The Shadow Government, according to Wikipedia
Wikipedia e alcuni tra i suoi utenti e amministratori ci hanno regalato numerose spassosissime Perle, spesso salutate da vivaci reazioni che hanno consentito di dare una parvenza enciclopedica a voci che giacevano allo stato brado.
Di strada, però, ce n'è ancora davvero tanta da fare, come conferma la voce "
Governo ombra (teorie del complotto) ".
Questa storia di creare voci parallele per ospitare le teorie complottiste che riguardano la voce principale, ci ha sempre fatto sorridere.
In un certo senso, è come se la voce principale (vera, storica, documentata) e le teorie complottiste (quasi sempre un guazzabuglio di ridicole idiozie) were placed on the same floor with the same degree of enciclopedicità.
The most shocking, though, is that these "alternatives" are very often even without source references, are real "outbursts" of some paranoid personal-wiki user believes (unfortunately with good reason) to exploit Wikipedia to advertise the more outlandish theories.
So, let's see what Wikipedia writes about Italian Shadow Government version plot.
In common parlance, means shadow government with a political institution, present in some parliamentary systems, formed by the opposition.
Instead, in the shadow government conspiracy theories represent one or more organizations alleged that supposedly would operate behind the scenes of some governments, relying on an alleged artificial network to manage, to say the conspiracy theorists, many of the world's governments. According to the optical
conspiracy, there would be many structures that would operate the hands of the alleged and unproven Shadow Government.
Note the conditional, the words "supposedly", "expected", "unproven".
In short, we're talking about hot air
. Moreover, without a shred of source. Such a page should be deleted on the spot, but no. Wikipedia erase a lot of items considered "not encyclopedic" (often simply because those who vote for the deletion is too ignorant on the subject) but such an abortion is still standing.
The leaders of this occult organization would bring together all the countries of the world under one flag, the flag of the New World Order.
The New World Order , the myth of any conspiracy worthy of the name. Just five minutes to speak with a plot, and be assured that we will bring out the history of the New World Order. Try to ask him what it is, and will not respond. The conspiracy theorists are like that ...
The first signs for the construction of New World Order, would the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the UN, the meetings of these groups except the last one, held behind closed doors, and according to this conspiracy would not let out information about the topics covered in these fees.
Damn that brain to which this plot.
They understood that if a held a meeting behind closed doors, probably does not want you to know around what has been said. wonder how did they arrive at this conclusion ...
The UN according to the conspiracy, would be the first step towards the unification of a single world state, in fact, thanks to this organization have been costruite numerose strutture internazionali.
Altra grande deduzione. L'ONU è un organismo internazionale, è normale che dia vita a strutture internazionali!
Forse i complottisti si aspettavano che creasse associazioni per giocare a tressette? Ma poi, che significa “secondo i complottisti”? Chi sono questi complottisti? C'è un manifesto, un nome, un riferimento? Niente. Per quel che ne sappiamo, potrebbero essere il fioraio e l'edicolante sotto la casa del wikipediano che ha scritto queste idiozie.
Andando avanti nella lettura, la situazione – nella miglior tradizione della Wiki italiana – peggiora.
C'è un rinvio a un approfondimento the "conspiracy of the New World Order."
as if to say: we are writing a bunch of nonsense, and they want more and more specific, we have other voices "encyclopedic" in place in order ...
Then follows the paragraph "shadow government Catholic." This opens
The hypothesis that the Vatican has set up a shadow government is a conspiracy theory but on a very recent theme is not new. In 1614, Germany, was published a text, which refers to a Jesuit conspiracy (...)
A text? What do you mean "text"? Who wrote it? Where is it? How's it called? Nothing. You must trust Wikipedia, so that you do not need to even know what text it!
The book spoke of the brotherhood of the Rosy Cross was founded in 1407 by Christian Rosenkreutz (...) The book was the result of an invention, but this secret society was actually exists (contrary to what the writer believed that he had collected the information) .
No, wait. We try to understand. So the book ... this text that you do not know anything ... was the result of an invention? That is, was it?
A book of fairy tales? So Wikipedia cites a book of stories and does not deign even to indicate which book it?
