Saturday, January 22, 2011

Plasma Donation, Arlington, Tx

NIKI April CATS, SANTORO, Belpietro, Salvatore Cuffaro, the clear and ... STOP! NIKI

There want a good memory, the memory, as Kundera said, is a true enemy of power.

Now look what happened the other night ...... Annozero

E 'became the war of numbers . But phone. On the first page of Free , the newspaper directed by Maurizio Belpietro , this morning reads "Discretion Zero: Santoro gives cell Knight. This is his ... ". A real attack-revenge Santoro, with the publication on the front page headlines and his mobile number.

Vendetta was done so after the live broadcast of Thursday 20 January when the envoy of Annozero, Sandro Ruotolo interviewed the escort Nadia Macri . Ruotolo then brought in the address book of the Bologna study the details of Berlusconi, hiding the last three digits of a finger. But the last three numbers erano già ricavabili dal dossier spedito dalla Procura di Milano alla Giunta per le autorizzazioni a procedere dalla Camera. Addizionandoli agli altri mostrati da Annozero si è ricavato tranquillamente il numero di Berlusconi.

Libero ammonisce: "Nella puntata di Annozero andata in onda giovedì, si sono nascosti dietro un trucchetto. Hanno coperto le tre cifre finali. Le quali, però, si possono ampiamente ricostruire. Così da due giorni grazie al tam tam dei blog che hanno risolto il facile enigma " - prosegue il quotidiano - "migliaia di persone hanno telefonato al premier intasandogli la linea. Chi ci ha provato riferisce che prima rispondeva una voce di donna, poi un segnale fisso di occupato". The newspaper

Berlusconi continues to roar like a storm, and at the last sermon before adding yet another attack on Michele Santoro and his Annozero : "Here's his number. I do not have intercepted or investigated. But he can try the same thrill of direct contact with the public. You can follow the same advice he dispenses to the Prime Minister: 'There is little to comment, there are many phone companies, where the premier is worried number changes.' If you will not like, you can too 'he hire a new manager or ask a new Sim . Poor Italy.

And now indeed "poor "!!!!!!!!!!!! Italy

Think Belpietro claimed that a very serious thing (if true) that no one, however, has stressed .... and that he had to jump the whole of Italy!! He said (to justify almost ....) the phone call from police headquarters for Premier Ruby, that "there have been others who have called at night to the magistrates to release children from prison ....." (Roughly the sentence was this ......)

Belpietro But then why not say "CHI CHI phoned "????????????? Why did this is very serious .... this would mean "LA LEGGE NON E' UGUALE PER TUTTI" ma non è solo una ipotesi...è stato affermato davanti a tutti... a milioni di telespettatori.......a milioni di Italiani ......allora CHI non ha avuto qualcuno che telefonava........??????????

Nei 5 giorni che Niki è stato lì dentro ho parlato con tutti gli Avvocati possibili....cioè mi state dicendo che mi dovevo preoccupare di altro???????????????????.....e NIKI SAREBBE ANCORA VIVO??????????????

Io spero che Belpietro chiarisca........

This was what I think would come out in huge letters in the newspapers and not the absurd story of the phone .... do you think the Premier was unable to change the number or had only one ??????

One person wrote to me on Facebook:

"Once the journalists were the guard dogs of power ... now they are companion dogs .. ..!!!!!"

I do not want to believe it and I would like to clarify ..... Belpietro would want all of Italy!!


Cuffaro himself over to police
"I remain confident in the institutions'

Sen. Pid awaited the arrival in his home in Rome after the condemnation of the military in Cassation. "If I could not resist in these difficult years and especially since I had so much faith and protection of the Madonna"

'Cuffaro Salvatore Cuffaro

He prayed for a long time in the church of Santa Maria della Minerva. Then he came back in his house in via del Pantheon 57. When he learned that the sentence to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting the Mafia and aggravated breach of the confidentiality of investigations had been upheld by the Supreme Court has decided that it would wait for the bureaucratic time and was going to be.

"Please stay down. Here comes the police to take my father and take him to jail." So the intercom son Raffaele replied to journalists who asked to power up. When she got the Fiat Punto with three gray inside carabiner, Salvatore Cuffaro was down and did not recoil from the microphones and notebooks.

"I was a man of the institutions, I had a great respect for la magistratura - ha detto Cuffaro - Questa prova non è stata e non è facile da portare avanti ma ha rafforzato in me il rispetto delle istituzioni. La magistratura è una istituzione quindi la rispetto anche in questo momento di prova, ha accresciuto in me la fiducia nella giustizia e soprattutto ha rafforzato la mia fede. Se ho saputo resistere in questi anni difficili è soprattutto perché ho avuto tanta fede e la protezione della Madonna".

L'ex presidente della Regione siciliana, oggi senatore del Pid (anche se adesso è destinato a decadere) ha aggiunto: "Affronterò la pena come è giusto che affronti un uomo che ha servito le istituzioni e che in questo momento viene messo a sopportare questa prova. E' giusto che this is so. I left as teaching my children, they must have confidence in the justice and respect for institutions ".

For Niki

Time is very slow for those who wait,
Very fast for those who are afraid,
Very long for those who complain,
Molto breve per quelli che festeggiano,
Ma, per tutti quelli che amano, il tempo è eternità.

( William Shakespeare)

Ti Amo




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