Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Difference Between Licence Deed And Lease Deed


be clear: we do not have a particular liking for Pokemon . We never understood, do not know exactly what to do and what they represent, in our case are just cartoon characters who have obviously had a great commercial success .

fun fact is that millions of children around the world, and quite a few 'years, and although we would prefer something more informative and educational, it is not appropriate to make a tragedy.

Not everyone thinks so, though, and among the enemies of irriducili Pokemom there site Eben-Ezer , which would - according to its makers - the Evangelical Christian Church Pentecostal : We

a Pentecostal Evangelical Community of about 380 members, a church with the help of the Lord has faced and surpassed many obstacles.

In fact, some time ago we were in a tiny rented room where he suffered very hot, we were there 20 years.

Then what happened? They were released?
Whatever the reason, these Community Gospel Pentecostal hate Pokemon.
He writes in a page these fictional characters:

Just to
The phenomenon of Pokemon Cartoon Pokemon is creating a lot of hardships in families where the children watch him on TV. From a search on the Internet were very alarming news: 1-
as Pokemon, not the union of the two terms and Pocket Monster (which means "pocket monsters"), but turns out to be the union of the two terms Pocket and "Demon (which means" Demon Pocket ") 2-
many sites devoted to Pokemon, which can be found Internet web-sites with direct access to the occult, Satanism and black magic;
3 's goal is that Pokemon are designed to corrupt the innocence of the child, educate and train gradually to rebel against their parents, violence and selfishness. The idea behind the guise of innocent Pokemon is to show the child that can become a power in the world of darkness
4-The goal of the game is to collect the child all the Pokemon cards, with the promise that when will it holds all the cards, he will fulfill all his desires
5-Some Pokemon cards have become rare, almost introvabili: questo Costringe i bambini a far pressione sui genitori affinché li procurino; con ingente dispendio di tempo, dl energie e di denaro; .
6 -Nei cartoni animati e nei videogiochi Pokemon la violenza mostrata non è esplicita, la mente del bambino non viene volutamente focalizzata sul fatto che, anche solo per gioco, sta distruggendo milioni di vite umane, per il bambinI il gioco è mettere una sfera rossa (una, bomba) in una buca, e poi farla esplodere;
7 –questo gioco, apparentemente calmo e innocuo, abbraccia direttamente la magia nera, la stregoneria, l'occultismo, il reiki ,il channeling, la possessione demoniaca, il vampirismo.

Satanismo, magia nera, distruzione di millions of lives, demonic possession ...???
Okay that have been closed for twenty years in 380 in a small room without air conditioning, but here we are pure paranoia.

You see, gentlemen Gospels, Pokemon are a nonsense, they are cartoon like and they sell well but Satanism does not matter a damn .

's just a trade issue, if you were not in the room remained closed for 20 years you would have found you too.

And then, sorry ... you have not noticed that right on the home page of your site run banner advertisements of any kind?
Look at this:

advertising Guitar Hero software with horns!
Based on your reasoning, you too would be a site of Satanism!

Boffa thank you for reporting.


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