But there seems an encyclopedia entry, this here? He would even laugh child asylum.
According to conspiracy theorists, Opus Dei's orders would arrive on the implementation of programs, election of cardinals and even popes. According to the conspiracy
more pungent, the movement of anti-Catholicism was brought from the ranks of the Vatican's own shadow government to carry out some sinister purpose.
Think a bit '. The term "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theorists more pungent ... always without any reference to the names and publications. Perhaps most poignant is the florist dell'edicolante ...
Then comes the section "U.S. Shadow Government." And here
tones begin to change. Rather than cram sentences with a forest of "according to the conspiracy, the allegations become almost absolute: it does not matter who says what, and so is enough.
: It
The United States of America have always been home to plot. It is believed that a true American Shadow Government was born during the Truman administration. That's because he was the first president to initiate research programs secrets, hence perhaps began the U.S. Shadow Government.
The first sign of mystery was given with the launch of Majestic 12, just at the behest of then President Truman, this team had the sole purpose of studying the EBE and their aircraft. What started as a simple study of UFO became the first branch of a shadow government that would expand during the Cold War. This administration in the shadow would begin to influence the U.S. political and military decisions.
were opened many programs such as Project Blue Book, Aquarios, Grudge, and other programs or team required to study the UFO phenomenon and dedicated military espionage activities of the Soviet Union.
you think it has a leader and what? What have the UFO
with a shadow government? What does it matter
military espionage activities of the USSR (an ordinary and obvious) with a shadow government?
In 1963 the USSR would take place weird casi di Cancro nel personale dell'ambasciata americana a Mosca. Gli USA l'anno dopo avrebbero cominciato a studiare gli effetti di segnali radioattivi su persone ignare della loro esposizione. La CIA avrebbe coordinato questi esperimenti segreti, le frequenza utilizzate avrebbero dovuto disturbare il Sistema nervoso centrale regredendo le funzionalità normali di un corpo fino a ridurlo in condizioni disagevoli. Questi test avrebbero avuto dei buoni risultati tanto che, sarebbero state costruite delle installazioni sotterranee con l'apposita funzione di approfondire gli effetti regressivi di questi segnali, in modo da poterli usare in una possibile Guerra elettronica o Psicologica.
Secondo alcuni il vero scopo di questi studi sarebbe stato quello di ridurre il Sistema nervous in such a state that control the actions of the person affected by the signals.
We are more rambling
fiction imaginable. Cancer, frequencies, regression of the nervous system ... all in a stew with lots of meaningless reference to the electronic warfare (which is something completely different) and psychological warfare (which is also quite different).
The U.S. Shadow Government would organize the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or him catching his murderess, all because he did not want JFK aura of mystery about their government and wanted to maintain stability in the world beginning with the cessation fires in Vietnam. How
no. There would be a small detail that history says the opposite, since it was Kennedy
to light the first fire in Vietnam sending thousands (18,000!) Of "military advisers" and adopting a plan of gradual escalation
military action , which included the authorization for the use of napalm, among other things.
The CIA is also working on the control of the mind, see the Project MKULTRA. The shadow government wanted to control these experiments in the future people, the mind set of the Zombie.
course. We are forgotten plan to enlist
even Santa Claus and the Befana? Anche i sovietici avrebbero avuto le stesse intenzioni, i due governi oscuri anche se nemici tra loro avrebbero avuto le stesse intenzioni nella Guerra Fredda.
Nel 2005 in molti quotidiani europei e nordamericani, (in Italia pubblicato dal quotidiano La Stampa) apparve l'articolo: Bush contro gli Ufo, dalla Base Luna alla guerra segreta. Paul Hellyer fu il ministro della Difesa canadese e partecipò a molte conferenze a porte chiuse del NORAD. Il politico disse espressamente che la base lunare che vorrebbe costruire la NASA entro il 2020, non servirebbe come punto d'attracco per l'esplorazione del Sistema Solare ma dovrebbe funzionare come dogana per gestire il traffico di Ufo diretta verso la Terra e se possibile abbatterli con delle nuove armi spaziali di ultima generazione che starebbe costruendo il Pentagono in segreto.
