"I attach particular value to the possession of a virtue,
until you notice the total absence in our opponent. "
Friedrich Nietzsche
The words of His Holiness the Dalai Lama :
"Many people seem excited for the new year. But the new year itself has nothing special. Entering the new year things will be the same, there will be no different. If we want .. . really that next year will be happier, more peaceful and more harmonious for humankind, we must make efforts to make it as we wish. " And again: "My suggestion or advice is very simple and is to have a sincere heart"
From the book: The Path of Dharma ..
Have you thought about how many families Yesterday evening I celebrated ????? What they did nothing to celebrate ??????
So our best wishes to chase what is it?? perfectly to anything .... .. We must stop living in illusions, false hopes or waiting for the manna from heaven .... all we want or we hope we roll up our sleeves ..... and start to build us together!
There are many things that do not work, we are spoiled for choice from where we started ...
We begin to see any of the information ????????
Here they are, and mind you .... are not yet official and definitive ......
Remember what we said the President Sandro Pertini (who spent many years in prison)?
"Remember when you are dealing with a prisoner, that many times in front of you a better person than you are."
details 2010
No. 66 deaths (suicides + BE DETERMINED) +
DISEASES AND "natural causes"
This is clearly not are included hospital deaths, the dead centers "host", etc..
I want to bring a passage from the book "The Last Day of a Condemned Man" by Hugo
"But I answered, the company must take revenge, to punish the company. Not a thing nor the other: revenge is an act of man, belongs to God to punish " p.46
"At one time, since I seem to past years and not weeks, I was a man like tanti.Ogni day, every hour or minute I had a new idea. My mind is young and rich, was full of fantasies, and liked to unfold for me, one after the other without order and without end, infinite arabesque embroidery on the fabric and rough Thin Life. It was always feast in my imagination. I could think about what I wanted, I was free. Now I am a prisoner. I have the logs in a cell in the body, the mind imprisoned in an idea. "(P. 7)
In a dark prison cell, a man of whom we know the name nor the fault is waiting for the moment of execution. In his last day, he reviews his own existence by evoking the hopes and suffering and lost nell'inutile waiting for a grace that will not come, he decided to tell her terror, her delusional fantasies, its painful memories.
In these few hours hallucinated that separate him from the guillotine has the opportunity to realize how 's death already owned and is spread everywhere in those caves that are horror: the scene of the prisons.
" But in the end, what did your life so why should I mourn ? Just a little 'dim light, the crust of black bread of the prison, the poor ration of gruel taken by muffler of the convicts, and be abused, beaten by the jailers, the jailers, I just refined by education, never see a human being worthy of that trust me to answer a word, jump continuously for what I did or I will : these are, about the only goods that can take away the Executioner. Ah does not matter. is horrible! (p.14)
and 1829, the year that sees published for the first time this paper was 27, and Victor Hugo.
reflect truly and humanly the conditions under which forcing other beings to live "human" otherwise we are accused of un-equal humanity ........
Data on deaths ... Blank ....
1080 lavoratori nel 2010 hanno perso la vita perché sono morti sul lavoro. In attesa dei dati che fornirà l'Inail per l'anno 2010, notiamo che rispetto al 2009 quando ci sono stati 1050 morti sul lavoro, i morti sul lavoro nel 2010 sono in aumento.....(nonostante le casse integrazioni e le aziende che hanno chiuso...)
E in questi dati non sono compresi i suicidi per la perdita del lavoro.....
Cagliari si suicida giovane perchè licenziato dopo dieci anni di lavoro...è solo l'ultimo (27 Dicembre....)
The heart remained in the Factory
even now that I have reached retirement
dreamed sky for decades but is far more
The silence and solitude around my factory and all the factories
The working class is no longer central
and heaven became hell
flames of fire and oil burned
of exhausted workers who make the news only when they become human torches
exploited as workers not success is never
The silence and solitude around my factory and all the factories
Even our good President
screams tireless work on the dead
but also his screams are powerless
Farewell Companions of hard work, dreams and ideals of our tears by Wet
rest in peace.
Carlo Soricelli retired engineering
Pensate che nella sua famiglia si sia festeggiato????????
E Cosa?????????
Ricordate Claudia , la ragazzina caduta dalla finestra del Liceo di Firenze????
Well do not believe it but those windows still have not regulate the height of the walls ... as per the directive of the European .....
And then there are the deaths of 309 children of terromoto ... "Casa dello Studente" ...quando sapremo perchè è crollata??????????????????????
E Poi ci sono i nostri ragazzi che continuano a morire nelle ..."missioni di pace" .....l'ultimo 24 anni Matteo Miotto è stato riportato oggi in Italia.......in una bara.....
E poi ci sono tutti i morti per le varie faide.....i morti per le mafie ......'ndrangheta/camorra/mafia siciliana ecc. ormai radicate su tutto il territorio....
Insomma la storia di un paese che non c'è.......Auguri????????? And what ?????????
The only wish that "we" do is to take very conscious that we live in a country that has now disappeared, and that unless we change things .....( unfortunately end up in the abyss above me and these families we already .......)
"First they came for the Communists,
and I said nothing because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Social
... and I said nothing because
I was not
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I said nothing because I was not union.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I said nothing because I was not jew.
Then they came for me.
And it was no one left who could say anything. "
(Martin Niemoller, a pastor Nazis)
Ti Amo
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