"To love one must know what counts"
I want to tell a story that I gave to my Niki, he liked a lot and think I have found among his things, preserved in its Room .....
The magic of a story
To love one must know what counts
T anto long ago, at a time when our beloved grandparents erano ancora in vita, c’era una fanciulla povera ma bellissima, sposata a un giovane altrettanto povero ma bello. Si avvicinavano quelle festività dell’anno in cui era d’uso scambiarsi i doni. I due giovani vivevano in serie difficoltà, poiché solo da poco era finita la guerra che per anni aveva devastato il paese.
I soldati affamati avevano macellato tutte le pecore e senza pecore non c’era lana da tosare e da filare, e dunque non c’era filo da tessere, e quindi non c’erano abiti caldi da sostituire a quelli ormai logori e consunti. Alla bell’e meglio, ci si ingegnava per cavare da due paia di scarpe un solo paio, dall’aspetto for the truth rather miserable. He wore one on the old tattered sweaters and jackets, so that all seemed to have a healthy body, but with emaciated limbs. Then, as often happens when the worst of the war has passed, people began to return to trickle in what remained of their homes. Like the dog who knows his field, they returned to stay, despite the difficulties. Some farmers worked to repair plows, replacing the blades with shells that warming over the fire and forged by hand. Other tore and shook the trees are dead in search of seeds. The tailor was able to remedy some remnant, and so was able to resume sewing and going to sell jackets and coats on the streets botched. Baker hand-milled grain that could grow in pots on the windowsill sbeccucciati, and then deftly molded the bread which was selling small children on the doorstep. And very slowly, people with a little 'flair for business to succeed in gaining control of that survive by selling a little' bit of this and a 'that - thanking the good fortune for the war, with all the evil he had done, not however, was able to clear the sun. So they pulled ahead in the village. Although modest, unassuming, wherever they reappeared as simple signs of life. And people are worried about all the things to protect fragile young people.
So, therefore, lived a beautiful maiden and the handsome young man. Although the war had lost much, still possessed two valuable assets. He had managed to keep the watch pocket of his grandfather, and was proud to tell the time anyone asked. And she, although malnourished for months, still had a magnificent head of hair - when if melted, her hair came down to her feet, el'avvolgevano all like a blanket of beautiful sable. So rich in this very simple way, the young couple went ahead in life, scrape together some money by selling time of a turnip, an apple now.
we approach the holidays around the village were lighted candles made with rags soaked in oil. The first night was falling, lasted longer, and faster whirled the snowflakes.
The young people there to make a gift to his beloved wife, a great, a wonderful gift, but felt in his pockets he found that a few pennies. And even considering the situation as it was without the slightest self-pity, he could not help but indulge in a weeping softly.
account is made, however, that the tears were not helpful to find however, a gift for her love, and so he wiped his cheeks and a concert piano. He put the tattered coat and two pairs of gloves, each of which was missing several fingers. He darted out the door, ran along the muddy road, past the shops by the shop windows depleted. Now nothing mattered, as he had in mind a gift, special gift for the groom who was struggling and troubled so much to bring home what little he could scrape together.
Besides the piles of rubble, as well as the flights of stairs behind which stood no more houses, ran down an alley, and then inside a gray building. Up three flights of stairs climbed travel, now out of breath, with just enough force to knock on the door. Was opened by Madame Sophie, with a poor moth-eaten mink stole all wrapped around his neck. The orange-colored hair was standing on the head, broken strands. His eyebrows seemed setolini blacks as soot. It was certainly the most bizarre old I have ever trod the face of the earth. Before the war that she had made beautiful wigs for the rich, men and women, was now reduced to living in a little room with no heating.
A Madame Sophie's eyes twinkled, "Ah, you come to sell my hair?" He said, clucking voice. The two women, the old and the young, bargained for a long time, and eventually came to an agreement. The young woman sat on a wooden chair. Madame Sophie lifted into the light of the heavy tresses of a woman. Gleamed like silk. With blades that looked as big as black iron jaws of Madame Sophie with three wonderful scissors cut the hair. Mass of ruined that beautiful hair to the ground, and with it fell the tears of the young. Madame Sophie picked up her hair with the look of a hungry rodent. "Here's your money," growled the old woman, and dropped a few coins in his hand. Then he pushed her out and slammed the door behind him.
So it was done.
Although much proven by the recent experience, the young man was led from his inner vision, and resumed his eyes shine with enthusiasm. He hurried along the path to a man selling chains to watch in tin lead coated silver - still the most beautiful of any one string. She gave him the coins, which already owned and those that had earned by selling beautiful hair. And with its grimy hands he held out his watch chain. Oh, how she felt suddenly filled with joy to have a gift to offer his beloved wife. So flying as she ran home, with his feet barely touching the ground, to be sure that the angel, in un altro tempo e in un altro luogo, doveva essere stata.
