Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Replace Flossing

Holy War: the involution

The debate on the validity of the theory of evolution is still alive and on fire, with creationists on one side than the other evolutionists deny that there is no evidence showing that man is evolved from the apes.

Well, we, waiting for him to decide, we found evidence to the contrary that the evidence of involution: the site Holy War, in fact, is a demonstration of how a human being can turn into a slimy worm, in comparison to the one pictured at the opening is a beautiful animal.

is a Holy War cocktail paranoico e allucinato di antisemitismo e complottismo, miracolosamente scampato alla DIGOS e alla Polizia delle Telecomunicazioni.
Ma non è mai troppo tardi per attirare le attenzioni delle autorità su un sito che inneggia all'odio razziale e alla negazione dell'Olocausto.
Ne riportiamo alcuni passaggi:

"La mafia giudaico-massonica vuole indurre, con prepotenza, noi tutti ad ADORARE UN SOLO OLOCAUSTO, quello che gli ebrei pretendono di aver subito […]
i mass-media italioti continuano a perseverare nella stupidità totale di presentare al popolo italiano sempre e solo il falso olocausto ebraico […]

"Fuori le spie sioniste con passaporto italiano, attentive to the Zionist spies! These criminals must disappear from the face of the Earth. Here's what it means to give citizenship to members of a minority ethnic solidarity to the Nazi state of Israel. Holy War. "

" If there's a scam ... watch the jew! "

" The Mossad is the author of the attack on the Christian community of Egypt! "

" restore the death penalty for monsters. "

" Matteo Miotto, died 12/31/2010 aD is yet another victim of the "Clash of Civilizations": Christians against Muslims for the amusement of the Israelis. "

"Only a fool can believe that there were infiltrators in the demonstrations in Rome. What interest had the students set fire to shops and cars? "

" 12/12/2010 terrorist attack "Islamic" in Stockholm. [...]
Who benefits from this "attack"? Only the Zionists. For them it's a cinch to take a Muslim crazy and put a bomb in his hand [...]
In this way everyone will see what is right to exterminate the Moslems [...]

do not have much to say about this racist site that most likely Web vent their inferiority complex and the impotence of the brain that afflicts them.
However, this is the umpteenth demonstration of the validity our theories about the ties that bind anti-Semitism in the plot and the reasons for the conspiracy claim and defend the Islamist terrorists who regard champions in the fight against the Jews.

thank Gary for the tip.


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