On January 11, some Italian newspapers came yet another news story on the "Point Shop" on the front pages after the indictment of bankruptcy cases involved four entrepreneurs who sees today, two Italian and two San Marino.
The investigation is still ongoing, and at this point in the proceedings of the intention of investigating magistrate Rita Vannucci is whether there has been failure to control by the Board consisting entirely of accountants San Marino. A node does, that the Court of San Marino has the need to dissolve as soon as possible, and for which he has already set up the necessary requests.
Why talk about this story?
We'll talk about for the simple reason that this sad and confusing ending, maybe it was already written.
On 17 May 2010, I wrote in these pages of the dark-matter Agile Eutelia-Omega, which is closely related to the still unresolved case of the death of Niki April Gatti.
A story, as told in these lines, which as yet has no answers.
Those were the days in which the Court of San Marino gave his consent to calm that allowed the company agreed to acquire the company Omega "Point Shop", with the aim to get it to work regularly and to pay their debts. A tragic mistake.
From that moment on, in fact, not even the shadow of good news, as they are crossed seamlessly news always darkest point on the progress of the company shop, to the current situation. A film by now seen too many times, always with the same protagonist. Omega.
In recent weeks, however, the name "Omega" is not only turn to each other Point Shop. This name, also check in an article in the bravissimo Roberto Galullo, che il 10 Novembre scorso, scrive sul suo blog "Guardie o Ladri" , un interessante post intitolato "I pm di Forlì, Carifin e il misterioso Omega".
"Il misterioso Omega", scrive Galullo, sarebbe il protagonista di una incredibile vicenda scritta nero su bianco nella coda della rogatoria internazionale avanzata dalla procura di Forlì sul caso Sopaf-Delta-Carisp San Marino , che il commissario Rita Vannucci (lo stesso che si sta occupando della vicenda Punto Shop) ha firmato l'8 Maggio.
Fra queste righe (che riguardano l'arco temporale fra il 1° November 2004 and May 5, 2009) speaks of the history of this character, this "Omega" that calling from a landline to Lamezia Terme (as confirmed by printouts), called the financial Carifin (Public Limited Company ) San Marino, booking of withdrawing money for which well-read-it would take "most vehicles" .
Let us pause a moment, because-as pointed out masterfully Galullo-here the story gets strange. What type of levy may be used for " vehicles? And more than a bargain!
The first thing you can think of is that these figures are absolutely huge, or that the vehicles were used to conceal something. Or both.
In any case, what we find in this document, explains Galullo-old memoir takes us back to a sorry 'Ndrangheta, the Francesco Sources (increasing the "spotlight" on L'Espresso for his stories on the disposal of toxic waste from the thigh), who reported that in the nineties, to use large vehicles to transport money from San Marino Italy was widespread . Which is a bit 'as saying that from that time until 2009, things changed little.
It is almost comical. These trucks but I will imagine that the streets of the mountains that surround the Titan whizzing through the night to the financial, only to load-knows-gold!? bags with the dollar? Ingots? Bundles of banknotes from 50 Euro!? It 's amazing.
Now let's step back a little, and we return to our "mysterious Omega," because there is something else again. Omega fact, not a fancy name. He speaks on June 2 Lionel Mancini, on the pages of Sole-24 Ore, with a service in which he writes of the minutes of Gianluca Ghini Director of Carifin (the public company that phoned our man of mystery). Ghini it suggests that in his deposition to be called with the name of the company of belonging is an old custom, and therefore, "that's certainly an old customer."
So there is no "Mr Omega." In the pages of the letters rogatory, we speak simply of-society-Omega, which - to confirm this - just one of its offices in Lamezia Terme (whence came the phone calls). It was therefore the same company that commissioned Carifin these large withdrawals on Titan, sending special "vehicles."
But what is behind Omega?
is certainly not a philanthropic organization. This is a company (Omega ), holding company Restform English, a ghost , whose place of convenience was in a "sub " a modest building in London.
