Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Memorex Touchmp Linux

Perlon Award 2010 kicks off

Anche quest'anno siamo arrivati a uno degli appuntamenti più attesi dai nostri lettori: l'elezione del Perlone 2010.

Il premio, giunto alla quarta edizione, sarà assegnato sulla base dei voti espressi attraverso il sondaggio predisposto su IMediaPoll, accessibile direttamente dalle nostre pagine Web (riquadro nella colonna a destra).

Nei mesi scorsi abbiamo ricevuto numerose e-mail di "nomination", e prima ancora abbiamo registrato un certo numero di commenti insoddisfatti per la selezione dei nominativi proposti nell'edizione 2009.

E' quindi opportuno sottolineare che la rosa dei candidati viene scelta principalmente sulla base del feedback espresso from readers, both with visits to pages on which they are published Perle, both with their reports sent by mail or through the comments posted around the Web
For some candidates, the choice is independent from this parameter. So the winner of the previous edition is the candidate of law and conspiracy to the new "historic" will continue to be replicated as long as they remain on the cutting edge ... Pearl.

However this year we have maintained a free pair of "slot". If readers (a significant number of readers) would require the addition of another candidate (as long as he starred in at least one of our beads) we will integrate the current list of voting.

And now we present our fearless candidate.

The first three are well known: Giulietto Church (left), Massimo Mazzucco (center) and Maurizio Blondet (right) figures "historic" even if the plot Italian in 2010 appeared relatively "dull" compared to previous years. Mazzucco, however, is also the winner of the 2009 and 2007 (first edition). The booklets and Clips

conspiracy of church and Mazzucco are rubbish recycled several times, while Blondet has long been self-exiled to transform your blog into a pay site. This
nonostante, sia Chiesa che Mazzucco sono ancora copiosamente segnalati, segno che godono sempre di molti estimatori.

Dal canto suo, Rosario Marcianò (alias Straker) continua a incarnare lo stereotipo dello sciachimista folle, probabilmente è il complottista più "acclamato", anche se abbiamo drasticamente ridotto le sue apparizioni sulle nostre Perle per lasciare spazio ai complottisti in erba.

In ogni caso Marcianò - vincitore dell'edizione 2008 - rientra di diritto nell'elenco dei candidati.

Eugenio Benetazzo è un signoraggista (lui si definisce "predicatore finanziario"), we had already met in 2008 and we'll talk about this year for his comment "manifesto Economic , a series of proposals that seem to come straight from the world of the Smurfs rather than a student of financial economics.
Among other things, having the Benetazzo pissed off a lot for our beads, we decided to organize a collection to send him a bouquet of roses and a bottle of Sicilian cannuoli to sweeten it a bit '.

DiStefano Maruska is the mythical graduate student in economics with a thesis on seigniorage that seems written by a goat stuttering. We

received a rather large number of e-mail with a loud voice calling for his job.

Di Franco Cardini we spoke very little in our Pearls, is a very historic commitment to support the conspiracy theories about September 11th (and not just him there ...), would really much to say ... and we hope to do so soon.

Meanwhile, the candidate with pleasure, even considering the large number of reports received.

Piero Montesacro is the pseudonym of an administrator to Wikipedia Our readers are very familiar with and that literally embodies the worst face of the free encyclopedia and its inability to expel harmful waste.

His presence among the candidates is representative: it symbolizes a rather large group of Wikipedians (and administrators) that work in harmony to support each other and influencing the state of many encyclopedia articles, the outcome of the vote, the amendment Regulations. As a result of this situation, Italian Wikipedia has become something very different free and open encyclopedia imagined by its creators.

Fienga Paul is responsible for Lunexit , one of those sites you see UFOs and aliens around every corner.
La Perla has become the protagonist in the site in 2010 earned him the job of law that is representative for the whole team Lunexit and all of his regulars.

Roberto Morini is a nuclear physicist with a passion for philosophy and the dot in the plot. E 'convinced that the Earth is fixed ...
impossible not to nominate it!

Now it's up to you.

Who will win the coveted Perlon 2010?


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