L'ex-ministro canadese ha parlato anche di una possibile guerra tra uomini e alieni che potrebbe avvenire se gli Stati Uniti d'America decidessero di abbattere gli UFO diretti verso la Terra.
Queste affermazioni sarebbero molto dolenti se il tutto fosse vero, ma nessun governo ha reagito alle dichiarazione di Hellyer.
Sarà mica perché Hellyer era evidentemente
matto da legare? Queste dichiarazioni sarebbero la conferma che il governo ombra nordamericano sarebbe molto attivo e si interesserebbe soprattutto della costruzione di armi non convenzionali, e dello studio sugli Ufo, secondo alcune fonti militari il governo starebbe trying to create similar aircraft in flying saucers, but using clean energy ...
There seems right. The Shadow Government is seriously concerned about pollution, and then builds flying saucers with zero harmful emissions ... Only on Wikipedia
Italian you can read these things, you may be sure ...
... as the technology which would support the scientific foundations of the aliens would be too complicated for human technology, ...
But, sorry, if this is so complicated, how do you explain that humans modify it to use clean energy? Mysteries of Wiki.
... to study the reverse engineering alien technology that would be born is to study in detail the anti-gravity, antimatter, some elements not found on Earth that would allow you to use little energy to make interstellar travel and time.
Really? The reverse engineering is then created to study the alien technology? We show that reverse engineering is the work with which - starting from any artifact - are being rebuilt its design or construction drawings in order to replicate. Art is always the man (also called copying, plagiarism, tarot ...) and with which the alien has to do less than a damn.
All is not established, but the more conspiracy-minded that way.
But it? There is no evidence? Who knows why ...
The truth is that this is a mass of wild-eyed nonsense: this Wikipedia should write clearly, if you really want to keep such an abomination of voice.
After some other paragraph of more nonsense, the voice passes to talk about
Echelon, the system of intercepting and analyzing communications implemented by the United States with the help of other allies.
Echelon has nothing to do with the shadow government is just a system of intelligence, like many others, sophisticated and powerful but still quite logical in the context of espionage.
But Wikipedia goes further: A system
molto simile all'ECHELON ma utilizzato solo nel Nord America è l'HAARP.
Molto simile?
ECHELON è un sistema di intercettazione e analisi delle comunicazioni, HAARP è un progetto scientifico che studia i campi elettromagnetici terrestri. Sono due cose completamente diverse!
Ma la maggior parte dei governi ombra si sarebbe creata con l'avvento della Guerra fredda. I vari servizi segreti che lavorerebbero per i propri governi oscuri sarebbero l'FBI, il Mossad, l'MI6 e per la Russia sarebbe il Kgb che secondo alcuni esisterebbe ancora, ma i russi influiti dalla politica sovietica ne nasconderebbero l'esistenza. Ultimamente si è sentito parlare in Italia del Sismi, che avrebbe cooperato con CIA to capture some terrorists or even the killing.
This is a Wikipedia encyclopedia entry for Italian ...!
loony stuff ...
That means, then, "gravely influenced by the Russian Soviet policy? What language is it?
that Italy had a shadow government has never been taken into account, but according to some ufologists, during Mussolini's dictatorship would have created a veritable government secrecy for the study of arms and beloved radio UFO. One of the programs undertaken by the Fascists would have been the SETI RS/33 the Cabinet, a scientific group that would operate under the University La Sapienza.
But yes, scriviamo pure ogni genere di bestialità,
tanto siamo su Wikipedia Italia... La pagina è stata creata nel 2007 da un certo
Jok3r , un wikipediano che sarà bene tenere d'occhio (lo diciamo non solo ai nostri cercatori di Perle ma anche ai servizi di salute mentale): vista l'immensa quantità di idiozie che è riuscito a concentrare su questa voce, non abbiamo dubbi che debba aver svolto lavori altrettanto egregi altrove. C'è da meravigliarsi che non l'abbiano eletto amministratore.
Certo è che la voce è stata visitata e ritoccata abbastanza spesso, anche da utenti anziani e amministratori, come dimostra la sua cronologia, ma is still there: no one is seriously committed to the gate (the state, there is no other solution).
thank Anthony for reporting