To find out, was the daily newspaper Il Manifesto in a survey last November, which came up on a block of shares in the hands of Restform Daniele D'Apote, contractor under investigation per collusione con la 'ndrangheta .
I legami con la mafia calabrese vennero in seguito confermati dall'indagine Varano , condotta dalla procura di Forlì, che sospetta che San Marino venga usata per riciclare decine di milioni di euro dalla 'ndrangheta nel settore della telefonia con il sistema delle fatture false.
Omega infatti, fa le cose in grande.
N egli ultimi otto mesi rileva alcuni rami d'azienda -in forte perdita- di Eutelia (attraverso la controllata Agile ), e un'altra quindicina di società in rosso tra cui quelle del gruppo Phonomedia (12 call center in Italia ed altri in Argentina e Albania), la Videoline/2 e la Punto Shop.
Niente male, considerando che in ognuna di queste società l'arrivo della gestione Omega ha avuto effetti micidiali per i lavoratori , con licenziamenti e sospensione di stipendi.
Il bello però, deve ancora venire. Perché c'è rimasta da chiarire la posizione di questa società anonima finanziaria, la Carifin , che accoglieva amorevolmente gli "automezzi" del " Mr. Omega "and then send them back well stuffed with cash, were not even Thanksgiving turkeys.
seems to be one of those stories in the James Bond . There's London in the background , the "mysterious Omega", organized crime, which runs about with trucks full of money, and now you add another company named as a letter of the Greek.
E 'at this point in history , sticking out of the Delta Group .
Carifin it (the corporation to which the "mysterious Omega" would send the vehicles), is the holding company controlled by 99.98% Savings Bank of the Republic of San Marino , the bank ended in the eye after a few months ago, prosecutors ordered the arrest of Forlì and those of its vertices of certain subsidiaries. The Carifin and, indeed, the Delta Group .
assumptions made by the PM of crime weigh like boulders. " un'abusiva Association for conspiracy to carry out banking and financial activities in Italy, for the purpose of concealment of money laundering crimes such as embezzlement, diversion of funds, falsification of private documents, tax evasion, the ' issuing invoices per operazioni inesistenti e la truffa ai danni dello stato".
Tutti in manette e Gruppo Delta commissariato dalla Banca d'Italia in seguito alle "gravi irregolarità".
Dobbiamo fare una piccola digressione a questo punto. Perché quella del commissariamento di Delta, è una storia tutt'altro che limpida .
Dietro a questa operazione infatti, sembrerebbero profilarsi una serie di speculazioni messe in atto partendo dall'estenuante protrarsi della gestione liquidatoria che oggi, dopo 17 mesi, ha messo in ginocchio il gruppo.
The Delta case, and more specifically on speculation that would be in place, has returned in recent days also Andrea Di Biase, Milano Finanza.
"... from June 2009 on Savings Bank were exercised strong pressure to acquire full ownership of Delta and that is the famous 15-odd percent of the shares still held by Sopaf.
... A kind of blackmail that July 31, 2009, we had to give ... a farce played against the Republic of San Marino and his chance to bank in a country 'friend'.
No charges of money laundering is most apparent, no bank has intervened to rescue, and only the strength of Delta, weakened by a liquidation management, has managed so far to hold the weight of an attack on a grand scale in the capital and the people who formed the group in Bologna. At this point it would shed some light to understand who are the persons who have physical pressure. "
close the loop.
A circle that starts from the Omega company, passes Carifin anonymity, through the Cassa di Risparmio di San Marino and arrives at the Delta Group. With a background made of financial speculation and obscure reports.
But the story does not end here. It does not end at all.
Every week we add pieces to a puzzle that seems never to reveal his plan, but on the contrary, it becomes ever greater.
A plan that involves, unfortunately, thousands of employees who unknowingly find themselves trapped in these gears, and that too much time waiting for answers.
(I commented on the blog of this article Stiven ..... really commendable! The pieces of the puzzle are all and the image is visible ..... will click together finally ?????????)
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