Nel frattempo, il marito si affannava alla ricerca di un dono per l’amata sposa. Ma quale poteva essere il regalo giusto? Un venditore ambulante gli mostrò una patata avvizzita. No, non poteva andar bene. Un altro venditore sollevò una sciarpa che, sebbene sporca, era di un bel colore. Ma no, avrebbe nascosto la sua bella chioma, e a lui piaceva tanto guardare quei capelli dai riflessi d’oro e di rubino. Poi all’angolo successivo, battuto dal vento, un altro ambulante ancora sollevò sui palmi due pettinini semplici semplici; uno era perfetto, all’altro mancava soltanto un dentino. Il giovane seppe di aver trovato il dono perfetto. “Dodici soldi per questi bei pettinini”, disse l’uomo con voce melliflua. “Ma io non possiedo dodici soldi”, disse il giovane. “E cos’hai, allora?” uggiolò l’uomo. E così si avviò il baratto.
Intanto, di ritorno alla loro piccola stanza d’affitto, la giovane si era inumidita i capelli con qualche goccia d’acqua, e con le dita aveva preso ad acconciarseli attorno al viso. Si sedette poi in attesa del suo sposo. “Fa’ che mi trovi graziosa anche con questa nuova acconciatura”, sospirava tra sé come in una silente preghiera. Ed ecco she heard his footsteps on the stairs. He rushed into the house, poor creature, thin thin, with red noses and frozen fingers, but with all the fervor and hope of a newborn baby.
On the threshold of the door but he stopped suddenly, in a daze, staring at his wife.
" Oh, my dear husband, you do not like my hair? I really do not like? Please, for 'something. To be honest I cut them to offer you something nice. Please, for 'something, my love. "
The young man was torn between the desire to cry and the desire to laugh, and eventually the joy prevailed. "My darling," she said squeezing his arms. "This is my gift for the holidays." And he drew from his pocket the two combs. For a moment the girl's face lit up, but then his features seemed to sag while the tears gushed from his eyes, and moaned for the pain.
" My love," he comforted her, "one day your hair will grow back, and then these combs are going to wonder. We are not sad. " Well, all right: she was comforted. And he felt happy again and handed him the gift he had procured for him. "Here's your gift, my dear husband." And on the palm showed him the simple chain, the sacrificial gift for him. "Ah," he cried, jumped up and began pacing the room. "You know that I sold the watch to buy combs?"
" Really? Really did you do this? "She cried. "Just this."
They hugged and laughed and cried together, and they promised that the future would have been better, much better - wait and see.
So maybe some would say that these two young people were a bit 'naive and misguided, but actually were like the Magi in search of the Messiah. If well-intentioned the Magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, in the end what counted was what you wore in your heart, longing and faith.
And the two young people, like the Magi, they were wise because donavano the most precious thing possible.
You gave love, love more sincere.
And that mattered.
Prison, the agent caught by a colleague of Justice
CAMPOBASSO - Stuck with a staff of Justice. E 'was arrested as the police officer, prison Francesco Cerio, 35, ended up in handcuffs to Campobasso on Friday afternoon on charges of incitement to corruption. Two important changes have emerged in recent hours. The first is that the inmate with whom the agent had agreed to exchange phone-drug is a collaborator with justice, a sorry field that has been used as "esca" dagli investigatori. La seconda novità è che durante la perquisizione in casa di Cerio, in via Scardocchia, la polizia ha trovato della droga, un quantitativo minimo di hashish.
Gli accertamenti sull'agente finito in cella sono cominciati dal carcere di Larino, dove Cerio aveva prestato servizio fino a qualche mese fa, prima di essere trasferito al penitenziario di via Cavour a Campobasso. I sospetti su di lui sono partiti probabilmente anche dal fatto che in passato era già incappato in una condanna per possesso di droga. Gli investigatori hanno quindi passato al setaccio tutta la sua attività e i suoi contatti e hanno deciso di metterlo sotto controllo. E' stata piazzata una 'cimice' all'interno della cella del collaborator with justice and there was a conversation between the two during which the detainee Cerio would offer the opportunity to have a phone to use in exchange for drugs, the agreement provided for the delivery of twenty grams of cocaine and hashish winds.
At that point the police decided to seek a trap of their colleague. By means of the inmate's collaborator of justice have been led to believe that you have an appointment with a relative of the criminal field, an appointment at the station for drug delivery Campobasso agreed. In the afternoon of Friday, Cerio then presented himself to the station entrance where, however, waiting for him there was a police officer who was posing as the relative of the prisoner. Nell'involucro cocaine was to be delivered instead of the flour. Inevitable at this point are taken in handcuffs and so the prison officers came in what has long been his place of work in a different guise, that of the prisoner. Then they are taken in the raids and house Cerio, who is separated and the father of three children, was found a modest quantity of hashish.
"I have to carefully examine the documentation to the order of remand." Not lean to the lawyer Giuseppe Fazio, legal agent arrested. He met with his client and found him dazed. "Of course, - tells the defender - very confused for what happened and for the prosecution that is challenged, to have helped to convict. "Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock in prison will take 'validation of the hearing. There will be the prosecutor Nicola D'Angelo, the judge for preliminary investigations Gianni Fazio Falcione and the same lawyer.
speaks for itself ...... and leave it to you !!!!! considerations
For Niki
"Chi non conosce la Verità è uno sciocco, ma chi conoscendola, la chiama bugia, è un delinquente"!!!!
Bertolt Brecht
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