenes of the Italian Wiki.
On 30 December, just hours after the release of our Pearl, the Shadow Government item was deleted from Italian Wiki:

you want it to Nicoletta Forcheri , irreducible conspiracy of the old school (the one Mazzucco, Church and Blondet, for instance).
Remember? He had published an article in which he took to the contents of a good sito americano, senza rendersi conto che si trattava di un sito comico.
Abbiamo svelato la bufala, e la poverina non ha trovato di meglio che inserire un avviso nel quale spiega che il suo è solo un "pezzo umoristico" e noi di Perle non abbiamo senso dell'umorismo:

Questa è davvero buona.
La verità è che la Forcheri non si era accorta affatto che stava pubblicando un testo comico , come testimoniano i nostri shot.
Andiamo Nicoletta, sappiamo che ti rode tanto ma lo devi ammettere: hai fatto una figura proprio misera, perfino peggiore delle solite!
Ma non dovevi preoccuparti di smentire: messi tutti assieme, i complottisti che ti leggono non arrivano IQ as 50, then they would never realize the thing!
Thanks for reporting: Theodore DS, N. Carlo, John G., KSW.
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